What is "time"

I don't recall if the point was ever made in the 'what is time travel' thread, but I was thinking about it and there's a crucial difference between using relativistic time dialation to travel into the future and Farsights 'frozen turkey' analogy.

If I set up an experiment where myself, an astronaut on a really fast ship, and a frozen turkey are given identical pocket watches and sent on our respective ways, when next we meet seconds may have elapsed on the astronauts pocket watch where 20 years have elapsed on my pocket watch and the frozen turkey's, and that is the significant difference between the two scenarios.
Not if the pocket watch is frozen too.

Paddoboy said:
"...In the inflationary theory, matter, antimatter, and photons were produced by the energy of the false vacuum, which was released following the phase transition. All of these particles consist of positive energy. This energy, however, is exactly balanced by the negative gravitational energy of everything pulling on everything else..."
That's popscience nonsense. Gravitational field energy is positive. See The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity where Einstein said: "the energy of the gravitational field shall act gravitatively in the same way as any other kind of energy." If two bodies fall towards one another conservation of energy applies. Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy which is typically radiated away. But you don't end up with less energy that you started with.
Not if the pocket watch is frozen too.

So like um I could buy a candy-silicone watch
made of 100% silicone. - it would be safe in the cold because no breast implants fell victim to the antarctic - and set up an experiment to see if in fact my fish is a time traveler due to a level of freezer burn. Chemical reaction shouldn't occur in true stasis where time has stopped.

My scientific paper would be a long time coming but garnish me a Nobel Prize for sures! My awesomeness even astounds me sometimes.
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Not if the pocket watch is frozen too.

The Prince of Cop outs.

That's popscience nonsense. Gravitational field energy is positive. See The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity where Einstein said: "the energy of the gravitational field shall act gravitatively in the same way as any other kind of energy." If two bodies fall towards one another conservation of energy applies. Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy which is typically radiated away. But you don't end up with less energy that you started with.

Well if we look at the records involved with the writers of the article, Professor's Filippenko and Pasachoff, who are recognised physicists /cosmologists both at the coal face deciphering all data received from the many state of the art probes, and compare that with Farsight/Duffield, a down and out minion in the field of cosmology and science in general, it becomes obvious as to who is telling us lies and fairy tales, and who is informing us of possible logical outcomes, based on what we know.
That's kind of a weird way to put it.
Space and time [henceforth known as spacetime] evolved from the BB, and energy and matter are emergent from that.
Again a question that no one has yet answered in the many debates on the existence or otherwise of time.....
"Can anyone show me, or illustrate to me any realm, or any world, or any Universe, where time does not exist"

Having finished my 30 year physics problem with the help of this group, I can state with confidence one place that time does not exist, but it's asymmetrical.

Although time continues to pass for observers at rest watching a light pulse pass through a coke bottle endwise, no material 'observer' traveling at c in a vacuum can 'observe' anything, because for them, for all intents and purposes, time stops.

Obviously, fluctuations and excitations in the quantum fields (e, m, other) continues to work, otherwise such an energy pulse would not propagate. Evidently, this is not the same as the dimension of time, or else the preceding sentence would be so much nonsense. There seems to be (an as yet undefined) dimension in which quantum fields may move that underlies both time and space. I don't think the idea of QFT's 'sigma' field quite captures this.
That's popscience nonsense. Gravitational field energy is positive. See The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity where Einstein said: "the energy of the gravitational field shall act gravitatively in the same way as any other kind of energy." If two bodies fall towards one another conservation of energy applies. Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy which is typically radiated away. But you don't end up with less energy that you started with.
You seem to forget in another thread where you were arguing that the gravitational potential was always negative.

Which is it?

This is a very interesting reference to a section that I have never paid too much attention to before. It shows exactly how to incorporate the energy of a gravitational field into calculations. I can't wait for Farsight to use it to calculate the rotation curve for a galaxy.
You seem to forget in another thread where you were arguing that the gravitational potential was always negative.

Which is it?
he typed the same on the other site [ physforum ] , just the other day. regarding gravitational field energy being negative.
Time...a good analogy to think of time is this one, imagine yourself a computer with a specific processing speed that speed could be compared to a specific energy frequency that you vibrate at defining your current position in time as well as space from your reference point of time. So now imagine existence as information that is equal to infinity in order for you to process that information of infinity which would be defined as a specific infinite set the frequency in which you vibrate will determine how long it will take you to process that infinite set of information. That will be how you experience time based on your processing speed.
Although time continues to pass for observers at rest watching a light pulse pass through a coke bottle endwise, no material 'observer' traveling at c in a vacuum can 'observe' anything, because for them, for all intents and purposes, time stops.
Good stuff. Now apply this to the infinite GR time dilation at the event horizon.

danshwen said:
Obviously, fluctuations and excitations in the quantum fields (e, m, other) continues to work, otherwise such an energy pulse would not propagate.
Any local motion means c is being exceeded, so there can't be any. So quantum fluctuactions can't continue to work.
Good stuff. Now apply this to the infinite GR time dilation at the event horizon.
But this doesn't exist, as many people have pointed out to you many times. There is a singularity at the event horizon because of a mathematical fluke in one system of coordinates; it's not there in any other.

You are doing the equivalent of saying that because someone is 5' tall, they are also 5 meters tall and also 5 inches tall.


What difference does it make? You are still relying on nonsense instead of evidence.

Most folks would settle for someone with half an education.

How does the Big Bang singularity figure into that wisdom?

Except of course to physicists who mean something when they use the age of the Universe in their technical discussions about evidence. Remember evidence? This is a site about evidence. Got any, BTW?

Yes, your actual age is the length of time which has elapsed since birth, within the total 13 billion years that time has been elapsing altogether.

And your point is...?

Well I would clarify that. The absence of time (time standing still) is a boundary condition at which the laws of physics break down. So the statement is a pretty good way of indicating that, although I would cast it differently.

Based on what grade level last completed?

Space is certainly relative, depending on the concentrations of baryonic matter. But the point is this: space and time are elements of a singular component called spacetime. Their mutual complementarity in the Lorentz rotation assures that, as one vanishes the other becomes infinite in extent. Thus time infinitely dilated was the condition that complemented the confinement of space to the vanishing point of the BB singularity. But even though that is a pop science level of analysis, you can't follow it, can you, because you didn't exactly make the grade back in the day. So why whine about stuff you never bothered to learn? Why the sudden interest, and why is it only an interest in promoting your uninformed beliefs?

That's not even close.


According to the expert who completed . . . 5th grade?

...among people who never bothered to study it.

If that were true then it would also be correct. Unfortunately you can't be honest while only pretending to understand material you never studied. Therefore the claim is both false and incorrect.

Are you reliving some trauma at school? Did you quit after all the teachers repeated this to you over and over? Sounds like a basis for professional help.

...said the fool as he was sent home with straight F's on his report card.

OMG he never even made it to Geometry! Alas, poor Yorick.


Didn't even pass elementary grammar either, evidently. Tsk tsk. So much pathos. So much angst.


Well you might be getting warm, if only you had applied yourself in school.

Now go back and explain Hubble's discovery leading to Big Bang theory.

Then stop barking and start thinking! Remember: all of science starts with evidence. Now go get some.
A cite is that the work of someone before me, which is not apart of me to mimic anything so I would very doubt there is a citation for most of what I suggest.
You will have to excuse me at the moment I have the worse case of Flu, and can hardly think, so in reply I have just scribbled up a quick diagram, x marks the spot.
Can you not imagine that you are inside an ''explosion'', and the force from the ''blast'' , accelerates any surrounding bodies to the force away from the force isotropic in nature to the force, except with one change in the thought, that you are froze in the ''blast'' and for a yet to be deemed apparent reason the surrounding bodies to you are expanding while you relatively remain ''froze'' in the blast.
Can you not see all the surrounding bodies slowly vanishing out of your vision has you remain frozen in the blast, then can you not see the development of the planets around you and the forming of mankind, and witness mankind observing the last of the bodies been repelled away who have no idea about what came before them because it is expanded away already. A simple reality that observes the true reality.

I know most of you think I am mad, and do not know science well, but you are so wrong , I really get it although I may not explain it greatly.


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A cite is that the work of someone before me, which is not apart of me to mimic anything so I would very doubt there is a citation for most of what I suggest
Plus the fact that you're spouting bollocks.
I think that would be the main reason why you can't find anything to cite to support your fantasies.

I have the worse case of Flu, and can hardly think
Nothing new there then.

Can you not imagine that you are inside an ''explosion'', and the force from the ''blast'' , accelerates any surrounding bodies to the force away from the force isotropic in nature to the force, except with one change in the thought, that you are froze in the ''blast'' and for a yet to be deemed apparent reason the surrounding bodies to you are expanding while you relatively remain ''froze'' in the blast.
Utterly irrelevant.

I know most of you think I am mad, and do not know science well, but you are so wrong

I really get it
No you don't.

Your "diagram" shows you don't know what you're talking about.

A Matter of Time
Dont know if the link has been linked before.
I stopped the video 6.55 in, I timed using the clock 5 seconds past by for me, the guy sitting down 5 seconds past, and the guy walking about 5 seconds past in time. I also observed the light, there was also 5 seconds of light in that period of display of bad idea. 6.55 - 7.00
I also observed that because if you are moving, you are running away from gravity, the dilation i s energy based and not time, ok thx for the link back to it.
I stopped the video 6.55 in, I timed using the clock 5 seconds past by for me, the guy sitting down 5 seconds past, and the guy walking about 5 seconds past in time. I also observed the light, there was also 5 seconds of light in that period of display of bad idea. 6.55 - 7.00
I also observed that because if you are moving, you are running away from gravity, the dilation i s energy based and not time, ok thx for the link back to it.
Also stopped at 19-20 mins, is this really what science thinks? Science has based time on the displacement of energy by gravity displacement , wow.....
When will this poor thing be banned?
Hello God troll, I noted now several occasions and the only few words you ever seem to use. Do not try to destroy the original opps thread, i am entitled to comment and make opinion the same has yourself.
Do you want me to follow you around and post ban him all over your posts?
Leave the comments to my threads please and not on other persons threads.

I have some news for you, this forum is a Virgin forum, I personally help to fund Mr Branson in his ventures, ban me with no Valid reason and I will remove my funding and tell Mr B in a personal letter why I have removed my funds.
<Mods you should be laughing if you get it>,

Time is a question, a question without real concrete answers. Any one can have an opinion.
DELUSIONS......We call that delusions!
Yes Paddy I know you do, ever considered chilling out and not being so stressed? Ever even tried to understand? Are you truly objective to yourself?

I learnt an awful lot of science, my other forum taught me quite a bit of maths. My mind , your science, goes a long way. I have told you before, it is your science from your science from your observations, You might be reading what you have read, but you certainly are not hearing what science and all before us where telling us.
An object on the ground, lets say a cube with a mass of 100g, the constant of force on that cube is always 98.1n, you raise the object you are adding energy to that object, every action has an opposite reaction equal and opposite to that action, you raise an object, your mass takes on the objects mass, opposing gravity, releasing the Fn of 98.1n to a decrease in energy loss to the constant. That is gravity and nothing to do with time, please explain the big importance of GPS that suppose to prove time dilation?
I personally think the world is not based on time, but based on energy dilations.

P.s it might be 0.981n , not done this one for a while

P.s yes it is the later fiqure
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