What would you like to see installed on SciForums?

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Plazma Inferno!

Ding Ding Ding Ding
Dear members, please suggest which programs you would like to see installed on SciForums.

For example we could go with News section (powered by Pligg) that would be similar to social sites such as Reddit, Digg, etc.
Members would submit and vote for interesting science news there.

So post all applications, programs, add-ons, that could be installed and that you find useful.

Suggestions so far:

1. Embedded media (videos)
2. Image hosting on site
3. SciForums Toolbar application
4. Integrated Chat Box
5. Bigger avatars
6. Signatures enabled
7. Advanced Ignore option
8. No 'Go Advanced' reply button
9. Vending machine

10. Subscribe to Poster option
11. Multiple forum skins
12. Show/Hide Signature button
13. Reputation System
14. RSS Feed
15. Tables for vBulletin
A "post to sciforums" toolbar app, like the one facebook has.

Embedding media files. image host for uploading pictures.

Pop up chat to cut down on forum chit chat
1. an ignore function that totally hides all posts from selected user - excluding quoted text.
What I mean is --- instead of a cell that says "click to read", there is no cell at all (not even a blank one)

2. A vending machine in the "free thoughts" section. And please stock it full of honey buns and potato chips.
plazma the ability to upload pics straight onto sciforums rather than having to get them hoasted elsewhere would be useful if it wouldnt take up to much space
Inzomnia mentioned a "Subscribe to poster" option.
And the vending machine sounds great.
So long as it does black coffee.
Regarding the suggestions so far, I'm in favour of hosting images here (if server space etc. is not a problem).

I'm against bigger avatars and signatures, since the whole point of having small avatars and no signatures is not to distract from the posts, and to streamline loading times to some extent. While this may not be an issue for some posters with fast connections, to others it makes a big difference.

As a general rule, I dislike forums with signatures. People end up putting up screenfuls of links or images or poetry or whatever, and you're forced to download it with every single post of theirs that you view. Yuk!

I don't know what the advantages are of embedding video. Why not just link to youtube or whatever?

I'm on the fence regarding a toolbar, since I don't know exactly what it would do. Same with a chat box, though there I think we need to decide if sciforums wants to become a chat site as well as a forum.

I don't get to use ignore, so don't know about that one, either. And most of the time I use Quick Reply, but don't see a problem with having the "Go advanced" button next to the "quick reply" button. Or is spidergoat talking about what happens when you hit the "Post Reply" button?
Suggestion: Multiple selectable Skins for the site

Reason: If you have more than one skin, you can have one that's the same to what we have now. (No signatures, small avatars, less clutter) and one with all the flashy gimmicky stuff that some people crave (The showing of sigs, larger avatars, more clutter).
...I'm against bigger avatars and signatures, since the whole point of having small avatars and no signatures is not to distract from the posts, and to streamline loading times to some extent. While this may not be an issue for some posters with fast connections, to others it makes a big difference....

I agree. Can you imagine ripleofdeath's signature?
I'd say an automatic Woo-Woo dectector so that we can eliminate such nonsense before we need read it. :rolleyes:
Inzomnia mentioned a "Subscribe to poster" option.
And the vending machine sounds great.
So long as it does black coffee.

Yes, thanks for mentioning it! I would like to get email notification when a certain poster posting, as in "subscribe to threads", but this one is "subscribe to posters".

I agree. Can you imagine ripleofdeath's signature?

Lol! :D

I'm not sure how it is now, but last time I checked, the math & physic subforums need this latex function.

The idea of hosting image on this site I think is great, but I imagine it will take a lot of space, and so should be restricted to images which have not been hosted elsewhere. For example, sometimes we need to sketch something in MS Paint to explain some ideas. If we can just attach the result while posting, I think it'll be much easier.
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