Whats wrong with Bush?

I am really curious, because I have very little idea what they mean when giving a criticism of "he probably likes bush". ... So what is wrong with George Bush our president? Why would this be a bad criticism directed to the person? Is it perhaps the person? What did he do wrong?
Well let's just pick one thing, probably the worst thing he's done although that is a very tough choice: His response to 9/11.

We can start on 9/11, when he shut down all non-military flights in America. And then he turned around and made one single exception, and let an entire airliner full of Saudi Arabians leave the country. We didn't know yet that Saudi Arabia was in fact responsible for the WTC attack, but they were on the short list of suspects. Letting a bunch of them out of the country instead of lining them up for interrogation--because his family has business ties to that country--was an act of selfishness and incompetence, if not outright treason.

Before long Osama bin Laden announced to the world that he engineered 9/11. What did Bush do? He started destroying Afghanistan. Yeah, there was some small chance that he might have captured Osama that way because Osama may have been in the country, but it was a long shot. If anybody really wanted to catch Osama, what's the best way to do it?

Osama is a somewhat disgraced member-by-marriage of the Saudi royal family. If Bush had threatened to bomb Riyadh instead of Kabul, the Saudi Prince would have landed at Reagan National Airport within 24 hours, carrying a suitcase with Osama's head in it, apologizing profusely for the harm his ne'er-do-well brother-in-law caused us and promising to take down every "Death to America" sign in his entire country.

Then when Afghanistan was about as destroyed as a country could be, what did Bush do next? He went after Iraq! If there is one Muslim leader in the Middle East who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, it was Saddam! Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, nothing to do with the WMDs that didn't exist. It was all about Bush family hubris. Saddam embarrassed his daddy and it was payback time. Again, he used the power of the presidency for personal gain and against the best interests of the country. Because with all the American soldiers in Iraq, there are none avaiable to go bomb the crap out of the Saudis for having furnished almost all of the resources and organization, and the majority of the actual hijackers. And for financing the world-wide network of terrorist training camps.

Saudi Arabia is arguably America's biggest enemy, but because oil is thicker than blood, Bush sides with the Saudis and against his own people. This is treason.
I am very confused.
You certainly are. There aren't very many Americans left who are hanging onto the faint hope that Bush is actually a righteous man who is merely stupid and misguided.
Because they're all liberal wackos...they have no problem with Clinton lying but Bush lying is a completely different story
I'm no liberal wacko, I'm a Libertarian wacko with contempt for both conferences of the Republocrat League. All they both want to do is take away our money and our rights.

Clinton lied about his sex life. That is nobody's damn business so long as he wasn't doing anything illegal like having sex with underage boys like Bush's pal in Congress was doing. In most countries the sex life of the national leader is just a big yawn. Bush lies about important stuff that affects our lives.
It is my opinion as of this time that the criticisms directed to these people who like bush are moronic (as is most everything). I have not seen a real good reason yet. We need a president right? Have't all of our presidents been jackasses.
Yeah, but he's certainly in the upper tier of jackasses. His daddy, who went to war to defend one despotic Muslim country against another despotic Muslim country. Lyndon Johnson, who mired us in the Vietnam War and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans and millions of other people. Harry Truman, who deployed nuclear weapons against civilian targets. Abe Lincoln, who violated the Constitution by not allowing the citizens of eleven states to secede and started a war whose wounds have still not healed. Still, Lincoln, Truman and Johnson sincerely believed they were doing the right thing and many Americans agree with them. Even King George the First got us out of Iraq in a hurry. But King George the Second has got nothing to redeem himself and the damage he has done to this country is enormous.
Well He was the smartest and most honest of the candidates in both races....
Bush clearly has an IQ in the low 90s. Even Gore isn't that dumb. As for honesty, the only President in my adult lifetime worthy of that adjective was Jimmy Carter, and he was in so far over his head as an outsider in Washington that it didn't matter.
I suggest reinstating Abraham Lincoln he's bound to do little harm in his current state.
Unfortunately we can't elect him. But we could elect Obama. He'd be another Jimmy Carter. He's too inexperienced and too much of an outsider to be able to gather a lot of power in Washington. He would probably be a do-nothing President, which would be a welcome relief.
I'm no liberal wacko, I'm a Libertarian wacko with contempt for both conferences of the Republocrat League. All they both want to do is take away our money and our rights.

Clinton lied about his sex life. That is nobody's damn business so long as he wasn't doing anything illegal like having sex with underage boys like Bush's pal in Congress was doing. In most countries the sex life of the national leader is just a big yawn. Bush lies about important stuff that affects our lives.
But Bush never actually "lied". A lie is intentionally giving information thats false. Bush along with all the other Democrats that voted for the war in Iraq really thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Bush thought he was telling the truth. On the other hand Clinton knew he was lieing, he intentionally gave false information and lied.

But yeah I also dislike Bush's actions...
But Bush never actually "lied". A lie is intentionally giving information thats false. Bush along with all the other Democrats that voted for the war in Iraq really thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Bush thought he was telling the truth. On the other hand Clinton knew he was lieing, he intentionally gave false information and lied.

But yeah I also dislike Bush's actions...

Bush did lie, first he killed 3000 americans in WTC, then he said the Alquiada did it after that he said Saddam has WMD and we know exactly where they are.

then he said we will free Iraqis over that he said the Oil belong to the Iraqi people but as we can see today with a million dead and radioactive Iraq .....
Originally Posted by VitalOne
But Bush never actually "lied". A lie is intentionally giving information thats false. Bush along with all the other Democrats that voted for the war in Iraq really thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Bush thought he was telling the truth. On the other hand Clinton knew he was lieing, he intentionally gave false information and lied.

But yeah I also dislike Bush's actions...

Do you wreally believe that? He yust gotn't found out. I bet political spoken I could say that all women generally wear black underwhere without lying Yust because my rechearge field is rather narrow and because I can ignore all other evidence in favor of my own rechearge beside I said generally. Yeah your right he proberly didn't lie polically spoken. I believe their was ones a time when kings got blamed if the harvest was bad and that they supposendly chould know everything that happens in their kingdom these days it's the other side of the extreme when incompetence is a acceptable excuse
Dear All

i hope all is well

Bush is "As clumsey as he is stupid" if i was a yankie i would be completely embarrased by this imbercile, he is worse than John Major was for us brits.

What i dont understand is why he was voted for a second term? was john kerry that bad or are americans foolish.

take it ez
Dear All

i hope all is well

Bush is "As clumsey as he is stupid" if i was a yankie i would be completely embarrased by this imbercile, he is worse than John Major was for us brits.

What i dont understand is why he was voted for a second term? was john kerry that bad or are americans foolish.

take it ez

U people are in serious need to watch this one;
everything will be clear as of to how Bush got elected, not once but two time,


Just dont get heart failure on watching the Kerry part in it.
But Bush never actually "lied". A lie is intentionally giving information thats false.

If Bush was sincere and didn't know that the information being used was horrible, inconclusive, cherry-picked information, then almost the entire Bush Administration should be fired by him as they were the ones that gave him that bad information to base his decisions off of.

Information is power. The President isn't the most powerful man in the country, it's the one that controls his information and is able to make the president do what he wants him to do. The President doesn't make decisions himself, all he does is choose the path with the highest probability. If his informants can sell him an answer that seems the most likely of decisions to make, Bush will most likely make that call. But because Bush chooses not to fire his handlers, it means Bush knows and that he is, in fact, a liar, or a treasonist allowing these types of actions to occur unpunished. He continues to say they're doing a great job, kissing the arse of Karl Rove. Yeah, we all know what that means when Bush says his boys are doing a great job, if you want an example, just look at ex-FEMA director, Mike Brown, how well of a job Bush thought he was doing.

George Bush must be the thickest man in America

No, he's not; he lives in a world where ignorance is bliss. He says he doesn't even bother to read the news or criticisms. ;)

- N
Just happened upon this forum tonight for the first time and I have to say I've never seen so many people with their head crammed so far up their ass. The president has tried to turn a new page in the history of the world by trying to bring democracy, peace and freedom to a place that has known only fascism, war and ignorance for the last 500 years. All of the world thought Saddam Hussein was harboring weapons of mass destruction so people who assert that the administration concocted a lie about this are seriously mentally challenged. But it doesn't fuckin matter. Hussein was a brutal dictator and any dictator anywhere is fair game at any time. Man is meant to be free and not enslaved by psychotic muhllas, religious and military dictatorships. If you want to believe in a particular religion fine. Try to force it on someone else and you should be killed. There is one legitimate form of government and that is democracy. All else is bogus, illegal and subject to termination at any time, the sooner the better. If this war hasn't convinced people that liberals are so full of shit that they can't see straight then they don't have two brain cells to rub together. Where are the feminists rallying behind the president for trying to bring human rights to millions of Muslim women? Where are the liberals who are coming screaming to the aid of imprisoned enemy combatants, why aren't they behind the pres? Isn't suffering under a dictator who runs people thru wood chippers a violation of human rights? The truth of it is that liberals are as racist and as bigoted as a human heart can be. They are content to sit in their mansions eating their subsidized food, patting themselves on the backs for buying the latest hybrid auto and festering over the harm being done to mother earth by evil man. Meanwhile millions suffer with no regard, only dreaming of the freedom and opportunities enjoyed by those who would deny them everything. They believe in their hearts that Muslims aren't capable of freedom and democracy, they think that is something for white Europeans, and they are content to allow them to suffer. They are self conceited, shallow thinking shitbags who profess to care about everyone, but in reality care for no one but themselves.
Just happened upon this forum tonight for the first time and I have to say I've never seen so many people with their head crammed so far up their ass. The president has tried to turn a new page in the history of the world by trying to bring democracy, peace and freedom to a place that has known only fascism, war and ignorance for the last 500 years. All of the world thought Saddam Hussein was harboring weapons of mass destruction so people who assert that the administration concocted a lie about this are seriously mentally challenged. But it doesn't fuckin matter. Hussein was a brutal dictator and any dictator anywhere is fair game at any time. Man is meant to be free and not enslaved by psychotic muhllas, religious and military dictatorships. If you want to believe in a particular religion fine. Try to force it on someone else and you should be killed. There is one legitimate form of government and that is democracy. All else is bogus, illegal and subject to termination at any time, the sooner the better. If this war hasn't convinced people that liberals are so full of shit that they can't see straight then they don't have two brain cells to rub together. Where are the feminists rallying behind the president for trying to bring human rights to millions of Muslim women? Where are the liberals who are coming screaming to the aid of imprisoned enemy combatants, why aren't they behind the pres? Isn't suffering under a dictator who runs people thru wood chippers a violation of human rights? The truth of it is that liberals are as racist and as bigoted as a human heart can be. They are content to sit in their mansions eating their subsidized food, patting themselves on the backs for buying the latest hybrid auto and festering over the harm being done to mother earth by evil man. Meanwhile millions suffer with no regard, only dreaming of the freedom and opportunities enjoyed by those who would deny them everything. They believe in their hearts that Muslims aren't capable of freedom and democracy, they think that is something for white Europeans, and they are content to allow them to suffer. They are self conceited, shallow thinking shitbags who profess to care about everyone, but in reality care for no one but themselves.
HA! What a joke! You one of the 15% that sucks Bush dick or what! Bush should hang in Baghdad. He's a liar, a murderer, a war criminal and a corrupted Saudi loving peice of dogshit. Your little George is going down in history as an abysmal failure. This administration managed to fuck up every single thing they touched! Everything! So head back to Stormfront dumbshit and close the door behind you.
he seems like a nice guy to me, i dont see what your all talking about, what lies?

what oil?

what stupidity?

what cover ups?

whay low iq?

what war mongering?

i dont see anything its all propoganda i dont believe a word of it, a decent human bieng thats what bush is, i would vote for him if i was an american citizen, he seems very inteligent to me,

what a guy! :)

all hail mesopotamia, iraq is the birthplace of written language. i bet bush doesent even know where mesopotamia is. or what written language is, oh wait he might but he sure as hell cant read it can he, he cracks me up trying to read his pre written speaches, that other people clearly wrote for him and he does not undestand.

I for one think that there's nothing wrong with bush. This current penchant for every woman to shave herself bald is oh so tiresome, and harkens to some odd paedophilic fantasy...
Showing a lot of deep thought there Genji, thanks for the helpful example of liberal thinking.
Ha! These Bush threads died out in seriousness years ago. They aren't taken seriously, and neither are you. Liberal? So if you aren't a big government rightwing liar you're a liberal? You have more enemies than that!! Read up on liberalism, then read up on revolutionary socialism and see what you come up with:p :p
I for one think that there's nothing wrong with bush. This current penchant for every woman to shave herself bald is oh so tiresome, and harkens to some odd paedophilic fantasy...
I must say bush on a female is most disturbing. I associate bush with he men, not vaheenas. I shave my own bush but I don't get too close to my tackle! Scary possibilities!
red state im with you man lets bring democracy to each corner of the world, better yet lets police the entire world. and if those muslims dont like it we will just invade them and liberate there people.

all for 1 and 1 for me,

red state im with you man lets bring democracy to each corner of the world, better yet lets police the entire world. and if those muslims dont like it we will just invade them and liberate there people.

all for 1 and 1 for me,

Yes! Prophet Bush:itold: will bring PEACE, LOVE, MOCKRACY and JESUS to all the HEATHENS of the Earth!! Praise Him!!!:crazy: