I am really curious, because I have very little idea what they mean when giving a criticism of "he probably likes bush". ... So what is wrong with George Bush our president? Why would this be a bad criticism directed to the person? Is it perhaps the person? What did he do wrong?
Well let's just pick one thing, probably the worst thing he's done although that is a very tough choice: His response to 9/11.
We can start on 9/11, when he shut down all non-military flights in America. And then he turned around and made one single exception, and let an entire airliner full of Saudi Arabians leave the country. We didn't know yet that Saudi Arabia was in fact responsible for the WTC attack, but they were on the short list of suspects. Letting a bunch of them out of the country instead of lining them up for interrogation--because his family has business ties to that country--was an act of selfishness and incompetence, if not outright treason.
Before long Osama bin Laden announced to the world that he engineered 9/11. What did Bush do? He started destroying Afghanistan. Yeah, there was some small chance that he might have captured Osama that way because Osama may have been in the country, but it was a long shot. If anybody really wanted to catch Osama, what's the best way to do it?
Osama is a somewhat disgraced member-by-marriage of the Saudi royal family. If Bush had threatened to bomb Riyadh instead of Kabul, the Saudi Prince would have landed at Reagan National Airport within 24 hours, carrying a suitcase with Osama's head in it, apologizing profusely for the harm his ne'er-do-well brother-in-law caused us and promising to take down every "Death to America" sign in his entire country.
Then when Afghanistan was about as destroyed as a country could be, what did Bush do next? He went after Iraq! If there is one Muslim leader in the Middle East who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, it was Saddam! Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, nothing to do with the WMDs that didn't exist. It was all about Bush family hubris. Saddam embarrassed his daddy and it was payback time. Again, he used the power of the presidency for personal gain and against the best interests of the country. Because with all the American soldiers in Iraq, there are none avaiable to go bomb the crap out of the Saudis for having furnished almost all of the resources and organization, and
the majority of the actual hijackers. And for financing the world-wide network of terrorist training camps.
Saudi Arabia is arguably America's biggest enemy, but because oil is thicker than blood, Bush sides
with the Saudis and
against his own people. This is treason.
You certainly are. There aren't very many Americans left who are hanging onto the faint hope that Bush is actually a righteous man who is merely stupid and misguided.
Because they're all liberal wackos...they have no problem with Clinton lying but Bush lying is a completely different story
I'm no liberal wacko, I'm a Libertarian wacko with contempt for both conferences of the Republocrat League. All they both want to do is take away our money and our rights.
Clinton lied about his sex life. That is nobody's damn business so long as he wasn't doing anything illegal like having sex with underage boys like Bush's pal in Congress was doing. In most countries the sex life of the national leader is just a big yawn. Bush lies about important stuff that affects our lives.
It is my opinion as of this time that the criticisms directed to these people who like bush are moronic (as is most everything). I have not seen a real good reason yet. We need a president right? Have't all of our presidents been jackasses.
Yeah, but he's certainly in the upper tier of jackasses. His daddy, who went to war to defend one despotic Muslim country against another despotic Muslim country. Lyndon Johnson, who mired us in the Vietnam War and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans and millions of other people. Harry Truman, who deployed nuclear weapons against civilian targets. Abe Lincoln, who violated the Constitution by not allowing the citizens of eleven states to secede and started a war whose wounds have still not healed. Still, Lincoln, Truman and Johnson sincerely believed they were doing the right thing and many Americans agree with them. Even King George the First got us out of Iraq in a hurry. But King George the Second has got nothing to redeem himself and the damage he has done to this country is enormous.
Well He was the smartest and most honest of the candidates in both races....
Bush clearly has an IQ in the low 90s. Even Gore isn't that dumb. As for honesty, the only President in my adult lifetime worthy of that adjective was Jimmy Carter, and he was in so far over his head as an outsider in Washington that it didn't matter.
I suggest reinstating Abraham Lincoln he's bound to do little harm in his current state.
Unfortunately we can't elect him. But we could elect Obama. He'd be another Jimmy Carter. He's too inexperienced and too much of an outsider to be able to gather a lot of power in Washington. He would probably be a do-nothing President, which would be a welcome relief.