Sorry I find the whole thing about Satan nothing more than a farrie tale. Why would an all powerful God design a system this way? According to your logic no one can get into heaven unless they believe in Jesus Christ.
You see God didn't design this system. God designed heaven on earth in the garden of eden. Adam and Eve were the ones who screwed up the design. God's design was to have fellowship with us in paradise. However now that sin has come into the equation, God cannot have fellowship with us anymore, because sin is so unbelievably disgusting to him. Being around sin to God, is billions times worse then us swimming in a pool of vomit, it's the most disgusting thing possible to God, and He avoids it at all costs, even if it means letting satan take away the vomit into Hell.
God is not evil in doing this. In fact right after Adam and Eve sinned against God, God was already planning to send His only son to die on the cross for these sinning humans. Instead of judgement, and punishment, God gives us mercy. However if we reject Jesus, it is like rejecting the ticket into Heaven, and if you don't have a ticket then how are you supposed to enter. Jesus said that I am the only ticket God will accept. And God demands payment for what you have done. AGAIN God is like a judge in a court, and if you have chosen Jesus to represent you, then no matter what the prosecutor (satan) throws at the judge, Jesus will simply say, although he has done these things, I have already paid his punishment. Then God will say, "case dissmissed". But if you chose someone other then Jesus to represent you, then there is no way that you can find justification for you entering heaven.
Again you have not answered my entire post last time. Where do the mentally ill go, or children who cannot understand Jesus? Or for that matter the people in the old testiment before Christ's time? If God makes some exceptions to the rule for these people than logically why can't he make exceptions for the athiests?
God doesn't make exceptions to the rule. Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me. And Jesus is so merciful, that He may chose to go out of his way to cleans someone who doesn't understand sin, however these types of people are very few. And I don't personally believe that anyone doesn't know that if they rape and murder someone, that that is evil. If a child is pure then Jesus wouldn't even notice the difference between the child and himself, as in purity. HOWEVER, it is up to God to decide these things. I think your asking a bit too much of me, when you start asking me about How God will judge people. Come on, I'm not all knowing, all powerful, or everywhere, so how do you expect me to even partially express what God's judgements are going to be. Every time you get closer to being like God, you realise just how far you are away from being like him. (I'm not even out of high school yet, so I don't know how you expect me to answer questions that only God can answer).
Now atheists, reject Jesus, and God will return the favor and reject you. He only gives you what you want. You have no excuse.
Hope this has been informative.