Why Athiesim is a self defeating belief

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god is like giving us a free ticket. if you dont want to accept his teachings fine but this is going to happend.
Originally posted by edgar
god is like giving us a free ticket. if you dont want to accept his teachings fine but this is going to happend.

God is a fairy tale, and to live your life in expectation of a prophesized future event is complete folly. Your entire life is a farce if you base it on the idea that you are being judged for what you do in life. The only judgment is that which you cast on yourself and others.

Zero Mass Prove this wrong

Ok your point of view is "god is fake" or fairy tale yes? alright ill use some science (the religion of man) and talk to you with it since that seems to be the only thing your ignorant mind believes, yes i respect science and i am christian. Ok so the big bang, i hope you know what this is, is considered an infintesemly small atomic egg made out of anti matter and matter colliding, the matter and anti matter destroying each other, there being so much of each, had made an enormous explosion, (by the way a direct quote from my athiest friend who spends his life trying to prove christianity wrong with research and science.) making the universe, this being proven by the outward motion of the universe, from radio waves. that being said. Since EVERY SINGLE LAST THING in this universe every single thing even black matter, had have to have been created, according to scientists, ok so what makes you so sure that this atomic egg magically popped out of nowhere not being created in the least bit yet it had matter and matter cannot become without being created. Are you sure there wasnt a god to make it and if not i want to hear your explanation because it sounds pretty dumb arguing that there isnt anything bigger than us with that being said. and another thing if i am somehow magically false using what your scientists believe, well then how Isnt there a god.
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Ok your point of view is "god is fake" or fairy tale yes? alright ill use some science (the religion of man) and talk to you with it since that seems to be the only thing your ignorant mind believes, yes i respect science and i am christian. Ok so the big bang, i hope you know what this is, is considered an infintesemly small atomic egg made out of anti matter and matter colliding, the matter and anti matter destroying each other, there being so much of each, had made an enormous explosion, (by the way a direct quote from my athiest friend who spends his life trying to prove christianity wrong with research and science.) making the universe, this being proven by the outward motion of the universe, from radio waves. that being said. Since EVERY SINGLE LAST THING in this universe every single thing even black matter, had have to have been created, according to scientists, ok so what makes you so sure that this atomic egg magically popped out of nowhere not being created in the least bit yet it had matter and matter cannot become without being created. Are you sure there wasnt a god to make it and if not i want to hear your explanation because it sounds pretty dumb arguing that there isnt anything bigger than us with that being said. and another thing if i am somehow magically false using what your scientists believe, well then how Isnt there a god.

No one who wrote this thread 4 years ago is around to respond to your statement. Allow me. There is no concept in physics of a "cosmic egg" from which everything emerged. It actually emerged from nothing. This was possible because it took no energy. The matter/antimatter premise is not that far from the truth. The positive energy is balanced by negative, so no net energy was required. The Big Band was an uncaused event. Uncaused events don't happen on the scale of things in which we live, but they do as subatomic scales, as described by Heisenburg's Uncertainty Principle. No existing natural laws were broken when this happened, so there is no need for God.


Remarkably, the sum of the measured sums of the rest and kinetic energies of the bodies in the universe seems to be exactly cancelled by the negative potential energy that results from their mutual gravitational interactions. Within small measurement errors and quantum uncertainties, the mean energy density of the universe is exactly what it should be for a universe that appeared from an initial state of zero energy, within a small quantum uncertainty.​
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Not true. Well maybye but not probible

No one who wrote this thread 4 years ago is around to respond to your statement. Allow me. There is no concept in physics of a "cosmic egg" from which everything emerged. It actually emerged from nothing. This was possible because it took no energy. The matter/antimatter premise is not that far from the truth. The positive energy is balanced by negative, so no net energy was required. The Big Band was an uncaused event. Uncaused events don't happen on the scale of things in which we live, but they do as subatomic scales, as described by Heisenburg's Uncertainty Principle. No existing natural laws were broken when this happened, so there is no need for God.

Remarkably, the sum of the measured sums of the rest and kinetic energies of the bodies in the universe seems to be exactly cancelled by the negative potential energy that results from their mutual gravitational interactions. Within small measurement errors and quantum uncertainties, the mean energy density of the universe is exactly what it should be for a universe that appeared from an initial state of zero energy, within a small quantum uncertainty.​

this theory was developed 1 year ago and is still proven scientifically valid and the antimatter and matter is what your quote talks about .... " energies of the bodies of the universe (matter) seems to be exactly cancelled by negative potential energy (anti matter) so whats your point you just proved me right lol also how can you prove that there is no god in the first place, my theory is relevant but your just making blank statements the quote backed up my quote lol and with a small quantum uncetanty from zero density means it came from nothing (no density = 0 over 1 cm cubed which means nothing was there so it was created from nothing, u should really look at a quote and actually read what someone has to say before saying its wrong and putting up a quote that says the same thing... ----just a thought----:bugeye:
If you are saying the same thing, what do you think of the premise that no God is required to create the universe? What was a God necessary to do? If some obvious violation of natural law occurred, that would indicate that God was a possibility, but that isn't the case.
also, may i add, that if everything grew from nothing and everything nowadays grows from something what makes you so sure that nothing magically turned into everything, your theories are wrong and have nothing to do with the big bang which is a proven theory, the cosmic egg on the other hand which is infintesmily small with infinite density composed of anitmatter and matter is a valid scientific point still today and something had to create that cosmic egg because that is the rule of the universe and if thats the rule wouldnt the universe have to follow it too? so my theory is that the big bang was from the cosmic egg which couldnt have possibly ever came out of nowhere nothing can ever come out of nothingness completely, and by that i mean abscence of matter and antimatter. Something had to have created that cosmic egg im simply putting in a vote it was, i dunno, god. If not then u explain it
also im going to ask that you prove scientifically and mathimatically that god doesnt exsist because everything else that doesnt exsist can be proven false so.... go ahead... explain -.- ---- sorry about spelling really bad typer lol---
exactly there is no scientific way to prove that god excists and even if there is it wouldnt be accurate because we cant observe the whole universe so i guess it just depends on what you believe completely summarized -.- and i believe there is one , if you believe there isnt one you have just as much of a point as someone who believes in one i see the logic behind that considering no accusitions we can make about the whole universe at the moment would be completely 100 percent accurate, for we cannot observe the whole thing nor ever shall be able to
I don't know what this is: I do not believe in a god, yet I do not deny the existence of a god. Is this an atheist belief or an agnostic belief?
ok so basically no one is right so guys stop arguing cause you can never prove your right but if you do believe in one specific way the universe was created you can believe in god or not believe in him but then again thats what faith is.... not to upset but i think both sides are stalemated when it comes down to it there either is or isnt a god either or and no one will ever be able to prove either, i believe there is but whatever if you dont im not sayin its improbible but then im not saying i dont believe in the bible and everything i do beyond all reason does anyone see what im saying?
Your premise that the Law of Conservation of Energy would be violated if the universe came from nothing is not true.

If physics can explain that the presence of the universe doesn't conflict with existing laws, then the idea of God is not necessary. Since nothing supernatural has been shown to exist, naturalistic explanations must first be discounted before a supernatural one becomes plausable.

To disprove the existence of a God beyond a reasonable doubt, one must first give a description of that God. The God of the Abrahamic religions has specific properties that can be tested, since the idea is that it interacts with the natural world, and such effects should leave evidence. Most science works not on absolute proof, but what can be shown statistically to be true. Only math and geometry, possibly physics can be expected to provide absolute proof of relationships between symbols that we define.
alright genious try creating something form absouloutly no matter at all.... it is a violation but then again that is a theory and there are many
thats what im saying
k want evidence spidergoat.... were the only living fully evolved bacteria in this infitninately old universe... the only one planet weve found out of soo many billions of stars we observed the only one oh and i suppose thats coincidence right.... get a life -.-
im waiting u to prove there is no god lol you can prove everything thats false mathimatically can i see an equation please?
like everything usually multiplies and combines like 100000 dna= 1 tissue can i get your equation then? how bout your theory of not disobeying natural law ok guys lets do it 0*?=1000000000000000000000*10^10000000000000000 stars can anyone get that one?
Why is the existence of life evidence of God? The rarity of life in the vastness of the universe is evidence that the universe was not created for the purpose of making life. .0007 of the mass of the universe is carbon, and life as we know it cannot survive in space. If the universe was created to harbor life, most of it is completely wasted.

The God Hypothesis can be rejected from a scientific point of view simply for being unnecessary. You can go on believing it if you want.
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