Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
"Keep it simple stoopid"
Sciforums seems bogged down by mountains of rules... which only seems to necessitate more rules... ect... ect.!!!
It isn't that easy.
There is also the issue of free speech.
Take for example the issue of abortion, which always causes trouble.
The following are not actual quotes.
Poster "A" thinks people who have the procedure, or support it, are clearly "murderers".
Poster "B" thinks that poster "A" is clearly "a woman hating fascist" and has a "medieval mindset"
Should they be allowed to express their opinions or not?
Express ALL ther opinions about ALL issues of abortion... absolutely... an after the new system of "keep it simple stoopid" was made known... callin each other names woud be a prollem quickly solved wit a temp ban... an in the blink of an eye... name callin woud be much more rare than wit the present complicated hit an miss "system"... an i dare say... much less need for temp bans.!!!
When posters know they will be treeted like adults responsible for ther actions... by respectful mods applyin these clear-cut simple rules to "ALL"... posters will be more likely to self-moderate... be more respectful to mods an more satisfied wit ther esperience at Sciforums.!!!