cluelusshusbund, you have, since registering on this Forum (about 62-months ago) Posted an average of somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 Post per month - or twice a day.
Other Members, such as the Poster of Post #110 ^^above^^ has since registering (about than 7 months ago) Posted an average of somewhere in the neighborhood of 430 Posts per month - or over 14 Posts per day.
So, cluelusshusbund, being that I agree that Moderators on this Forum should have, as Stoniphi seemed to allude to in his Post #108 :
Speaking only for myself, I simply do not have the free time to undertake such a responsibility. I prefer to do fewer things extremely well than to do more with less finesse.

I am also quite content with what little power I already wield.
..."the free time to undertake such a responsibility", and the ability to : "do fewer things extremely well than to do more with less finesse".
Because of that, and also because, although possibly lost in the annals of history as to who actually first uttered the following sentiment ; Samuel Langhorne Clemens opined :
Mark Twain said:
Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
- the ^^above^^ from : Mark Twain's Own Autobiography: The Chapters from the North American Review :
So...,for those reasons, cluelusshusbund, and in the interest of, "justice", I would have to ignore the "statistics", and would therefore prefer you as a Moderator, over someone with a seeming redundantly inflated Post count!
Simply because Quality trumps Quantity!
The "justice", as it currently seems to be administered on this Forum, seems to more often than not, go against the reasoning of such great minds of History, as :
Voltaire said:
It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one.
- the ^^above quoted^^ from :
At any rate, considering all that I have witnessed on this Forum - I could and would offer full support for your appointment as a Moderator on this Forum!