Why do atheists ask for evidence for God?

some people seem to be missing the point of his original post......

if you claim its impossible to prove gods existence, then dont ask for proof. or your own questions are contradicting themselves as much as the bible does,

Nobody is missing the point except those who believe farfetched self-involved fairy tales with no evidence. We ask for evidence because it exposes such claims for what they really are. Why would we stop asking for evidence when it is the most powerful weapon in the atheist armoury? Without evidence, it's all IPU's and FSM's.

athiests try to convert people more than religious people on this forum,

The only dividing line is rationalism versus fantasy. Forget labels of xx converting to xx... christian, muslim, horroscope reader... it's all the same type of BS.

notice many atheists get angry about it and get rude? :) while many theists seem to debate but stay calm and polite?

Just on here? That's ok then, because I would be put to death in many parts of the world for what I'm saying here. Even in America, atheists are apparently not citizens didn't you know? And if you want to keep your face in one piece, stay in the closet and mime along with their childish fantasy!

But as for this forum, I don't think many theists can confidently type out their fantasies in bold and expect it not to be ridiculed on a science oriented forum.
Nobody is missing the point except those who believe farfetched self-involved fairy tales with no evidence. We ask for evidence because it exposes such claims for what they really are. Why would we stop asking for evidence when it is the most powerful weapon in the atheist armoury? Without evidence, it's all IPU's and FSM's.
And yet you believe that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon without evidence and believe that ants don't feel love without evidence. Hypocrite

The only dividing line is rationalism versus fantasy. Forget labels of xx converting to xx... christian, muslim, horroscope reader... it's all the same type of BS.
You don't have evidence for everything you believe either which makes you a massive hypocrite.

Just on here? That's ok then, because I would be put to death in many parts of the world for what I'm saying here. Even in America, atheists are apparently not citizens didn't you know? And if you want to keep your face in one piece, stay in the closet and mime along with their childish fantasy!
What part of the country do you live in?
But as for this forum, I don't think many theists can confidently type out their fantasies in bold and expect it not to be ridiculed on a science oriented forum.
What's truly amazing to me is that in a science forum you will make poistive assertions for things that have no evidence and still think you are coming from a scientific perspective. And then after that have the intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy, and audacity to point your finger accusingly at others.
Nobody is missing the point except those who believe farfetched self-involved fairy tales with no evidence. We ask for evidence because it exposes such claims for what they really are. Why would we stop asking for evidence when it is the most powerful weapon in the atheist armoury? Without evidence, it's all IPU's and FSM's.
Your statement demonstrates how you missed the whole point of the post....if you say that gathering evidence is impossible then don't ask for evidence....other wise if you say gathering evidence is possible then tell me what would constitute as empirical concrete undeniable evidence of God?

Also, you imply that believing in something without evidence is irrational, but it isn't, its very rational. The reason its rational is because there are innumerable things that are true and that exist that we currently have no evidence for; the reason we have no evidence for these things is because they are undiscovered and unknown currently....just like all of the current discoveries that previously there was no evidence for...
And yet you believe that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon without evidence and believe that ants don't feel love without evidence. Hypocrite

There IS evidence that consciousness is dependant/emerges from the brain. Even if it is only circumstancial evidence, it is still evidence nevertheless. There is no evidence to believe that it is nothing to do with brains - that's just a laughable theory which is based on nothing but our usual need to make ourselves seem important (ie. theists don't like the idea of consciousness being a natural phenomena stemming from billions of active brain cells). To sum up, it is consensus among neuroscientists that consciousness is created by the brain, and I know that they don't base this on faith, it is led by evidence and a good understanding.

As for ants feeling 'love' (LOL :rolleyes: ), even if they do, it will be slightly more love than a rock has to offer. But they run entirely on instinct. Stamp your feet all you like and claim there is no evidence for us to make this logical conclusion, but you are a foolish to dismiss David Attenborough out of hand. But then he's not so dumb to understand that to get human emotions in ants would require the ant to have a pretty large head..

You don't have evidence for everything you believe either which makes you a massive hypocrite.

That doesn't make sense... When you make a logical conclusion based on evironmental factors that exist, you are basing your conclusions on evidence. With god, heaven, prayer, virgin births etc, there is no starting point - it's all simply made up from nothing.

What part of the country do you live in?

I don't live in America, but I frequently go there and am familiar with some people of the far right, both in person and in the media. They are not pleasant towards atheists, let's put it that way :shrug:

What's truly amazing to me is that in a science forum you will make poistive assertions for things that have no evidence and still think you are coming from a scientific perspective. And then after that have the intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy, and audacity to point your finger accusingly at others.

Keep telling yourself that... and stop stamping your feet.

VitalOne said:
Your statement demonstrates how you missed the whole point of the post....if you say that gathering evidence is impossible then don't ask for evidence....other wise if you say gathering evidence is possible then tell me what would constitute as empirical concrete undeniable evidence of God?

I already did. There are many examples of undeniable evidence of god in the Bible. He physically interacted with the world and anybody around in those days would have empirically verified god. It doesn't seem to happen these days though... why? Could it be because it's just myth passed on for generations? Surely not.

Also, you imply that believing in something without evidence is irrational, but it isn't, its very rational. The reason its rational is because there are innumerable things that are true and that exist that we currently have no evidence for; the reason we have no evidence for these things is because they are undiscovered and unknown currently....just like all of the current discoveries that previously there was no evidence for...


So the bibles version of the creation of life and the universe was rational? Maybe. But as we subsequently discovered, it was bullshit. If we make two lists... one list is all things that are true (including things we have no evidence for yet) and the second list is all things that a great imagination could think of... Now, tell me which list you think would be bigger?

All I see from you are claims that all the fantasies you have are on the first list.
I already did. There are many examples of undeniable evidence of god in the Bible. He physically interacted with the world and anybody around in those days would have empirically verified god. It doesn't seem to happen these days though... why? Could it be because it's just myth passed on for generations? Surely not.

First of all our generation, meaning this modern time, is less than 100 years...Second of all lots of people claim to have "spoken" with God....also in the Bible God's physical appearance was something very very rare that doesn't happen for thousands of years.......not hundreds of years...nor decades...its something that very rarely ever happened even in the Bible...what makes you think that it should be something common?

Also you stray away from ever answering the question....what would constitute as empirical undeniable concrete evidence of God? And what about God, that isn't physical?
KennyJC said:

So the bibles version of the creation of life and the universe was rational? Maybe. But as we subsequently discovered, it was bullshit. If we make two lists... one list is all things that are true (including things we have no evidence for yet) and the second list is all things that a great imagination could think of... Now, tell me which list you think would be bigger?

All I see from you are claims that all the fantasies you have are on the first list.

No one's talking about the Bible, no one except for you. All I'm talking about is belief without evidence being rational.....

You on the other hand only believe things that there is currently evidence for, thereby limiting yourself...since the truth, the actual truth, the way things really are is likely very VERY different from what the current evidence shows....
Second of all lots of people claim to have "spoken" with God....


You wouldn't believe the sort of things people come out with. Some people think they are Napoleon too. But since people already have the god delusion virtually from childhood, stands to reason people will claim that god is talking to them. They can be totally dismissed out of hand. It would be more amazing if nobody was claiming god was speaking to them.

also in the Bible God's physical appearance was something very very rare that doesn't happen for thousands of years.......not hundreds of years...nor decades...its something that very rarely ever happened even in the Bible...what makes you think that it should be something common?

Well I'm not going to go count the number of claims in the Bible were god physically interacted with our planet, but I consider it to be a hell of a lot, so I don't think it is as rare as you claim. And it only needs to happen just ONCE more for god to well and truly be empirically verified. Our global 24 hour media coverage would pounce on anything as drastic as Biblical events, and once and for all verify what all the fuss is about. If Jesus was caught ascending to heaven from multiple cameras with respected news organisations, that would have me stumped and possibly 'converted'.

Also you stray away from ever answering the question....what would constitute as empirical undeniable concrete evidence of God? And what about God, that isn't physical?

The above. Or some event that can not be logically explained as anything other than the creator of the universe. But chances are I would put it down to advanced aliens messing with us, but god would still have some credit as the cause :shrug:

You on the other hand only believe things that there is currently evidence for, thereby limiting yourself...since the truth, the actual truth, the way things really are is likely very VERY different from what the current evidence shows....

It is true that I am limiting myself, but with good reason. As I already stated, the list of things that is true is infinitely shorter than the list of things that is not true... That is the only reason I believe what evidence shows.

You wouldn't believe the sort of things people come out with. Some people think they are Napoleon too. But since people already have the god delusion virtually from childhood, stands to reason people will claim that god is talking to them. They can be totally dismissed out of hand. It would be more amazing if nobody was claiming god was speaking to them
Well ofcourse I wouldn't...testimony does not constitute as real evidence....unless ofcourse it is my own personal experience....

KennyJC said:
Well I'm not going to go count the number of claims in the Bible were god physically interacted with our planet, but I consider it to be a hell of a lot, so I don't think it is as rare as you claim. And it only needs to happen just ONCE more for god to well and truly be empirically verified. Our global 24 hour media coverage would pounce on anything as drastic as Biblical events, and once and for all verify what all the fuss is about. If Jesus was caught ascending to heaven from multiple cameras with respected news organisations, that would have me stumped and possibly 'converted'.
Nah its not that much...the Father showed himself very few times in the Bible....and in other parts of the Bible God is referred to as being within you, formless, etc...

KennyJC said:
The above. Or some event that can not be logically explained as anything other than the creator of the universe. But chances are I would put it down to advanced aliens messing with us, but god would still have some credit as the cause :shrug:
Exactly...it would just be dismissed as advanced aliens....so its just what I said....you ask for evidence but either deny any type of evidence or say that gathering evidence is impossible....

KennyJC said:
It is true that I am limiting myself, but with good reason. As I already stated, the list of things that is true is infinitely shorter than the list of things that is not true... That is the only reason I believe what evidence shows.
Well...if anyone is seeking the actual truth they will have to consider the evidence and also look beyond.....
There IS evidence that consciousness is dependant/emerges from the brain.
Saying that the brain and consciousness have some connection is not the same as stating that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon.
Even if it is only circumstancial evidence, it is still evidence nevertheless. There is no evidence to believe that it is nothing to do with brains - that's just a laughable theory
Your right that is laughable. Your also arguing a strawman arrgument because thats not what I'm saying. I am saying there is no evidence that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon of brains. For someone that believes in Intelligent design they might consider it laughable to think that life just magically (i.e. no rational explanation as to how) comes from chemicals on the earth, just as you think consciousness just magically comes from the brain. Both might be true. Unfortunately, there is no evidence for either. So it is hypocritical for you to demand that one always have evidence for their beliefs. Stomp your feet all you want but thats how it is.

which is based on nothing but our usual need to make ourselves seem important (ie. theists don't like the idea of consciousness being a natural phenomena stemming from billions of active brain cells).
You have to explain how this happens and provide evidence. Otherwise your argument amounts to saying consciousness magically appears from the brain and you have no evidence.
To sum up, it is consensus among neuroscientists that consciousness is created by the brain,
Hmmm, that's impossible. For something to be science it has to be a testable hypothesis. This has not been tested and they have no idea how to go about testing it. There is not one single test that has ever been done that supports this hypothesis. Sure, it may be true but so might intelligent design. WIthout a way to test it it is not science and there is no evidence. Sure, you're free to believe it if you want but if you don't be a hypocrite and get all self-righteous and tell theists they should only believe things for which their is evidence.
and I know that they don't base this on faith, it is led by evidence and a good understanding.
That's exactly what is so funny about this. You are taking it on faith that they have evidence and good understanding.
As for ants feeling 'love' (LOL :rolleyes: ), even if they do, it will be slightly more love than a rock has to offer.
How do you know this? What is the evidence?
But they run entirely on instinct.
How do you know this? WHat is the evidence?
Stamp your feet all you like and claim there is no evidence for us to make this logical conclusion, but you are a foolish to dismiss David Attenborough out of hand.
What is the evidence? You are just taking Attenboroughs word as an authority on faith the same way a thesit takes a priests word as an authority on faith.
But then he's not so dumb to understand that to get human emotions in ants would require the ant to have a pretty large head.
What evidence do you have of this? Elephants have bigger brains than us does that mean they have more complex emotions than us? Not only do you have no evidence to back up that ants don't feel love you don't even have good logic here.

That doesn't make sense... When you make a logical conclusion based on evironmental factors that exist, you are basing your conclusions on evidence. With god, heaven, prayer, virgin births etc, there is no starting point - it's all simply made up from nothing.
We are talking about beliefs based without evidence. And I am pointing out that not all you beliefs are based on evidence.
I don't live in America, but I frequently go there and am familiar with some people of the far right, both in person and in the media. They are not pleasant towards atheists, let's put it that way :shrug:
True enough.

Keep telling yourself that... and stop stamping your feet.
Kenny, it's very simple, if you actually have evidence for any of these positive assertions you've made provide me with it. Otherwise keep telling yourself you're not a hypocrite.
Well ofcourse I wouldn't...testimony does not constitute as real evidence....unless ofcourse it is my own personal experience....

And I'm sure you'd be very honest if you were to give us your evidence, and if you were honest, it would be an honest delusion.

Exactly...it would just be dismissed as advanced aliens....so its just what I said....you ask for evidence but either deny any type of evidence or say that gathering evidence is impossible....

At least it would be evidence. Evidence of advanced aliens having a laugh at us simpletons, or perhaps god. But evidence for either.

Saying that the brain and consciousness have some connection is not the same as stating that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon.

What's so difficult to understand about emergent phenomena as a result of evolution? With humans if you put a sticker on their head without them noticing, and they looked in the mirror, the conscious response would result in an array of thoughts relating to this, with an ant, they would not even stop to ponder such a thing, they will carry on doing what they are built to do. At some point in the chain of evolution consciousness did not appear from nowhere, it was emergent from the obvious massive increase in complexity of the brain.

Your right that is laughable. Your also arguing a strawman arrgument because thats not what I'm saying. I am saying there is no evidence that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon of brains. For someone that believes in Intelligent design they might consider it laughable to think that life just magically (i.e. no rational explanation as to how) comes from chemicals on the earth, just as you think consciousness just magically comes from the brain. Both might be true. Unfortunately, there is no evidence for either. So it is hypocritical for you to demand that one always have evidence for their beliefs. Stomp your feet all you want but thats how it is.

Now you're saying there is no evidence for the evolution of life from simple chemicals? I think throughout this pointless debate you are confusing the difference between something having evidence which can lead to interpretation, and empirical/testable hypothesis. In which case this is going nowhere. But there is evidence based on observation of how animals behave in relation to their brains and genetics.

You have to explain how this happens and provide evidence. Otherwise your argument amounts to saying consciousness magically appears from the brain and you have no evidence.

It doesn't magically appear... it emerges, remember? It's etirely consistent with the theory of evolution. There was no point between the first living cells and the current generation of human beings where consciousness suddenly came out of nowhere. When human ancestors were in the trees, they experienced a lower level of consciousness, then when jet fuel was piped into their brains, came the consciousness and intelligence (or are they both one and the same thing?) we experience today.

You are going to give the smarmy reply 'evidence'? So I'm no expert, and I am not going to read up loads of scientific journals on this, but I think my take on this is along the right path, based occams razor, based on evidence of animal behavior and my limited understandings of genetics and evolution . So your continued request for evidence is not going to lead to any detailed response except that of my casual observation.

Hmmm, that's impossible. For something to be science it has to be a testable hypothesis. This has not been tested and they have no idea how to go about testing it. There is not one single test that has ever been done that supports this hypothesis. Sure, it may be true but so might intelligent design. WIthout a way to test it it is not science and there is no evidence. Sure, you're free to believe it if you want but if you don't be a hypocrite and get all self-righteous and tell theists they should only believe things for which their is evidence.

Again, you say 'no evidence'. No evidence is if we have no access to any forms of life to use as a guide, no access to explore brains and the resulting behavior those brains yeild. Again, I will confidently state that neuroscientists feel there is enough information to link consciousness as emergant in the brain. It's up to you to go prove me wrong on that.

That's exactly what is so funny about this. You are taking it on faith that they have evidence and good understanding.

That's true actually. I usually take scientific consensus on faith when I am without the facts at my disposal, but that is because I have a good idea how science works. Scientific consensus always has good reason to believe what it believes. It consists of scientists who have all looked at the facts, the evidence, reviewed each others papers, discussed theories and usually if the evidence is strong enough, reach a popular consensus.

What is the evidence? You are just taking Attenboroughs word as an authority on faith the same way a thesit takes a priests word as an authority on faith.

Yes but taking a respected scientists word for it is hardly the same as someone who claims to know a lot about religion. Once you understand both science and religion, it's easy to see why your comparison is not a fair one.

What evidence do you have of this? Elephants have bigger brains than us does that mean they have more complex emotions than us? Not only do you have no evidence to back up that ants don't feel love you don't even have good logic here.

Humans have the biggest brains on the planet compared to their body size. I think that is the important difference between us and elephants. But as we know, elephants are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet.

We are talking about beliefs based without evidence. And I am pointing out that not all you beliefs are based on evidence.

If not based on evidence, then at least logic. Even IF there is no evidence that consciousnes emerges from the brain (which there is), then it is still good logic to assume it is emergant. It is the simplest theory, and most likely.
And I'm sure you'd be very honest if you were to give us your evidence, and if you were honest, it would be an honest delusion.
Woah...what ignorance...you only re-confirm what I said about atheists....everyone else is a delusional fool....except for them...hahaha

I won't share any personal experiences....but I will say that I experience supernatural things on a daily basis so its very hard to deny all of it...
KennyJC said:
At least it would be evidence. Evidence of advanced aliens having a laugh at us simpletons, or perhaps god. But evidence for either.
Yet more re-confirmation.....any evidence will either be denied or dodged out of or gathering evidence is impossible.......so why do atheists even ask for evidence?

Just shut the fuck up and say you choose not to believe in God....instead atheists go on about how everything is an imaginary fantasy (unless evidence says it isn't), religious people are delusional, and how atheists know everything and can thus determine if God exists or not, etc....
Nobody is missing the point except those who believe farfetched self-involved fairy tales with no evidence. We ask for evidence because it exposes such claims for what they really are. Why would we stop asking for evidence when it is the most powerful weapon in the atheist armoury? Without evidence, it's all IPU's and FSM's.

The only dividing line is rationalism versus fantasy. Forget labels of xx converting to xx... christian, muslim, horroscope reader... it's all the same type of BS.

Just on here? That's ok then, because I would be put to death in many parts of the world for what I'm saying here. Even in America, atheists are apparently not citizens didn't you know? And if you want to keep your face in one piece, stay in the closet and mime along with their childish fantasy!

But as for this forum, I don't think many theists can confidently type out their fantasies in bold and expect it not to be ridiculed on a science oriented forum.

thats what it is isnt it, a battle, the weapons in your armoury are for attacking believers, why cant you just let people have faith if they want it.

just because you dont believe in god and think you will die and not exist and they think they will live in peace in heaven for eternity, you hate there bliss and ignorance dont you,

leave them alone like you want them to leave you alone in the place you come from., if they want to be ignorant let them its there faith.


im not religious, but im not atheist either, i am niether but i dont go attacking people for having faith and i dont go attacking people for not having faith,

on this forum the religious people dont try to convert you, so stop trying to convert them,

its getting stupid and its not very nice,


and i dont know what part of america you come from but its sure not a big city is it? because i know for a fact that its not like that in new york, or in other big power cities, maybe you live in the outback or something,

and where im from we live together, atheist muslim christian hindu etc etc, and people dont shove there religion in your face and harm you for not bieng one of them,

where are you from it sounds very old fashioned maybe you should move if its that bad,

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What's so difficult to understand about emergent phenomena as a result of evolution? With humans if you put a sticker on their head without them noticing, and they looked in the mirror, the conscious response would result in an array of thoughts relating to this,
The only way we know about the sticker on head thing is be extrapolationg our own subjective experience. Its the same way we know animals dream. Because we dream. Of course if only you had dreams there'd be no way to prove it to other people.
with an ant, they would not even stop to ponder such a thing, they will carry on doing what they are built to do. At some point in the chain of evolution consciousness did not appear from nowhere, it was emergent from the obvious massive increase in complexity of the brain.
Did life appear form nowhere?

Now you're saying there is no evidence for the evolution of life from simple chemicals?
Is there?
I think throughout this pointless debate you are confusing the difference between something having evidence which can lead to interpretation, and empirical/testable hypothesis.
A testable science is the basis of science. If someone claims to have a religoues experience and their behavior totally changes for the better does that constitute evidence then?
In which case this is going nowhere. But there is evidence based on observation of how animals behave in relation to their brains and genetics.
The point is that you have beliefs that are not based upon evidence.
It doesn't magically appear... it emerges, remember?
WE you can't explain how it appears that is saying "it just does." Its not an explanation at all.
It's etirely consistent with the theory of evolution. There was no point between the first living cells and the current generation of human beings where consciousness suddenly came out of nowhere. When human ancestors were in the trees, they experienced a lower level of consciousness, then when jet fuel was piped into their brains, came the consciousness and intelligence (or are they both one and the same thing?) we experience today.
Didn't say it isn't. What I'm asking for is you to supply evidence since you think that its not acceptable to believe inGod without evidence.
You are going to give the smarmy reply 'evidence'?
This whole thread is about evidence silly. Why is out OK for you demand evidence of others beliefs but when they demand you supply evidence for your belief all of a sudden it becomes "smarmy." A bit hypocritical.
So I'm no expert, and I am not going to read up loads of scientific journals on this, but I think my take on this is along the right path, based occams razor, based on evidence of animal behavior and my limited understandings of genetics and evolution . So your continued request for evidence is not going to lead to any detailed response except that of my casual observation.
In other words you have seen no evidence for what you believe. You just believe it because it makes sense to you. So why is it unacceptable for people to believe in god if thats what makes sense to them?

Again, you say 'no evidence'. No evidence is if we have no access to any forms of life to use as a guide, no access to explore brains and the resulting behavior those brains yeild. Again, I will confidently state that neuroscientists feel there is enough information to link consciousness as emergant in the brain. It's up to you to go prove me wrong on that.
No, actually its not up to me. Scientists are making a claim without any evidence to back it up. There is no way to test this theory. It is the same as believing in intelligent design. Might be true, but its not science.

That's true actually. I usually take scientific consensus on faith when I am without the facts at my disposal, but that is because I have a good idea how science works. Scientific consensus always has good reason to believe what it believes. It consists of scientists who have all looked at the facts, the evidence, reviewed each others papers, discussed theories and usually if the evidence is strong enough, reach a popular consensus.
Science has been wrong again and again throughout history. Why is taking sciene on faith OK but not religion?

Yes but taking a respected scientists word for it is hardly the same as someone who claims to know a lot about religion. Once you understand both science and religion, it's easy to see why your comparison is not a fair one.
No, explain this intriguing double-standard to me.

Humans have the biggest brains on the planet compared to their body size. I think that is the important difference between us and elephants. But as we know, elephants are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet.
No, m point was that brain size in it of itself means nothing.

If not based on evidence, then at least logic. Even IF there is no evidence that consciousnes emerges from the brain (which there is), then it is still good logic to assume it is emergant. It is the simplest theory, and most likely.
No, look up "emergent phenomenon" online.
the big bang is not proven. it is just supported by 3 pillars, scientific theory is not evidence and solid proof, but yet most atheists believe in the big bang,

but without actual proof, i can dissprove to a certain degree one of the main pillars of the big bang theory right now,

the universe is expanding that is one pillar, just because the universe is expanding does not mean it started at a singular condensed pinpoint of nothingness, the universe could have already existed at half its current size and then started to expand and you cannot prove otherwise with actual proof.

the big bang is not proven. it is just supported by 3 pillars, scientific theory is not evidence and solid proof, but yet most atheists believe in the big bang,

Absolutely illiterate bigoted rubbish. In order for something to be a theory it has to have a lot of supporting evidence. If you care to even google, or wiki, the "Big Bang" you'll find enough for it for a few years of reading.

the universe is expanding that is one pillar, just because the universe is expanding does not mean it started at a singular condensed pinpoint of nothingness, the universe could have already existed at half its current size and then started to expand and you cannot prove otherwise with actual proof.

...how about the fact there's no physical evidence for that, while there is for the big bang? Just because you've not looked up any evidence does not mean there is none. I implore you to explore the limitations of your present knowledge until it's clearer to you.
Absolutely illiterate bigoted rubbish. In order for something to be a theory it has to have a lot of supporting evidence. If you care to even google, or wiki, the "Big Bang" you'll find enough for it for a few years of reading.
Science has been wrong many time thought right?
That being the case, isn't believing in a scientific theory at least to a certain extent faith?
Absolutely illiterate bigoted rubbish. In order for something to be a theory it has to have a lot of supporting evidence. If you care to even google, or wiki, the "Big Bang" you'll find enough for it for a few years of reading.

...how about the fact there's no physical evidence for that, while there is for the big bang? Just because you've not looked up any evidence does not mean there is none. I implore you to explore the limitations of your present knowledge until it's clearer to you.

yes nowdays evidence does not mean evidence i forgot about that :). and theory now means fact supported by proof.

take a look at the pillars of big bang theory thread in general science and read the articles i postedon the last page and piece by piece prove it to be wrong.


no grover scientific theory actualy means fact now, the meaning of the old word has changed, theory is no longer a theory if its a scientific one, its actualy proven with supported facts,

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So much to reply to and so little time... :yawn:

Woah...what ignorance...you only re-confirm what I said about atheists....everyone else is a delusional fool....except for them...hahaha

I won't share any personal experiences....but I will say that I experience supernatural things on a daily basis so its very hard to deny all of it...

I believe I have heard it all before from the infected, and it just goes back to what I was saying about how it would be more amazing if people who believed in god weren't claiming any miracles or supernatural events. I believe they call it 'see what you want to see' syndrome. It happened in a controlled experiment at Loch Ness, when a group of tourists managed to mistake a featureless pole for a big monster.

Yet more re-confirmation.....any evidence will either be denied or dodged out of or gathering evidence is impossible.......so why do atheists even ask for evidence?

Well I couldn't tell you what it was before it actually happens. If such an event was to occurr that was unmistakably intelligent in nature, then the only two reasons I could think of would be aliens, or god. I'm not saying I would never claim it to be god, it would really depend on how strong the evidence was.

Just shut the fuck up and say you choose not to believe in God....instead atheists go on about how everything is an imaginary fantasy (unless evidence says it isn't), religious people are delusional, and how atheists know everything and can thus determine if God exists or not, etc....


I'm afraid I can't do that. I think it's actually important that theists be reminded how much crap their fairy tales are. Not so much the hardcore like yourselves, but the halfway people who think that this is actually a positive thing... so much so that they will send their child to a school to be taught about Adam and Eve instead of evolution. I can only congratulate America on the separation of church and state in schools (to some degree at least), because that is completely lost in my country, and it only results in sectarian strife (no suicide bombs though). But I have only scratched the surface as to why I can't let the matter go. Skinwalker did a decent job of covering it in his reply to empty's thread. I would have to write pages and pages more to cover it all though.

thats what it is isnt it, a battle, the weapons in your armoury are for attacking believers, why cant you just let people have faith if they want it.

It is a battle, and you are mistaken if you think it is the atheists with the largest armoury. Recently I went to my bank to get money out (yes, a bank). And there was this massive sign the size of an SUV above the bank saying "JESUS DIED FOR YOU!". How insane is that? What's most bizzarre is that it was in an Asian part of the city.

If religion was allowed this sort of concession with no opposition, then who know's where it would lead? If the past and present is anything to go by, religious folk should learn to keep their nutjob fantasies to themselves.

leave them alone like you want them to leave you alone in the place you come from., if they want to be ignorant let them its there faith.

The double standards here are amazing. Why should atheists not open their mouths about the role religion plays in society? It is expected of us all that we should be religious. I was even told by teachers at school that I should not be in that school if I did not believe in god. And this is still going on today.

and i dont know what part of america you come from but its sure not a big city is it? because i know for a fact that its not like that in new york, or in other big power cities, maybe you live in the outback or something,

No I live in Glasgow, which is not dissimilar to London where I think you live.

and where im from we live together, atheist muslim christian hindu etc etc, and people dont shove there religion in your face and harm you for not bieng one of them,

Actually, Muslims are the biggest problem with this country as shown by a poll of many approved of the 7/7 train bombers. Now we've got all these women wearing vails who are blantantly only doing so in order to provoke. It may be a select few who go on to mass murder, but a far larger amount hate this country, it's people and even want sharia law introduced.

You can not have a group of people integrate with a secular society when they are so fanatical about their faith. This is what leads to conflict.

where are you from it sounds very old fashioned maybe you should move if its that bad,

Actually I am moving from the frying pan to the fire as I will be living in the states soon. I look forward to all the "JESUS DIED FOR YOU!" bumper stickers.

Did life appear form nowhere?

No, it emerged from matter. You should know... touch yourself. How's that for evidence.

The point is that you have beliefs that are not based upon evidence.

I don't think you have at any point made reference to my main point. We have multiple starting points that show the link between emergent phenomena and brain structure. There are obviously many gaps, but the claim that there is NO evidence is wearing thin, and sounds like denial on your part since you want to hammer home this imaginary point of yours.

Why is out OK for you demand evidence of others beliefs but when they demand you supply evidence for your belief all of a sudden it becomes "smarmy." A bit hypocritical.

If you read my last paragraph, you will see the difference. Logical assumptions based on observational evidence (and that is ignoring the real evidence that is out there, and understood by experts), compared to that of sheer invented fantasy out of nothing

No, actually its not up to me. Scientists are making a claim without any evidence to back it up. There is no way to test this theory. It is the same as believing in intelligent design. Might be true, but its not science.

There is NO WAY you can compare emergent phenomena in the brain to that of intelligent design. For the reason that one is the simplest explanation, and the other is the least likely explanation. A sentient creator as the first cause of everything?

Science has been wrong again and again throughout history. Why is taking sciene on faith OK but not religion?

Yes, science has been wrong countless ties, especially in it's humble beginnings of course. But is that any reason to abandon it? It's the best tool we have of understanding things. Without it, we are probably still sun worshippers.

No, explain this intriguing double-standard to me.

Science = progressive knowledge
Religion = made up as they go along. It's funny how 'limbo' is only a theory now.

No, m point was that brain size in it of itself means nothing.

It means a great deal more than nothing. If our brains were smaller we'd be hitting each other with sticks instead of typing into a computer miles apart. :poke:

No, look up "emergent phenomenon" online.

In philosophy, systems theory and the sciences, emergence refers to the way complex systems and patterns, such as those that form a hurricane, arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions.

Thanks. This actually aids my point. You sound totally astounded by the state of consciousness and find it difficult to imagine how it can exist... yet evolution is all just simple steps. In that respect it's easy to understand humble beginnings and their complex structure today.
No, it emerged from matter. You should know... touch yourself. How's that for evidence.
No, I'm asking your opinion on how the first life forms formed. The leap from simple matter to life.

I don't think you have at any point made reference to my main point. We have multiple starting points that show the link between emergent phenomena and brain structure. There are obviously many gaps, but the claim that there is NO evidence is wearing thin, and sounds like denial on your part since you want to hammer home this imaginary point of yours.
No, its not wearing thin. You have yet to produce any actual evidence. You can try and skirt around this simple fact all you want but until you present any actual evidence you believe in something without evidence.

If you read my last paragraph, you will see the difference. Logical assumptions based on observational evidence (and that is ignoring the real evidence that is out there, and understood by experts), compared to that of sheer invented fantasy out of nothing
What is it about the brain -- this mass of chemicals and electromagnetic fields -- that enables it to generate any state of subjective experience? If your sole access to the mind is by way of physical phenomena, then you have no way of testing whether all dimensions of the mind are necessarily contingent upon the brain. This very notion that the mind must simply be an emergent property of the brain -- consisting only of physical phenomena and nothing more -- is not a testable hypothesis. Science is based upon a very profound metaphysical foundation. Can you test the statement that there is nothing else going on apart from physical phenomena and their emergent properties? The answer is no.
There is NO WAY you can compare emergent phenomena in the brain to that of intelligent design. For the reason that one is the simplest explanation, and the other is the least likely explanation. A sentient creator as the first cause of everything?
They are exactly comparable. Both are untestable psuedo-scientific theories. There is, and can be, no acutal evidence for either. Its fine if you want to believe them but then at least have the intellectual honesty not to go pointing your finger at other people that have also beliefs without evidence.

Yes, science has been wrong countless ties, especially in it's humble beginnings of course. But is that any reason to abandon it? It's the best tool we have of understanding things. Without it, we are probably still sun worshippers.
I didn't say we should abandon it. I'm pointing out that religion isnt the only domain in which faith plays a part.

Science = progressive knowledge
Religion = made up as they go along. It's funny how 'limbo' is only a theory now.
Its funny how you wont admit there is no scientific evidence backing up the notion that mind is an emergent phenomenon of brain. If you were intellectually honest you would just admit it is an artivle of faith of scientific materialists.

It means a great deal more than nothing. If our brains were smaller we'd be hitting each other with sticks instead of typing into a computer miles apart. :poke:
It just dawned on me I might actually be arguing with a very immature adolescent. How old are you?

In philosophy, systems theory and the sciences, emergence refers to the way complex systems and patterns, such as those that form a hurricane, arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions.

Thanks. This actually aids my point. You sound totally astounded by the state of consciousness and find it difficult to imagine how it can exist... yet evolution is all just simple steps. In that respect it's easy to understand humble beginnings and their complex structure today.
Then please provide me with the scientific evidence. Its a simple request. Back up your belief with evidence. One single study in a peer-reviewed scientific journal is all I ask.
athiests try to convert people more than religious people on this forum,

M*W: It is impossible for an atheist to convert a christian or other theist to atheism. Atheism is not something one does to/for another. Atheism can only be embraced when one reaches a higher level of knowledge and reasoning beyond the simple mind-games played by christianity.
Woah...what ignorance...you only re-confirm what I said about atheists....everyone else is a delusional fool....except for them...

Except this is a fallacious assumption that you have about atheists. There are plenty of delusional atheists as well. I know of many that are deluded by beliefs in things ranging from homeopathy to tarot cards and ESP. They're clearly deluded.

I won't share any personal experiences....but I will say that I experience supernatural things on a daily basis so its very hard to deny all of it...
Evidence of gullibility and ignorance, but not the supernatural. The things you likely count as supernatural probably have many prosaic and very natural explanations. Some of them are probably spurious correlations based on a preconceived belief and coincidence, discounting events that don't provide support for your beliefs. Delusion is most evident among those that claim they "experience the supernatural every day."

Yet more re-confirmation.....any evidence will either be denied or dodged out of or gathering evidence is impossible.......so why do atheists even ask for evidence?

Because evidence should be possible. The gods of Christianity, according to myth, were very prolific and interactive with humans. There were clear signs of the dissatisfaction that these gods had with mankind and the trickery they used. Gods like Jesus, Yahweh, Satan, and their demigods performed (according to the myths) feats of magic and sorcery all the time. Somehow, these gods are finished with mankind? They decline to interact with people now? The only interactions are those that a few individuals claim to have but these are very personal and private interactions. No global floods. No fire and brimstone. No pillars of salt for wayward spouses. No water turned to wine. No gods/demigods walking on water, healing the blind, restoring the limbs of amputees, or hovering above cities in flying chariots bathed in holy light.

Instead, what we get left with are "miracles" that include vague images of demigods like Mary on grilled cheese sandwiches and in the piss-stains of the homeless at underpasses. Evidence of pareidolia and delusion, not divinity. Evidence for gods should exist. We should see: evidence that the laws of physics were violated in producing universe; evidence that the universe and life were designed by a high intelligence; evidence that the God communicates truths by divine revelation; evidence that scriptural events really happened; evidence that at least some prayers are answered; evidence that the humans are special, have supernatural powers; and evidence that the God is source of morals and values.

We don't.

Just shut the fuck up and say you choose not to believe in God....instead atheists go on about how everything is an imaginary fantasy (unless evidence says it isn't), religious people are delusional, and how atheists know everything and can thus determine if God exists or not, etc....

Why don't you mind the profanity and make you point without the F-word? While you're at it, please cite the atheist in this forum that made the claim that everything is known. Indeed, cite that atheist anywhere so that I may join in ridiculing him. That religious people are deluded is obvious to the rational thinker. That evidence for the existence of their gods should exist is also obvious. No doubt, the deluded will claim that evidence I've listed above does exist (I can cite examples that claim this in this very forum as well as other places), but in no instance has the deluded successfully made the case that this evidence actually exists. The claims of 'intelligent' design have failed miserably. The claims of miracles have miserably failed. The claims of intercessory prayer have miserably failed.

I'm happy to revise my position that gods do not exist nor are they necessary for the universe to exist. I just require that those that claim such gods do exist not only provide a rational case for their claim but also for why I should accept that it is their god that is the right choice and not someone else's or one that has yet to be discovered. When the latter possibility is considered, it might be the atheist that has the best chance of appealing to such a god! At least we didn't invent a non-existent competitor and create a whole mythology based on what we thought this god would want for us!

Saying that the brain and consciousness have some connection is not the same as stating that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon.

All evidence points to the notion that consciousness is dependent upon the brain. Nearly every other part in the human body has been transplanted, removed, or rendered irrelevant at some point, however temporarily, and the consciousness of the individual remains. Not to mention that there are data that support this which indicate that by stimulating or 'turning off' parts of the brain, consciousness is altered or impeded. Its very likely that the definition of "consciousness" is one that will need considerable refinement and revision as neuroscience increases its understanding of the human brain.

I am saying there is no evidence that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon of brains.

You might try reading some of the literature:

Tonon, Giulio (2004). An information integration theory of consciousness. BMC Neuroscience, 5(42).

Seth,Anil K.; et al (2006). Theories and measures of consciousness: An extended framework Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(28): 10799–10804.

Both of these papers and many others go through and discuss a lot of evidence that consciousness is an emergent process of the brain. The latter is critical of the former, but they both acknowledge that evidence exists that demonstrates that the complexity of consciousness is a result of brain activity. If not the brain, what? The big toe? The heart which gets transplanted from time to time? The tonsils?

For someone that believes in Intelligent design they might consider it laughable to think that life just magically (i.e. no rational explanation as to how) comes from chemicals on the earth, just as you think consciousness just magically comes from the brain. Both might be true.

This is an argument from ignorance. Not a single biologist or neuroscientist has ever argued that magic is involved in either abiogenesis or consciousness. Rational hypotheses do exist, whether or not you choose to acknowledge or educate yourself on them.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence for either. So it is hypocritical for you to demand that one always have evidence for their beliefs. Stomp your feet all you want but thats how it is.

No. It isn't. Evidence is improving for both of these fields and the researchers within them each acknowledge that their favorite hypotheses may, indeed, be wrong. Some of them, in fact, hope they're wrong and that others will provide new data. This is not the case with those deluded by the superstitions of religion. There are no priests that acknowledge their god may not exist. There are no archbishops hoping that a theologian will come along to disprove their doctrines. The doctrines and mythically established dogma of religion is not open to debate, revision or improvement with new data. The hypocrisy, therefore, resides primarily with the religiously deluded who want the benefits of scientific discovery so long as it doesn't criticize or bring into question their own delusions. They want medical science to advance, but ignore the very facts of evolution that are smacking them in the face to obtain that advancement.

Hmmm, that's impossible. For something to be science it has to be a testable hypothesis. This has not been tested and they have no idea how to go about testing it.

A statement which I've refuted above. Moreover, for "something to be science," it must be potentially falsifiable. Not just a testable hypothesis. Just because you are ignorant to the neuroscientific work being conducted on the concept of consciousness doesn't imply that science has nothing to say about it that is worthwhile. Nor does the fact that there is a very promising amount of neuroscience being done in the field of consciousness imply that science has it figured out. It doesn't. But scientists aren't dismayed by that (quite the opposite) and don't resort to arguments from ignorance by settling for: this can't be explained; thus it is explained by that. Saying, "I don't know" is not the same as saying "god did it."

You are just taking Attenboroughs word as an authority on faith the same way a thesit takes a priests word as an authority on faith.

The difference is monumental! With Attenborough, one at least has the option to test his word. With a priest, how is one to test the supernatural? With every objection, the goalpost will surely move.

What evidence do you have of this? Elephants have bigger brains than us does that mean they have more complex emotions than us?

Just out of curiosity, what is the ratio of the elephant brain to body mass? Is it higher or lower than that of the human brain? I honestly don't know the answer off the top of my head, but the answer may be important to your assumption here.

just because you dont believe in god and think you will die and not exist and they think they will live in peace in heaven for eternity, you hate there bliss and ignorance dont you,

Wow. Talk about non sequiturs. You're just one logical fallacy following another, eh?

Science has been wrong again and again throughout history. Why is taking sciene on faith OK but not religion?

If for no other reason that the very fact that when science is wrong, science corrects itself. And, with each correction, comes a revision that improves upon another (in general). Which religion has the courage to do this again?