Why haven't women figured out to not wearing clothes?

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....Ahh thats better!
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Thats really fuking nice!!! I was reading this thread when i was making dinner and the kids were around. I didn't realize I was in a porno site!:mad:
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Stop whining.

you're only showing your ignorance, and your false feeling of superiority.

no she is not ignorant us people who have kids around dont want them to see things like that, if you have to put a picture like that up then for god's sake link it and not post it here!!
no she is not ignorant us people who have kids around dont want them to see things like that, if you have to put a picture like that up then for god's sake link it and not post it here!!

Umm, I'm not like, an expert in pediatrics or anything, but I have a suggestion for dealing with that:

Umm, I'm not like, an expert in pediatrics or anything, but I have a suggestion for dealing with that:


some people find pictures like that upsetting, and obvioulsy shorty doesnt like them, if her children are playing and my children are playing beside be, is it fair for them to see that?

and by the way

Umm, I'm not like, an expert in pediatrics or anything, but I have a suggestion for dealing with that:


Coming from a pink haired freak, we should listen to you about parenting?
I spent ALL day with my kids.....

I stepped in here for a whole 5 mins today.........the kids were watching Tv pretty much beside me and the second post I opened was this.

I thought this was a safe site to open when kids were around.......afterall
I thought its supposed be about science.
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Coming from a pink haired freak, we should listen to you about parenting?
I spent ALL day with my kids.....

I stepped in her for a whole 5 mins today.........the kids were watching Tv pretty much beside me and the second post I opened was this.

I thought this was a safe site to open when kids were around.......afterall
I thought its supposed be about science.

yeah science my eye!!

its ok shorty people who dont have kids are often the first to tell us how to parent our kids!!
Coming from a pink haired freak, we should listen to you about parenting?
I spent ALL day with my kids.....

I admitted that I'm not an expert..
All day? No job eh? Are you on welfare?
No offense, of course. Nothing wrong with being on welfare. No siree.

I admitted that I'm not an expert..
All day? No job eh? Are you on welfare?
No offense, of course. Nothing wrong with being on welfare. No siree.


hang on a minute some mums like being at home with they're children while they're husbands, bf's , work!! and no for your information i am not on welfare or income support, i look after my children and i work, you on the other hand are way to quick to knock people for not having work.

i choose for a few years to stay at home and be a house wife, and there is nothing at all wrong with it, i enjoyed it!!
hang on a minute some mums like being at home with they're children while they're husbands, bf's , work!! and no for your information i am not on welfare or income support, i look after my children and i work, you on the other hand are way to quick to knock people for not having work.

i choose for a few years to stay at home and be a house wife, and there is nothing at all wrong with it, i enjoyed it!!

I have very little interest in the specific details of anyone here's life.

I'm a conservative: I find the idea of people getting money for NOT working to be a bit appalling.

I have no problem with women who sponge off men. It's just a nuisance when they sponge off me. The man in question exchanges money and security for some sex - but I'm not getting anything from welfare moms! And no, I don't want sex from them. Hotdog down a hallway, anyone?

By the way, I am mildly disturbed by the fact that you parent your children's anuses. I believe the Catholic Church has had no end of bother over that.
Or did you mean to put a comma between kids and the vulgar term for an anus?
I have very little interest in the specific details of anyone here's life.

I'm a conservative: I find the idea of people getting money for NOT working to be a bit appalling.

I have no problem with women who sponge off men. It's just a nuisance when they sponge off me. The man in question exchanges money and security for some sex - but I'm not getting anything from welfare moms! And no, I don't want sex from them. Hotdog down a hallway, anyone?

By the way, I am mildly disturbed by the fact that you parent your children's anuses. I believe the Catholic Church has had no end of bother over that.
Or did you mean to put a comma between kids and the vulgar term for an anus?

when your married or in a long term relationship, it is a "PARTNERSHIP" which means the women do not sponge of the men, and you being a conservative just worries me. what if people cant find work? shoudl they starve? and yes i did mean to put a comma! but obvioulsy my command of the english language isnt has good has yours, seeing that you never do anything wrong!!

and by the way the walfare state is there to help people feed they're children, and women in UK get child benefit which is not for the parents its for the kids, and we get working tax credit and child tax credit with is NOT A benefit!! so please dont preach at me about sponging of anyone i work just ahs ahrd has you do!! oh no sorry twice has hard because i ahve kids!!
I have very little interest in the specific details of anyone here's life.

I'm a conservative: I find the idea of people getting money for NOT working to be a bit appalling.

I have no problem with women who sponge off men. It's just a nuisance when they sponge off me. The man in question exchanges money and security for some sex - but I'm not getting anything from welfare moms! And no, I don't want sex from them. Hotdog down a hallway, anyone?

By the way, I am mildly disturbed by the fact that you parent your children's anuses. I believe the Catholic Church has had no end of bother over that.
Or did you mean to put a comma between kids and the vulgar term for an anus?

what is it rag week with you Xev? I never did understand why you like to attempt to read into people's thoughts or lives...just stirring up shit cause the forum is kinda slow? You feast on drama I think.
I admitted that I'm not an expert..
All day? No job eh? Are you on welfare?
No offense, of course. Nothing wrong with being on welfare. No siree.

You seem to like to make up things as you go along Xev. I have been in business for myself for over 10 yrs. and have raised 2 great kids.

But hey lets write some shit about being on welfare and having no job just to stir up shit........but of course add in the no offence part that is signature Xev.

Lucifer of course you have no idea what you are talking about, me either for that fact we are just simple stupid women who watch kids and take care of the house and work for a living ontop of it all.

But hey the mighty Xev has spoken and she does know everything.
what is it rag week with you Xev? I never did understand why you like to attempt to read into people's thoughts or lives...just stirring up shit cause the forum is kinda slow? You feast on drama I think.

You're new here. :D Lighten up.

I'm not reading anything, though. Tell me - the women who spend time protesting Grand Theft Auto because their children might buy it, do you think it takes much knowledge of their lives to say "jesus woman! parent your kids rather than making me do it!?"

It's a major problem with the world - people are afraid to be responsible for themselves, or their children. Don't like what your kids watch on tv? Don't let them watch it! Don't want your kids smoking dope? Explain why they shouldn't. Quit making the nanny state step in.

Now, as to reading into other people's lives - I'm not the one hunting down pictures of people to comment on their hair color. Your girlfriend seems positively fascinated by the subject.

lucifer's angel:
when your married or in a long term relationship, it is a "PARTNERSHIP" which means the women do not sponge of the men, and you being a conservative just worries me.

It worries me too.

what if people cant find work? shoudl they starve?

Have you seen the movie "Quills?"

"Let them die in the gutter like nature intended!"

and by the way the walfare state is there to help people feed they're children, and women in UK get child benefit which is not for the parents its for the kids, and we get working tax credit and child tax credit with is NOT A benefit!! so please dont preach at me about sponging of anyone i work just ahs ahrd has you do!! oh no sorry twice has hard because i ahve kids!!

Oh I'm not preaching at you. I think that people shouldn't be allowed to breed children that they can't feed. Perhaps the government could institute some manner of workhouse for children whose parents refuse to work, or to parent them. The children would be raised, would contribute to society, and would learn the value of an honest living. Newborns whose parents can't support them could perhaps be euthenized and used as organ donors, or to feed endangered animals.
But that's not about you.

I think we've reached the limits of fruitful conversation. There's no reason to fear the female form, you know. As cool as it would be, naked women will not pop out of your computer monitor to devour your intestines.

Lighten up!
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