Why is Mazulu Still Here?

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I am not going to let other people ram their hateful atheist ideologies down my throat while you atheist moderators protect them.

The only thing this atheist rammed down anyone's throat yesterday was a delicious meal...3 hours in the making (including home made bread) for an elderly French lady who just got out of the hospital after a month stay, and her vegetarian son. She called me and said "Meesh, (she can't say Mitch) It was divine!"

Earlier in the day, my satanic atheist ass (how can you be satanic AND atheist?) vacuumed up all the fallen leaves in my neighbor's yard while I was doing mine...just to make her day. I'm pure fucking evil.


My Lord Satan...I don't believe in you!
The only thing this atheist rammed down anyone's throat yesterday was a delicious meal...3 hours in the making (including home made bread) for an elderly French lady who just got out of the hospital after a month stay, and her vegetarian son. She called me and said "Meesh, (she can't say Mitch) It was divine!"

Earlier in the day, my satanic atheist ass (how can you be satanic AND atheist?) vacuumed up all the fallen leaves in my neighbor's yard while I was doing mine...just to make her day. I'm pure fucking evil.

Absolutely, works without faith, without giving some attention to Jesus will only serve to make sure you are guaranteed a seat by the fire, roasting away with all the other pure fucking evil sinners that haven't given Jesus a reach around.
You're calling me a retard? That is a very hateful thing to say. I expected more out of you.

Agreed, a retard usually doesn't make the same childish, ridiculous claims as Mazulu. Please don't insult the retards of the world.
None of you have any idea what the dark matter is doing or what it's doing beneath the quantum uncertainty. You have no idea if there is another layer of determinism due to dark matter particles.

And, you alone have knowledge of this phenomena, but no one else does. LOL.
The only thing this atheist rammed down anyone's throat yesterday was a delicious meal...3 hours in the making (including home made bread) for an elderly French lady who just got out of the hospital after a month stay, and her vegetarian son. She called me and said "Meesh, (she can't say Mitch) It was divine!"

Earlier in the day, my satanic atheist ass (how can you be satanic AND atheist?) vacuumed up all the fallen leaves in my neighbor's yard while I was doing mine...just to make her day. I'm pure fucking evil.


My Lord Satan...I don't believe in you!

Mcgyver, you sound like a good man and someone who can cook (which makes me hungry). Just like all groups of people, even atheists, there are good people, bad people and totally rotten people.
And, you alone have knowledge of this phenomena, but no one else does. LOL.

I'm only suggesting that it's possible, that an afterlife is possible, given the existence of dark matter. But you atheists have to shove your potentially wrong ideology down my throat that you know that it doesn't exist. How do you know? Answer: you don't know.
Mcgyver, you sound like a good man and someone who can cook (which makes me hungry). Just like all groups of people, even atheists, there are good people, bad people and totally rotten people.

Some Christians would describe my behavior as "Christ-like". You don't need a god to have a positive influence on your neighbors, city or country. Hell, one of my guiding principles in life comes from the 80's movies "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". In that movie the characters say:

"Be excellent to each other.. (Don't just be ok, or good...be EXCELLENT...use your whole ass, and not just half of it.)
and...Party on dude!" (Live your life to the fullest every day...laugh, sing, dance, eat, drink and experience all the wonders life has to offer!)

It's actually pretty profound, if you ask me. :)
Some Christians would describe my behavior as "Christ-like". You don't need a god to have a positive influence on your neighbors, city or country. Hell, one of my guiding principles in life comes from the 80's movies "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". In that movie the characters say:

"Be excellent to each other.. (Don't just be ok, or good...be EXCELLENT...use your whole ass, and not just half of it.)
and...Party on dude!" (Live your life to the fullest every day...laugh, sing, dance, eat, drink and experience all the wonders life has to offer!)

It's actually pretty profound, if you ask me. :)

I have no problem with your philosophy. I've never complained about anyone living their lives this way. I'm not complaining about anyone saying, "well, I see no evidence of God. Too bad, oh well, let's have fun." I don't have a problem with that.

What I do see, and don't like, is that the moderators approve of crassness (like spidergoat wanting to rape angels), and Bells shoving her hatred of anything sacred (calling it shit), shoving her mentally deranged beliefs down my throat. I've been telling people about what spidergoat said and they are pretty shocked.
I'm only suggesting that it's possible, that an afterlife is possible, given the existence of dark matter.

What one has to do with the other is baffling, care to explain?

But you atheists have to shove your potentially wrong ideology down my throat that you know that it doesn't exist. How do you know? Answer: you don't know.

And you do know? How is that?
I have no problem with your philosophy. I've never complained about anyone living their lives this way. I'm not complaining about anyone saying, "well, I see no evidence of God. Too bad, oh well, let's have fun." I don't have a problem with that.

What I do see, and don't like, is that the moderators approve of crassness (like spidergoat wanting to rape angels), and Bells shoving her hatred of anything sacred (calling it shit), shoving her mentally deranged beliefs down my throat. I've been telling people about what spidergoat said and they are pretty shocked.

Nobody believes this bullshit, Mazulu. You've made broad, sweeping generalizations of atheists without any attempt to differentiate between "mean" atheists and ones who don't give you any trouble. You're the problem here, not anyone else.
Nobody believes this bullshit, Mazulu. You've made broad, sweeping generalizations of atheists without any attempt to differentiate between "mean" atheists and ones who don't give you any trouble. You're the problem here, not anyone else.

There ya go shoving your atheism down my throat.
I have no problem with your philosophy. I've never complained about anyone living their lives this way. I'm not complaining about anyone saying, "well, I see no evidence of God. Too bad, oh well, let's have fun." I don't have a problem with that.

What I do see, and don't like, is that the moderators approve of crassness (like spidergoat wanting to rape angels), and Bells shoving her hatred of anything sacred (calling it shit), shoving her mentally deranged beliefs down my throat. I've been telling people about what spidergoat said and they are pretty shocked.

Well, that's just SG twisted sense of humor...some may not get it...and yeah...he was trolling you a bit. He was just juxtaposing the image of fellatio against your pretty angel pictures, it's pretty standard in humor.

One thing I hate is when people stereotype an entire group of people in an untrue manner...especially if I'm a member of that group...and I will call them on it every time. You have been bashing us atheists, and I take offense to that. The mods don't protect us...this is just a science board, and although religion is allowed to be discussed, it is not the default position of science. When someone starts preaching, they will get a warning. If you want to preach, there are a 1000 other religious sites for that.
I'm only suggesting that it's possible, that an afterlife is possible, given the existence of dark matter.

No, you've repeatedly said that it is true, and provided no explanation as to what makes you believe this other than "Because I want to." And when people disagree with this exercise in wish-thinking, or even ask you to provide some evidence, you go out of your way to insult them.

We will not miss you when you're gone.

But you atheists have to shove your potentially wrong ideology down my throat that you know that it doesn't exist. How do you know? Answer: you don't know.

We know that stories of the afterlife come from superstition and from wish-thinking. Your "argument" amounts to needing to believe to fend off hopelessness. As of yet, I see no reason to believe that its existence is even in question.
Well, that's just SG twisted sense of humor...some may not get it...and yeah...he was trolling you a bit. He was just juxtaposing the image of fellatio against your pretty angel pictures, it's pretty standard in humor.

I would like to discuss this, but I have to get ready for TKD. We'll talk later if I'm not perma-banned by little miss titanium panties.
If we have a soul

Sorry, we don't have souls, they have never been shown to exist.

if there really is an afterlife, then it has to be made out of materials that can't be measured by science (e.g. dark matter.)

That is again a claim in which one thing has absolutely nothing to with the other, that is, unless you are able to show us how they are?

I have faith, I have a conviction.

Which means you can make up anything you want, and it appears you have.
I would like to discuss this, but I have to get ready for TKD. We'll talk later if I'm not perma-banned by little miss titanium panties.

Dude...this is called "Death by Mod". Insulting a mod (or any other member) accomplishes nothing...unless your goal is to get banned. If you want that...I'm sure one of the mods will gladly help you out.
By "Miss Titanium Panties", do you mean Kittamaru?
This may come as a shock to you so sit down.
Even though he's got a name that makes him sound like a fluffy Hawaiian kitten, he isn't a girl.


I'm a boy dammit!
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