Why lie?

Originally posted by Primeval Beauty
1- I didn't say I'm a troll
2- whatever
3- might as well do that
4- I have a different tase, I'm allergic to those.

Um, you don't get to decide whether or not you're a troll. You're obviously a troll.

So what is your taste? How about fat middle-aged women who go around thinking they're the moral compass of the world?

How about Catholics? Mmmmm, catholics.
Originally posted by Tyler
I think it may not be anyone using a second id. I think it may just be, primeval. And strgrl, in my opinion, has too much class to get herself involved in this mess like that. She's a step above myself in that department, for sure.

People with that much class are so annoying, eh? :D
Originally posted by Mallory Knox
1- Um, you don't get to decide whether or not you're a troll.
2- You're obviously a troll.
3- So what is your taste?
4- How about fat middle-aged women who go around thinking they're the moral compass of the world?
5- How about Catholics? Mmmmm, catholics.

1- I decide everything I do or become
2- think as it is more convenient to you
3- stupid people
4- they are stupid
5- I have a special ceremony for those
(Fundies have stopped to knock on my door, I feel lonly)

.....you're still on my wish list
maybe for winter solstice
Originally posted by Primeval Beauty
.....you're still on my wish list
maybe for winter solstice

You don't want me. I'm not stupid. Send me your math homework and I'll do it for you.

(I assume you're in high school...if you're not I would start to become a little afraid :D )
Originally posted by Primeval Beauty
considers what you think is grown up

I'm aproximately 577152000 seconds old.

That isn't grown up...

Hmmm, so you happen to be the same age as Xev...should be in high school, but not in high school, just like Xev...what a coincidence...
Originally posted by Primeval Beauty
it's a coincidence,
if I was Xev I would have lied up my age so it would not be coincidental

Or you you are Xev, but you didn't lie about your age so that when you said you were 18 nobody would think you were Xev because if you were Xev, you would have lied about your age.
It's not Xev, just leave it at that.

Prime has been posting since before this little feud of yours.
Hey Beauty. Welcome to the myrid joys of troll squishing.

And no, I'm not Primeval Beauty.

Edit to add:

Mallory: I've been attending CC since I was 16. Not rich, (that's why I'm not in a real college or uni), but I work and dad helps out with tuition and stuff.

And you have yet to return my flames. Mal, you seem to have spent a lot of time on AOL. That's for wussies like you. I suggest you go back - as Clarentavious mentioned, this is hardly true geekdom, but it's close. You have shown your inability to handle it.

As for your attempts at flaming, I spent a good portion of last night laughing my arse off - when I was not coughing up bits of my lungs*.

Your hysterics are amusing.

*Sniffle sniffle. Won't somone pity me?

*Xev pouts*
Last edited:
Originally posted by Xev

Mallory: I've been attending CC since I was 16. Not rich, (that's why I'm not in a real college or uni), but I work and dad helps out with tuition and stuff.

And you have yet to return my flames. Mal, you seem to have spent a lot of time on AOL. That's for wussies like you. I suggest you go back - as Clarentavious mentioned, this is hardly true geekdom, but it's close. You have shown your inability to handle it.

As for your attempts at flaming, I spent a good portion of last night laughing my arse off - when I was not coughing up bits of my lungs*.

What the hell is CC? Community College? LMAO. You stupid bitch. No wonder you get 'A+', at community college, man, that's funny...

See I saved up my money and went to a real university. All by myself. In the co-op program. It can be done. But not by stupid bitches like yourself.

Community college...lol....

Yes you're good at the message boards aren't you, but let's see in ten years who still owns a computer...who has a real job, and who's flipping burgers.
For Mallory Knocks:

Or you you are Xev, but you didn't lie about your age so that when you said you were 18 nobody would think you were Xev because if you were Xev, you would have lied about your age.

Xev is an athiestic slut, but Primeval Beauty is not.

If you want to kill so badly, go kill someone. Kill the next anorexic little whore you see walking down the street with her long hair and makeup and slutty clothes, kill that bitch. Do it.

Murder is an offense onto the LORD! Do not murder! Even if you are fat, Mallory Knocks, do not murder people because they are not! Even though you are offended by promiscuity (so am I! It is an offense onto God!) and are chaste, you should not kill.

You sound like a good, pure and chaste young Christian woman. I wish you luck.
Re: For Mallory Knocks:

Originally posted by FoxMulder
Murder is an offense onto the LORD! Do not murder! Even if you are fat, Mallory Knocks, do not murder people because they are not! Even though you are offended by promiscuity (so am I! It is an offense onto God!) and are chaste, you should not kill.

You sound like a good, pure and chaste young Christian woman. I wish you luck.

The Lord? Oh, are you one of THOSE? :rolleyes:
If Xev ever runs out of luck and has fewer money than I got, be sure that I'll send her enough to buy a new pc (or mac).
If we both have no luck, then we'll kill you and that would do also, because you then you would not obtain a pc whatever sum of money you have got stashed smwhere away.
DAMN! Im off the site for roughly 18 hours and I cant believe the response this thread has got.
To anyone saying sorry for hijacking the thread - Puhlleeaaasssee! Feel free to do so. If I felt it necessary, I would argue back with her, but it would just bring more unnecessary drama to my already f*cked up life - that I dont need.
BBC- Love Ya!
Xev - Your way too cool, next time Im up your way, Im gonna have to take you out for a drink!
Tyler, Pollux, Thruthseek and to anyone I left out, thanks for you oh so kind words.

Do you know who it might be? How about stRgrl...I really pissed her off yesterday and she seemed like the type...

Uhhh... no, I dont think so. I have better things to do. Like drinking and trying to forget about my f*ckin problems.

Take care eveyone, check in later:)
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Uhhh... no, I dont think so. I have better things to do. Like drinking and trying to forget about my f*ckin problems.

Take care eveyone, check in later:)

Drinking. Yeah, good idea. I wish all the drunk drivers and date rapers in whatever city you live in upon you.
Originally posted by Primeval Beauty
If Xev ever runs out of luck and has fewer money than I got, be sure that I'll send her enough to buy a new pc (or mac).
If we both have no luck, then we'll kill you and that would do also, because you then you would not obtain a pc whatever sum of money you have got stashed smwhere away.

Wow. Your grammar and spelling skills sure have taken a turn for the worst in the past few hours. :eek:

You'll kill me, really? :rolleyes: Bring it on. Where do I live?

Jealous that I have a future and you don't?