Will Scott Brown Kill ObamaCare?


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
Massachusetts is the bluest of blue states, and Democrat Martha Coakley was considered a shoe in to replace the late Edward Kennedy in the Senate. But this race has heated up and the Republican candidate Scott Brown is campaigning as the man who can single handedly stop Obama care. To quote Mr. Brown:
"As the 41st senator, I can stop it," Brown said last week during a debate, highlighting his potential to be the breakthrough Senate vote that upholds a GOP filibuster
Mr Brown is still a long shot. The state has a Democratic governor, Senate, House, and every constitutional office is held by a Democrat. So if Mr Brown even comes close, it will be seen as a major blow to the Democratic party.
"If it's a close race, or the near unimaginable happens — she loses — then make no mistake about it, this becomes the holy grail for the Republicans to flog the Democrats about the 2010 election," Massachusetts Democratic political consultant Mary Ann Marsh said. "Most people from around the country would say, 'Oh, my God, Ted Kennedy's seat, the bluest state in the country, a Democrat barely won.' And that would become a vehicle to raise money and beat up on Democratic members of Congress and the White House."
This being a midterm election, turnout could be a major factor. So while the Democrat Coakley is still ahead in the polls, a major turnout by conservatives could yield an upset here. And don't think that talkshow hosts and Republican operatives around the country don't know this. Expect tea party members, birthers, and Republicans in general to turn out heavily. Of course, Democrats have a plan for that:
The stakes are so high Democrats won't rule out taking as long as a month to certify the election results — should Brown win — to prevent a Republican from assuming the seat until the Senate completes its work on Kennedy's hallmark legislation.


Here's a video of Mr. Brown at the debate giving a very good answer to the question of whether he would be willing to be the one to block this healthcare reform package considering that he would be filling Ted Kennedy's seat:
He's also misleading the public. Medicare advantage isn't really medicare, it's subsidized private insurance. He also said he is for reform just not this bill, which is a lie. Republicans oppose this because they oppose any social spending, and the would oppose any bill proposed by Democrats.

I'm in favor of scrapping this bill too, in favor of real reform in the form of universal single-payer.
You should know better than to take any of Matt Drudge's hyperbole serious. Remember all of those SHOCK POLLS you posted indicating that McCain actually stood a chance?

Coakley is up by 10 to 15 points depending on what poll you look at. This seat is the least of the Democrats worries.
He also said he is for reform just not this bill, which is a lie. Republicans oppose this because they oppose any social spending, and the would oppose any bill proposed by Democrats.
He voted for the reform of Massachusetts healthcare.
Coakley is up by 10 to 15 points depending on what poll you look at. This seat is the least of the Democrats worries.
You're probably right, I said in the OP he was a longshot. But if he wins it would be a major shock to the political world and probably scare the hell out of the Democrats. Even a close race in Massachusetts would be unusual.

PS Apparently he posed nude for Cosmo. Perhaps this will sway the female vote?
Rasmussen now has the Massachusetts Senate race at 49/47 (Coakley/Brown).

The Massachusetts’ special U.S. Senate election has gotten tighter, but the general dynamics remain the same.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley attracting 49% of the vote while her Republican rival, state Senator Scott Brown, picks up 47%.
Oh we remember how accurate Rasmussen was :rolleyes:

Here is a possibility what if healthcare reform passes before the new senate enters session?
I dunno about Scott Brown but I know the majority of Americans do NOT want socialized, government-controlled healthcare. We do NOT want to end up being like Europe or Canada. Ugh.
I dunno about Scott Brown but I know the majority of Americans do NOT want socialized, government-controlled healthcare. We do NOT want to end up being like Europe or Canada. Ugh.

30% is a majority?
30% is a majority?
No, but 55% is:
Overall, 40% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. Fifty-five percent (55%) are opposed. As has been the case throughout the debate, those who feel strongly about the issue are more likely to be opposed. Just 19% of voters Strongly Favor the plan while 45% are Strongly Opposed.

No, but 55% is:
Overall, 40% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. Fifty-five percent (55%) are opposed. As has been the case throughout the debate, those who feel strongly about the issue are more likely to be opposed. Just 19% of voters Strongly Favor the plan while 45% are Strongly Opposed.


I'm going by the non propaganda influenced numbers. which are consistently 65% to 70%. The numbers after months of republican lies and misdirection hardly qualify as an accurate representation of what people feel now how good their propaganda is on the other its a great way to show that. Also note that many people oppose what you label "obamacare" because it doesn't it doesn't give universal coverage and feel its just another government handout to the insurance companies.

also in some instances the numbers are still at in the 60's and 70 in support http://pnhp.org/blog/2009/12/07/two-thirds-support-2/
It's not about lies or polls. It's about we do NOT want socialized, government-controlled/run healthcare. We see what a disaster it is in Europe and Canada. Those who have it come here when they are really sick. We have the best healthcare in the world. We want to keep it that way. Of course there are people who want it. They want everything for free...
I disapprove of the proposed health care legislation as well, what we need is universal single payer. I don't see how it's a disaster that people get affordable health care in THE REST OF THE INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD. I know, there is the danger than poor people will get healthy, which would be a disaster for Republicans, who depend on them being otherwise occupied and stressed, so they don't pay attention to your ruining of the nation.
Poor people are not necessarily unhealthy. Most people can afford to buy their own insurance. They just are poor stewards of money and make cigarettes, booze, drugs, tv's, cars, cels, laptops etc more of a priority. Very few can truly not afford it and for those we have welfare. We already give the 50 million criminal aliens free care. Enough is enough.
Your liberal president is doing more damage than any other POTUS. He has bankrupted us, spends like a drunk, is lax on security, wants to gut the military, wants to up welfare for losers, and wants to make us a socialist country.
The country did amazingly well under Bush until democrats took over CONgress in '07. By the end of their first year of destruction we were in big @ss trouble.
Bush left this country in ruin, he allowed the greatest terrorist act in this nation's history to occur, and left us unemployed, foreclosed, and hated. Worst president ever.
The country did amazingly well under Bush until democrats took over CONgress in '07. By the end of their first year of destruction we were in big @ss trouble.
Are you saying that the financial crisis is all down to the Democrat takeover of Congress?
I'm going by the non propaganda influenced numbers. which are consistently 65% to 70%. The numbers after months of republican lies and misdirection hardly qualify as an accurate representation of what people feel now how good their propaganda is on the other its a great way to show that. Also note that many people oppose what you label "obamacare" because it doesn't it doesn't give universal coverage and feel its just another government handout to the insurance companies.

also in some instances the numbers are still at in the 60's and 70 in support http://pnhp.org/blog/2009/12/07/two-thirds-support-2/
I'm sorry, but your poll is a month out of date and, worse yet, doesn't even address the "reform" package before congress. It was about "medicare for all"; which this bill does not provide. The poll I provided was more recent and specifically addressed the "reform" package before congress.

Do you have a different up to date poll that specifically addresses the "reform" package before congress that shows 65% plus support?
we do NOT want socialized, government-controlled/run healthcare. We see what a disaster it is in Europe and Canada.

'Disaster', says who? Oh, that's right, the far right, who wish to deny people medical attention so they don't have to queue.

Well, get this, in Europe, if you dont want to queue, you can STILL HAVE PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE. Get this 'Sandy', I have private Medical Insurance. You can have BOTH he ein Europe, and combined, it still costs us less than it costs you for just private insurance! This is not an 'either/or' debate. You can have BOTH.

Oh, and the USA does not have the best medical care in the world. You have a higher infant mortaity rate and lesser life expectancy that other developed nations too.

But, here's s question for you 'Sandy', do you want to get sick? Need life saving surgery? Need care? I guess the answer is no. So if you do not want to be the recipient of the care you pay for via insurance, why do you care who is?
It's not about lies or polls. It's about we do NOT want socialized, government-controlled/run healthcare. We see what a disaster it is in Europe and Canada. Those who have it come here when they are really sick. We have the best healthcare in the world. We want to keep it that way. Of course there are people who want it. They want everything for free...

so than why do 60-80% want medicare for all?