'Worst building in the history of mankind'


I’m the whispered word.
Valued Senior Member


Esquire magazine once dubbed this "the worst building in the history of mankind" I think it was inspired by the last piece of a Toblerone.

But is it the worst in the history of mankind?
It appears to be standing, so it can't be the *worst* building.
At least it is fulfilling some part of its purpose.
Damnit, pardon me being a west-oner, but I can't look at the words "Ryugyoung" or "Pyongyang" without my throat doing wierd things and gagging up... GAAACKKKK....

I say enough reinforced concrete can do anything, but time will tell what North Korean financiers are willing to finance, and if it collapses, are willing to cover up for, let's face it, a max of about 6 months.
Damn,that building is just so cool.It appears like it's ready for take-off.Hey too,it's a unique building and not a cookie cutter type.Congrats to the those that thought this masterpiece up.
The ugliest (and most stupidly expensive building)I have ever seen is the Osaka Waste Treatment facility.



I think all the buildings posted here as of yet are very cool, and I would have been proud to have anything to do with their construction!
The ugliest (and most stupidly expensive building)I have ever seen is the Osaka Waste Treatment facility.




It's kind of like the children's hospital in Fresno. Looks like it was made out of toy blocks, I guess to make the children happy, but considering how many kids die there the design is kind of depressing.

I have a love/hate relationship with Boston City Hall. It’s so bad it’s almost good. Style wise I’d call it “Late Gestapo” It has a totalitarian vibe about it one could imagine enemies of the state been dragged into this concrete edifice never to be seen again.
This effect however is slightly remedied, if you think of it as a giant roost for racing pidgins.

And what would a Gulag out building be without a huge tacky Russian statue. I think I found just the right one for it.

The statue was a representation of Christopher Columbus and was offered to the USA by the communist government (CCCP) to commemorate the anniversary of Columbus "discovering" America.

The Americans politely turned them down as the Russians would have expected this monstrosity to be erected ala' the Statue of Liberty.

The Russians were incensed by the snub. The cut the head of Columbus off the statue and placed the head of Peter the Great instead. It was then erected on the banks of the Moskva River where it is now.



Who wants a ride?
I'd think that we are discussing the way each person feels about any structure. Some see a building as OK while other think it sucks! They are all mostly a matter of opinions. Here's my pick for ugly.It is so to me because it is very bleek, cold and looks like a box, nothing to it to make it beautiful.

I'd think that we are discussing the way each person feels about any structure. Some see a building as OK while other think it sucks! They are all mostly a matter of opinions. Here's my pick for ugly.It is so to me because it is very bleek, cold and looks like a box, nothing to it to make it beautiful.


So look inside? :D

