'Worst building in the history of mankind'

This is a building in Dallas...the image isn't very good, because it was taken by me on a moving bus. To me, it looks exactly like an old Compaq Presario desktop computer.

Even the Sphinx there doesn't seem to believe his rotten luck in being stuck there.

Yep those are soul destroying buildings, but what I think we're looking for mostly are buildings were the designer had some grand vision which totally failed. It has to have the ability to entertain in its grossness. But I take your point about a culture that just doesn't give a shit.
All of the building's I've seen so far on this thread are quite beautiful.

Especially the Ryugyong Hotel. When clad in glass, it will look even better.
Yep those are soul destroying buildings, but what I think we're looking for mostly are buildings were the designer had some grand vision which totally failed. It has to have the ability to entertain in its grossness. But I take your point about a culture that just doesn't give a shit.

There are some good ones on that site, but I didn't mention them because you can always find someone who likes a Frank Gehry, or other starchitect monstrosity.
All of the building's I've seen so far on this thread are quite beautiful.

Especially the Ryugyong Hotel. When clad in glass, it will look even better.

I think it was Esquire magazine that dubbed the "Ryugyong Hotel" as the worst building in the history of mankind: The Esquire Mag article:

"A picture doesn't lie -- the one-hundred-and-five-story Ryugyong Hotel is hideous, dominating the Pyongyang skyline like some twisted North Korean version of Cinderella's castle. Not that you would be able to tell from the official government photos of the North Korean capital -- the hotel is such an eyesore, the Communist regime routinely covers it up, airbrushing it to make it look like it's open -- or Photoshopping or cropping it out of pictures completely."

I'd think that we are discussing the way each person feels about any structure. Some see a building as OK while other think it sucks! They are all mostly a matter of opinions. Here's my pick for ugly.It is so to me because it is very bleek, cold and looks like a box, nothing to it to make it beautiful.


Yep, this fortress like building might have its drawbacks but consider it this way, it an ideal structure in which to survive a zombie holocaust!:shrug:
Longaberger Home Office building in Newark, Ohio.

My God, all those people milling around the parking lot, they look just like ants.

Elephant Building, Bangkok


I think this could have been the Enron headquarters except the E has tipped over. Actually its spot on for those bastards.
Longaberger Home Office building in Newark, Ohio.

My God, all those people milling around the parking lot, they look just like ants.
I actually like it, but can't help wondering what happens when a colossal Yogi Bear comes along...

Enron's old building has this circular ped bridge connecting it to the buildings around it:

Remind you of a toilet seat much?
So I googled ugly buildings for kicks and giggles...wuck!


A Hong Kong tenement...

But that's cheap housing, it can be excused for being a little ugly.

There is, however, absolutely no excuse for...the Scottish Parliament building!

Esquire magazine once dubbed this "the worst building in the history of mankind" I think it was inspired by the last piece of a Toblerone.

But is it the worst in the history of mankind?

Here it is again, now almost finished:
