your favourite music video which is art by itself

Sonne by Rammstein

That was some pretty freaky s**t man but it made sense and brought a loved fairy tale to reality
Seriously, Goofy?

There's a video for "Coffee & TV"?

Frak! :eek:

Tiassa :cool:
Temple of love - Sisters of mercy
Parabola - Tool
Prison Sex - Tool

The ariels video is good...very strange. I don't think that there is a video for dead cell...but i did see the very end of prayer, just the part where it says the song and artist, so there is one for that song. Another video i forgot to mention is "Sugar" by System of a Down. it's great, humorus in its own twisted way.
S'aight, thanks loki :)

System vids are always twisted in some way, except for maybe Chop Suey. It was kind of funny when all the kids where eating chinese food. :D Hmmm...I haven't even heard of Sugar by Soad's not on Toxicity. :( I really want to see the Prayer vid, though. That song's the bomb! :D
My all time fave is that one by AHA! DAMN! Now I cant remember it! Its the one where he was in a comic strip and and the chick jumped in it and some dudes were chasing them.

OOOhhhh I got! Take on me, take me onnnnnnnn:D
OMG! I love that song! I'm listening to it right now! :eek: :D Weird!

Except it's another version, by Reel Big Fish. Is it supposed to be sung annoyingly? :D
:D :D!

"What, floating mask? You, you want me to shoot everyone?"
*everyone looks shocked*
"Heh heh, just kidding. It's a miracle." :D

lol, Simpsons' reference
sugar and spiders are off the first, self-titled album. personally, i like it more than toxicity, but everyone always argues with me about that. anyway, i think you should really check it out, it's great.
Oooh, ok. :D Y'see, I started listening to SOAD when Toxicity came I'm not too familiar with their history. Thanks for the recommends, however. :) As part of my duty to SOAD, I must see those vids. :D

Ratamahatta by Sepultura...its freaky clay-mated brazilian "favela" activity...SO incredibly cool.
since everyone is talking about SOAD, I'd like to clarify my stance on them:

They are one of the greatest bands I've ever heard. Their first CD was UNBELIEVABLE, when I got it that's all I listened too...then toxicity came out, and it blew me away, I learned they aren't a dry well. So much creativity it makes me jealous.
....yes....that good

download some of their stuff right now! Download "marmalade", its a wicked song. or "PLUCK" is really cool too....dammit, just buy the albums and push "repeat"...
Yeah System! :D I liked "Science", "Deer Dance", "ATWA" and "Shimmy". Oh! And of course, Aerials, since it's on the radio and everything. I need to get their first album....
Yes you do. Science is an UNBELIEVABLY good song....I can't believe it, it's so darned unbelievable.

Has anyone heard their "Legend of Zelda?"
lol :D I would've just said it kicked a$$, but unbelievably good works well too. :)

Science has failed mother earth...heh heh, wait till Popcorn hears that. He'll have to agree.

Legend of Zelda...not yet. ;)
I have to agree with Tiassa..

Radiohead's 'Pyramid Song' and 'Street Spirit' etc are definitely moving.
Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues" is up there too.

Plus the visuals at a Godspeed You Black Emperor! gig.. visuals accompanying music constituting a "music video" i suppose (seeing that they dont release commercial music videos, or singles for that matter - good for them).

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link, has come to town. come to save the pricess zelda....i love that it cracks me guy should check out system's first is really good, i like it better than toxicity personally