Muslim man sets 11yr old girl on fire

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by w1z4rd, Oct 18, 2008.

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  1. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Ah if you burn us, do we not peel? Or something of the sort.
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  3. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    F*ck that's sick.

    This is the sort of behavior you can expect from religious wing nuts, of any flavor, when violence can be justified. That's why it so important to stress peace and forgiveness over intolerance and violence. In that way a fundamentalist conservative would just be that much more peaceful. Another example of a flaw in this ideology.
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  5. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Immolation? Its an old Buddhist tradition.

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    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
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  7. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Can't be that old, the picture is from Vietnam, but then again at your age you would thing that is ancient history.

    But then again, You keep digging up ancient insults to justify Islam's murders of today.
  8. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    And? Vietnam has no Buddhists? Please do not respond until you learn sufficient English to communicate.

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  9. Betrayer0fHope MY COHERENCE! IT'S GOING AWAYY Registered Senior Member

    What the hell kind of post is that?
  10. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    Religious people of almost any stripe find it way to easy to commit evil acts.
  11. skaught The field its covered in blood Valued Senior Member

    Yes but the muslims are doing it in the name of islam. Christians jews and atheists arent doing it for religious purposes
  12. skywalker 3 @ T M 3 Registered Senior Member

    Such a retarded statement. So is that all republicans do these days? bash islame and prove that Obama's Birth Certificate is fake? oh wait they also commit genocide through out the world.

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  13. skywalker 3 @ T M 3 Registered Senior Member


    Yes and whats the difference between religious purposes ad int he name of Islam? Please tell me the difference between, in the name of Islam and other religious purposes?
  14. skaught The field its covered in blood Valued Senior Member

    If some jewish, (or atheist or xtian) person shoots and kills someone for whatever reason, chances are it isnt because of his faith that he did it. This guy that burned this little girl did it because he believes that god thinks its bad. Atrocities happen all over the world. But for some reason, and I would really like to know why, it is predominately in the islamic world that we see people treating women like shit in the name if God or Allah, or islam or whatever. I think it is up to the governments of these countries and the religious authorities to put a stop to this. But they only seem to ignore it. Why is that? I really want to know.
  15. skywalker 3 @ T M 3 Registered Senior Member

    What you are saying maybe true but there have been more hate crimes, rapes and domestic violence against women in west than anywhere else in the world. This is just BS that it only happens in Muslim countries, it happens a lot more in India and among hindus than you can possibly imagine. They burn and kill the whole villages just because the others were low caste. But it is not a big deal or big news, just because islam is not involve. You probably dont even pay attention to it, it is just a selective reading/thinking/attention, whatever you like to call it.

    Second problem is education and literacy in those countries, I don't blame the west or Islam for it, I blame the local governments and politicans for spreading this meance, either in the name os Religion or behind any other curtin. Also, one of the major reasons that these people after commiting these hideous crimes hide behind religions is because it is the easiest way to deal with their own personal guilt. Besides that the claim of retarded people that Islam told him to do it is simply Bull Shit and nothing else. However, it is enough for BR to start a bashing match, and I don't even blame him, I think he got full right just like other christian extermists to exploit the situation.

    Now to your question that jewish or other religious people don't do it in the name of religion, so they do and they all do, George W Bush went to attack on aAnother Country just because Jesus told him to do so! Do you want the bigger proof than that? Based on his order thousands of innocents have lost their lives and then it also Started a mad rush of extremists towards Iraq, and look what is happening over there, AQ is just having a kill fest. Now all the blame falls on Islam, the guy who started and killed thousands was no one but a Devout Christian who was only Following the orders of His god.

    Look, domestic violence is not the property of Islamic Countries only, we all share the burden but over there it is easy to hide behind the religion, just because of sheer ignorance of people and simple coruption. I bet 95% of you here have never lived in a third world country or have experienced their coruption first hand. But if I start giving you stats on latin america and other parts of the world, it will never end.

    Look at the following stats just from USA.
    From the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice

    Crimes by spouses or ex-spouses make up the majority (57%) of all crimes committed by relatives, as measured by the National Crime Survey.
    Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend to 4 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners per year.
    Approximately one-fourth of the victims attacked by their spouses or ex-spouses reported that they had been a victim of a series of similar events (at least three) within the previous six months.
    The most common reason (59%) for not reporting the crime to the police was a belief that the crime was a private or personal matter. The next more common reason, fear of reprisal, was indicated by 13% of those not reporting the crime to the police.
    Of all spousal violent crimes reported to the National Crime Survey, 91% were victimization of women by their husbands or ex-husbands.
    Although divorced or separated people make up only 7% of the population aged 12 and over, about 75% of the spousal violence reported involves persons who are divorced or separated.
    Some type of weapon (gun, knife, bottle, etc.) is used in almost one-third of all family violence.
    Approximately 80% of domestic violence victims suffer some type of physical injury.
    Calling the police following an act of violence may reduce the risk of a husband attacking his wife again within 6 months by as much as 62%.
    A woman is beaten every 15 seconds, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between 15 and 45 in the United States.
    Forty percent of teenage girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.
    Family violence costs the nation from $5 to $10 billion annually in medical costs, police and court costs, shelter and foster care, sick leave, absenteeism and non-productivity.
    The majority of welfare recipients have experienced domestic abuse in their adult lives and a high percentage are currently abused.

    You can check it for your self, these crimes happens all over the world.

    Among jews and christians, please don't tell me that it doesn't happen.

    Statistics and Facts about Domestic Violence in Israel

    Every year in Israel an average of 17 women are murdered by their spouses; 1,500 women arrive at the ER annually due to domestic violence disputes.

    In 2004, 20,553 complaints were filed of violence between spouses – an increase of 0.7% compared to the previous year, a fact which increases continuously.

    There are 14 shelters in Israel for abused women and 10 assistance centers for the sexually abused – most referrals are due to rape, sexual harassment and adultery. Most acts are committed by those known to the victim.

    1 in every 3 women goes through sexual harassment in her life. Israeli police report that every 12 hours a woman is raped and every 4 hours sexual harassment is committed.

    Just a small example from hindus

    above are just a preview of what may occurs in other religions.
    Again, main problem with Muslim countries is that they have failed to address the issue. It doesn't matter if you associate crimes likes above to a religion or not, crime is a crime and should be treated any different just because some one said so that his GOD told him to do it or his religion told him to do it. That is all BS and bogus. Every one knows it, but it is all so much fun to attack a religion of your choice and bash the followers because of the acts of the few. I don't recall any muslim country calling Timothy Macveigh a christian terrorist even though he was a white christian and might have done those crimes in "what he believes in" and thats the key issue, WHAT one individual believes doesn't become the belief of a billion people automatically.

    In USA majority of repulicans and christian extremsits support killing of innocent people all over the world, in the name of religion and in the name of democracy., I don't see all the world calling all the christians evil or bad. Just my two cents on this issue, you are free to believe whatever you like but the truth is, actions of a few people cannot define the whole population.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  16. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    This is a good point. When a conservative Buddhist wants to protest he burns himself, and when, Muslims want to protest they burn their 11 year old niece.

    A big difference reflective of the different ideologies.
  17. skywalker 3 @ T M 3 Registered Senior Member

    Oh please... he wasn't protesting genious, he was commiting an act of crime, a murder, what is so hard for you to understand? It is a crime and should be treated as crime, oh wait but he did it in what " HE BELIEVES IN" doesn't matter what were the actual teachings right? doesn't matter if he was an un educated person and did whatever he did on his sick mentality or ignorance but it is the fault of all of the muslims in the world for what he did. What a retarded thinking you have.

    So lets say what this woman did what god told her to do Jesus came to her and told her to kill her children? But doctor let her get away... but if this were happened by a muslim you would be jumping up and down and screaming ISLAM did it, blame all muslims.. lol. How typical.

    When andrea yates drown her 5 kids in the name of Jesus no one seemed to care that her religion is responsible, only because its all irrelevant to Michael. As long as it is in the name of any other religion, it is all good for Michael.

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    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  18. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Ask yourself: Did Mohammad murder other humans? Did he command his followers to commit murder? We both know the answer and there you go.

    Mohammad's god could had accomplished every one of It's goals without murdering other humans - but it murdered them anyway. I feel especially sorry for that poor scared singing slave-girl who Mohammad had the pleasure of having her head chopped off.

    Your god was happy to command It's servant, Mohammad, to murder people when It didn't have to. In doing so, your god signaled It's violent nature to It's followers. By Mohammad committing himself to murder in It's name - through his actions he then showed that murdering people is acceptable to your God.

    It's of absolutely no surprise then that you have many fellow Mohammadians murdering one another. How else do you explain the Muslims in Indonesia trying to chop the heads off other Indonesian Muslims just because they have a slightly different belief. Hell, even the government in Indonesia is going to ban these fellow Muslims from practicing their form of Islam.

    The actual actions of Mohammad himself, show that Islam promotes religious intolerance and religious violence. Mohammad murdered the polytheists in Mecca. There you go. So it still happens to this day because this is a fundamental aspect of your God, it's prophet.

    In short Mohammad himself committed or commanded other people to commit murder so of Mohammadians are still acting accordingly.

    Summary, worship a murdering intolerant God, have a murdering intolerant Prophet, and expect some people who dedicate their lives to these ideologies to sometimes murder.
  19. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    It's funny, you can see the evil in the actions of this man who murdered his 11 year old niece but I'm sure when you think of Mohammad and how he commanded the murder of a singing slave girl you probably think that was fine and dandy.

    there you go.
  20. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    Fundamentalists are the same in all religions.

    The media gets too choose which one gets the spotlight, and right now, it's Islam.
  21. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    This was my point, a fundamentalist of a peaceful religion (if such a thing exists) will then just be ALL THE MORE peaceful!
  22. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    You really don't under stand fanatics do you?
  23. DiamondHearts Registered Senior Member

    This is ridiculous. However believes that Muslims condone this must simply be a racist. If you dehumanize a group (i.e. Muslims), it is very easy to believe for them to do inhumane things.

    The fact remains that Islam forbids the killing of innocents, there is even an ayat in the Holy Quran which protests the pagan Arab custom of burying their daughters: "[Quran 81.8. When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned - 9. For what crime she was killed]

    Muslims don't have a lesser sense of morality than others. The OP and the posters who agreed with him, you need to take a look at yourself. This was a very low and dirty shot against Muslims.
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