Calculus AP test

Originally posted by TheXeelee
Got a 5 on Calc. AB. Easy as pie!:D

Good job! If you go to the Collegeboard's website, you can look at the distribution of AB scores. ABout 18.1% made a 5. In my class of 16, 13 made a 5... which is incredible.

I think about 15% made a 1.... so you have to think, for every one exceptional person in the world, there is one person who has no idea what is going on ;)
I took the c++ AP test back in May and i got my score today...

It was only a 4, but that is pretty good concidering that it is the hardedst test baised on the pass fail rate.
Should I Fear AP Exams?

Um... I'm still in Jr. High. I'm in this midwest talent search thing that students can take SAT's and ACT's through. For some reason, I haven't gotten my score back... :(

I thought that those tests were pretty hard, how bad are the AP tests? Should I start preparing NOW?


Re: Should I Fear AP Exams?

Originally posted by Nivao
I thought that those tests were pretty hard, how bad are the AP tests? Should I start preparing NOW?

Well, you should not have to prepare for them unless you do not take an AP class. Like, my school did not have an AP Physics class when I was there. I could have still have taken the AP Physics test. If you have the class, you do not need to prepare for the test other than just show up everyday and do your work.

Well, that is how the SAT is supposed to work (in theory).
Thanks For the Info

*Breathes sigh of relief and returns to her book*
What book?

I hope I did not imply the AP tests are hard. If you do not take an AP class, you are not required to take an AP test for college.
One Question

Would the fact that I'm in Algebra while most other students are still just starting pre-algebra mean I'm going to be in AP classes? I'm also in gifted science and this JGB thing for English.

Am I desined for this fate?


oh, i was rereading LOTR
I have CCOS
(carefully chosen obsession
Re: One Question

Originally posted by Nivao
Would the fact that I'm in Algebra while most other students are still just starting pre-algebra mean I'm going to be in AP classes? I'm also in gifted science and this JGB thing for English.

Am I desined for this fate?

At your current standing, most students would take AP classes. These classes are great for obtaining college credit while in high school.

Me, I had to work my way to AP calculus. In 9th grade I found out my school had an AP calculus class. I was not sure exactly what it was, but all I knew was that the "elite" students were in AP calc. I was taking algebra in 9th grade while everyone else that was going to take AP calc was in geometry. It is the classic story (fafnir knows)... high test grades, low class grades. Therefore, I was behind everyone. I doubled-up and took algebra II and honors geomtry in my sophomore year. Trig in my junior year... AP calc my senior year. I decided to actually do my homework in AP calc.... so I got a 99% :D In my trig class, my test average was 98 and my homework average was 65... Homework does not mean anything about knowledge.. just if you do your work.

Enough about me....
I say, go for it. Most schools will allow you to drop an AP class after one semster (two quaters or whatever). You cannot take them until your junior and senior year.
i got a 5 on the AB.

also got a 5 on the physics, macroeconomics, and computer science exams :)

only got a 4 on english lit and microeconomics :(
Um... pressure yourself much?

From what I've gathered, 5 is obviously what you strive for on these AP tests. So, like, a 4 is, what? A B-? That's okay. I mean, I'd be dissapointed, but not THAT upset.

Course, if I listened to my parents, I would probably kill myself, too.

"A B?! Are you feeling, all right, Katie? Remember, straight A's. Make us proud, if these grades continue it won't be as easy as you think to make the National Honor Society."

Niether of them were on it, why should I HAVE to be on it?

Re: Um... pressure yourself much?

Originally posted by Nivao
From what I've gathered, 5 is obviously what you strive for on these AP tests. So, like, a 4 is, what? A B-? That's okay. I mean, I'd be dissapointed, but not THAT upset.

Course, if I listened to my parents, I would probably kill myself, too.

"A B?! Are you feeling, all right, Katie? Remember, straight A's. Make us proud, if these grades continue it won't be as easy as you think to make the National Honor Society."

Niether of them were on it, why should I HAVE to be on it?


AP grades don't correlate to class grades (I got a 4 on the US history test, but an A in the class).

Btw, NHS is the easiest thing to get into, so don't worry about that.
Well NHS is the easiest to get into if you do your homework.. unlike me... so people assume I am not smart because I was not in there... NHS means nothing. I know people that are in there that have not one bit of intelligence, but a great work ethic.
Originally posted by string theorist
what the hell are you are sad about? 4's are good enough for any college.
i know :p. it was a joke. im proud of a 4 in eng. lit and microeconomics. i get to skip freshmen english and first semester of economics @ VT.
i know :p. it was a joke. im proud of a 4 in eng. lit and microeconomics. i get to skip freshmen english and first semester of economics @ VT.

Finally received my ap report. Im a bit disappointed: 2 calculus :( (oh well, retake), 3 physics, 2 macroecon :( , 3 english lit., 4 Govt. Likewise, i'll be taking debate instead of freshmen composition this fall. I received 5's on AP US history and European history from previous ap tests, so i practically fulfilled the social science requirements (except maybe econ).

Quite intriguing that the majority of you find calculus to be easy. for some unexplained reason, the concept doesn't come easy to me. oh well, i'll have to retake it.


ohhh... poor string theorist...

look at it this way: how many people even get to take the exams? (wait, what am i talking about? i don't know! i'm a stupid 14 year old!)
