Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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Bullshit them... said:
Gaza is free to pursue peace or war.

Pursue Peace and build and finally have a life.......

Pursue War, and the arms for War, and live on the generosity of their enemies.
Ah, you've learned how to chant in time, along with your presumed friends?

"Gaza is free" to, do what? Why did they elect Hamas, and why did Israel let its Palestinian herd of sheep do so? Why did they allow Hamas access to arms?

Why did the Palestinians dig tunnels? Were they practising, towards the day Palestine becomes an underground nation, the unter-menschen will be living where they should be?

Is that one of the verses, or the chorus?
What is not to understand?

You seem to have a problem understanding anything at all.

Gaza is free to pursue peace or war.

Pursue Peace and build and finally have a life.......

How is Gaza free? They have been blockaded and oppressed. What do they use to build this "life" that you paint?
Pursue War, and the arms for War, and live on the generosity of their enemies.

Resist the murderous oppressor and pay the consequence of their courage.

When Israel can be assured that weapons are not being smuggled with the food, then the crossings will be opened.

Why the need for crossings in the first instance? Why the need for a wall around the West Bank?

Just how many weapons can Hamas smuggle?

Not many, that is why it the Zionist assault was/is so barbaric.

Enough to start another ass whipping by the Israelis, but not enough to ever win this endless war.

The war will end when Israel starts a process of genuine peace and reconciliation.

Even the Arab States are growing tired of Hamas and the Palestinians. What did the Arabs States do to support Hamas in their war against Israel?

The Arabs are in the pockets of their Western masters. But that is changing.

The only real help was from Iran, Persians, and the Arabs are more afraid of Iran than they are of Israel, and Hamas cozying up to Iran wins them no points with the Arab States, in fact it hurts.

Good for Iran for having the courage to voice and uphold their compassion for the poor victims of Zionist ethnic cleansing.
If a complete stranger comes into your house (forcibly) and says he is taking four fifths of your house for his own use, and all without any kind of debate or compensation ... do you think this is remotely fair?

You think they SHOULD have made peace?

There never was a House, we are talking about a land, and the rejection of a U.N. solution by the Arabs to that solution and the fact that the Arabs who received 90% demanded another 5% and got that and then went to war to steal the last 5%, and got their collective ass whipped.

And for 61 years the Arabs have left the Palestinians in the status of refugee's.

When the Arabs rejected U.N. 181 it became a land grab, and the Arabs though that they held all the Ace's, well guess what, Israel filled the inside straight King high, and held the land.

So no house, no 4/5ths, won fair and square by right of winning.

That is the History of the world, and nations, there has never been a Nation that wasn't established by war, all nations are founded because of the actions of War.
"the rejection of a U.N. solution", which was arbitrarily made by several occupying powers, that one? The one that involved a level of Arab participation approaching zero? In fact = 0 for Palestinians.

What about the >100 UN resolutions rejected by Israel?

"When the Arabs rejected U.N. 181 it became a land grab, and the Arabs though that they held all the Ace's, well guess what, Israel filled the inside straight King high, and held the land."

When the Zionists raised an army of militants and sent them out to rid the land of ungodly peoples, the UN supported this invasive "right of determination". The Arabs were never a consideration within the purview of an international body annexing land and handing it to the Zionists. Arabs were well aware of the dangers you highlight with: "Israel filled the inside straight".

They hold the land by force of arms, as they grabbed it by force of arms. This is what actually happened rather than your religiously-inspired fairy tale.
There never was a House, we are talking about a land, and the rejection of a U.N. solution by the Arabs to that solution and the fact that the Arabs who received 90% demanded another 5% and got that and then went to war to steal the last 5%, and got their collective ass whipped.

Yes there was a house. Do I need to give you reams of reference material?

My analogy in my previous post is exactly the reality of the matter. Yes it is THAT simple.

That is the History of the world, and nations, there has never been a Nation that wasn't established by war, all nations are founded because of the actions of War.

That explains a lot. So History and the actions of war justify the human slaughter in Gaza today? Oh oh, war happens, why can`t they just get OVER it?

Wait until the slaughter comes to your backyard.
"the rejection of a U.N. solution", which was arbitrarily made by several occupying powers, that one? The one that involved a level of Arab participation approaching zero? In fact = 0 for Palestinians.

The U.N did not make a arbitrary decision, and those Occupying powers had the right to do so by treaty from the end of WWI, the Ottoman Empire lost, and in treaty gave that power to the Allies, legal and just.

That treaty from the Ottoman Empire gave legal status to any thing the Allies as the Occupying power wanted to do.

And the Occuping Powers handed that power off to the U.N.

What about the >100 UN resolutions rejected by Israel?

And what are those U.N. Resolutions about?
You know anyplace where "migration" involves putting the people who live there in a reservation on a diet?

yeah but not all israeli wants that!!

i dont think it is right to tarnish all the people of Israel with the same brush thats all
the normal israelis civilians should be cursing and blaming there gorvernement for Backing Hamas in the late 80's early 90's as a counterweight against Arafats PLO/Fatah party!!!

Its sick how monsters are created or backed with outside help to supress a population and then the population is punsihed for allowing the supression when the monster gets "out of control" in the eyes of the powers which created or backed them!!!

As usaly the normal folk gets fucked over!!!
PBWY Zakaryia.

That is the saddest fact, the little guy get's in the neck from both sides.

Hamas is a idiot for keeping the fight going, and Israel no matter how hard they try to only target Hamas fighters is going to hit civilians, and they are caught between a rock and the hard place.

Hamas needs to stop smuggling weapons to kill Israeli citizens, and as soon as possable Israel need to open the Boarder Crossings.
Hamas is a idiot for keeping the fight going, and Israel no matter how hard they try to only target Hamas fighters is going to hit civilians, and they are caught between a rock and the hard place.

Lets put it in another situation:
Patriots are idiots for keeping the fight going, and the British no matter how hard they try to only target Patriot fighters is going to hit civilians, and they are caught between a rock and the hard place.

Or again:

Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa are idiots for keeping the fight going, and the Germans no matter how hard they try to only target ZOB fighters is going to hit civilians, and they are caught between a rock and the hard place.
I think what pjdude is saying is pretty clear. Many native Americans are denied tribal status by the US because they cannot prove a link to their tribe, no one cares who their father or mother was. I doubt Buffalo has any Indian blood, he's just making it up.

Here's the difference between America an the Arab world. Everyone is given equal chance to succeed. Unlike the Arab world you have to work to succeed well, in many middle eastern countries you are born into your social clas most frequently and there you stay.

You don't have to be an indian to be an American, you just have to work hard.
Here's the difference between America an the Arab world. Everyone is given equal chance to succeed.
You don't have to be an indian to be an American, you just have to work hard.

Yeah, all you had to do was get rid of the native Americans who were already there. And not be black, or a commie, or a Muslim, or <insert latest American paranoia>

And apparently if you smoke pot in a party or have your dick sucked by an intern, you're finished. But kill a million people and you're the President.
Lets put it in another situation:

“ Patriots are idiots for keeping the fight going, and the British no matter how hard they try to only target Patriot fighters is going to hit civilians, and they are caught between a rock and the hard place. ”

Not even close SAM, a major difference, the Patriot Won, and then made a Peace, and Great Britain became our staunchest Allie, and We became theirs.

Or again:

“ Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa are idiots for keeping the fight going, and the Germans no matter how hard they try to only target ZOB fighters is going to hit civilians, and they are caught between a rock and the hard place. ”

The difference being that, no matter what Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa did, they were going to die, if they made peace with Germany, they were going to the Ovens, if they fought, they at least died in their own cause.

If Hamas makes Peace with Israel, they won't still be sent to the ovens, when Hamas stops smuggling weapons to kill Israelis, and makes a real peace, not a Hudna, the Dying will stop for both sides.
Not even close SAM, a major difference, the Patriot Won, and then made a Peace, and Great Britain became our staunchest Allie, and We became theirs.

Except that the "Patriots" won by getting rid of the natives/:rolleyes:

The difference being that, no matter what Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa did, they were going to die, if they made peace with Germany, they were going to the Ovens, if they fought, they at least died in their own cause.

Not really, they were incarcerated for several years. And the Palestinians did not get violent until after the intifada. When their peaceful demonstrations were met with machine guns and tanks.

If Hamas makes Peace with Israel, they won't still be sent to the ovens, when Hamas stops smuggling weapons to kill Israelis, and makes a real peace, not a Hudna, the Dying will stop for both sides.

Yeah, its worked so well till Hamas came to power in 2006 and in the west bank even now.
Except that the "Patriots" won by getting rid of the natives
No, they didn't. That was not a major factor in the success of the Revolutionary War.
And the Palestinians did not get violent until after the intifada. When their peaceful demonstrations were met with machine guns and tanks.
True. Mind you, other Arab countries didn't wait quite so long.
Yeah, its worked so well till Hamas came to power in 2006 and in the west bank even now.
Yes it did. Much better than the last two months.

If you don't think losing a couple people a year and living in a poor house is better than watching 1000+ people die and having your house demolished, then I'm not so sure you have a firm grasp of reality.
If you don't think losing a couple people a year and living in a poor house is better than watching 1000+ people die and having your house demolished, then I'm not so sure you have a firm grasp of reality.

Losing a couple of people a year? Living in a poor house?

More like being separated from family and friends for decades, having your identity and history erased, your homes occupied by strangers, working for your occupiers because your options are limited, having your country taken over by foreigners who replace your way of life. I don't know any people who will not fight such loss of identity. Its liek being a Jew in the Warsaw ghetto. Or an Indian on a reservation. You either fight back or get erased from history.
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SAM, why doesnt your country take in the Palestinians. Israel has never had a problem with it.

Oh yeah, i forgot you guys hate the palestinians too.
SAM, why doesnt your country take in the Palestinians. Israel has never had a problem with it.

Oh yeah, i forgot you guys hate the palestinians too.

Yeah there's a pogrom every few years in India, for the Palestinians. They are just simply dying to get here, you see. I liek how Tyler dismisses it as a few deaths and a little poverty. Did you see the video in the link above? Thats what it means to be Palestinian, in times of "peace"
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