Spanking your wife for Jesus

You guy use the word assault to loosely. Now I understand why my Mexican friend was accused of rape of his wife , when she wanted to go away with her lover.

Did he force her to have sex with him? If so that's rape.

Based on your second line . It is dangerous to be married with a woman of this society .

Only if you're a criminal.
Actually, it's you who came in here talking about how awful our way is. You're going to go all PC now that you get a little pushback?

If your way involves physically subduing your wife so she fears you enough to keep her mouth shut, then your way is backwards.

If you were wrestling your wife to the floor to stop her from complaining, it doesn't sound like you're all that stable or close. And who says families aren't stable or close in the US?

I said before . I was born and lived in Europe and in South America . your personal analysis might be fair for a society raised in USA in the 1900 to present , and your mind is far away from the way I perceive life .
I said before . I was born and lived in Europe and in South America . your personal analysis might be fair for a society raised in USA in the 1900 to present , and your mind is far away from the way I perceive life .[/QUOTE

That's fine. But ignorance (or disregard) for local laws traditionally doesn't help someone who beats women - at least here in the US. In other societies that might be OK, and people are free to live in such places if they choose to do so.
Did he force her to have sex with him? If so that's rape.

Only if you're a criminal.

Come on guy you are like infinite series..
About criminals during Governor Rayan"s administration in Illinois at one time they released about 90 person for not enough evidence or some related , This is specially in cases were people who don't speak English people depend on public defender and many of them are just interested to rush through and put the case to rest.
I said before . I was born and lived in Europe and in South America . your personal analysis might be fair for a society raised in USA in the 1900 to present , and your mind is far away from the way I perceive life .[/QUOTE

That's fine. But ignorance (or disregard) for local laws traditionally doesn't help someone who beats women - at least here in the US. In other societies that might be OK, and people are free to live in such places if they choose to do so.

Let me refresh your mind I have seen several movie in the past , how a men slaps a woman . Perhaps man do't slap women now but they put them away into a body of water or bury them in a shallow grave. We had her an officer of the law who made disappear 3 wives finally they they charged him.
Let me refresh your mind I have seen several movie in the past , how a men slaps a woman.

Right. And there's plenty of movies that show murders. You still go to jail for murder even if you watched the movie before you killed the person. Why? Because it's illegal.

Perhaps man do't slap women now but they put them away into a body of water or bury them in a shallow grave.

Those people go to jail too.
Right. And there's plenty of movies that show murders. You still go to jail for murder even if you watched the movie before you killed the person. Why? Because it's illegal.

Those people go to jail too.

Domestic violence ought not be tolerated...period. We may joke about it, but it is very serious business. Husbands, wives and children should not be beating on each other in the cause of righteousness.
Right. And there's plenty of movies that show murders. You still go to jail for murder even if you watched the movie before you killed the person. Why? Because it's illegal.

Those people go to jail too.

Look I am not advocating for violence I said that before . But What happen within the family that is nobodies business The government does supports the family , now if someone in the family chooses not to be part of the family then they invite the government and that is how is done here ( by not pressing charges )
We had over 100 apartment and there all sorts of incidences in families , If things would be as you guy portray the law and the enforcement tho government would broke .You are forgetting also with in the family violence the is some love also were one forgives the other .
Domestic violence ought not be tolerated...period. We may joke about it, but it is very serious business. Husbands, wives and children should not be beating on each other in the cause of righteousness.

Children should be correct if necessary that does not mean in permanent physical harm , thing should be done in a kind way
Look I am not advocating for violence I said that before . But What happen within the family that is nobodies business.

If there's violence, you bet it's other people's business. Gone are the days you can beat (or rape) your wife and tell the cops "she deserved it." Doesn't matter what excuse you use - it's "for Jesus" or it's because women are irrational or because it's "just what men do."

The government does supports the family , now if someone in the family chooses not to be part of the family then they invite the government and that is how is done here ( by not pressing charges )
We had over 100 apartment and there all sorts of incidences in families , If things would be as you guy portray the law and the enforcement tho government would broke.

So if you saw a man beating his wife (or his child) you'd do nothing to intervene? You wouldn't step in or call the cops?
If there's violence, you bet it's other people's business. Gone are the days you can beat (or rape) your wife and tell the cops "she deserved it." Doesn't matter what excuse you use - it's "for Jesus" or it's because women are irrational or because it's "just what men do."

So if you saw a man beating his wife (or his child) you'd do nothing to intervene? You wouldn't step in or call the cops?

I mentioned in # 68 I am not advocating violence , but your attitude is as if I am beating my wife and killing my kids which are bigger and stronger then myself.
I do support that children have to be corrected if necessary with a belt I don't need government interference , and the government messed up one of my boys in the military training.
Since you are so concerned about punishment . why is the government punishes us with all sort of useless laws so as to make easy to take away our earning.
I mentioned in # 68 I am not advocating violence , but your attitude is as if I am beating my wife and killing my kids which are bigger and stronger then myself.

No. I am disagreeing with your suggestion that it's OK to ""restrain them by force until you can reason with them." I am disagreeing with your suggestion that "what happen within the family that is nobodies business." I am disagreeing with the group that claims it's OK to spank your wife. I am disagreeing with your implication that if you see domestic violence, you should just let it happen.

No one claimed "you are killing your kids."

Since you are so concerned about punishment . why is the government punishes us with all sort of useless laws so as to make easy to take away our earning.

Are you really equating domestic violence with taxes?
My religion does not have any thing to do if my wife becomes belligerent to me, Women that I have gone trough their temper was not the easiest, I have not unleashed my hand ,but I did subdue them putting them on the ground so they would not have their hands upon me. Now if that wife of mine would had the fear or respect to God she would not be belligerent. There are many women in their anger do a lot of damage . I believe if they dont have fear of God , then they respect force , I don't mean damege them but restrain them by force until you can reason with them .

So you admit to abusing your wife?

Tell me, how often do you feel the need to physically force your wife to the ground and restrain her with force until she does what you want her to do?

Don't you get the message . The more secular the society becomes the less stable the society becomes . And secular society is farther alienated from God's commandments .

Why marriages become miserable ? Does tolerance have some to do with that ? If we are less tolerant , does not that tells us that we are more selfish,
Considering you just admitted to physically abusing your wife, and you are supposedly a god fearing man, and a secular society views domestic abuse to be illegal and immoral, I must ask, to whom are you appealing to here?

Nonsense A wife is a wife , she is a pillar of the family , it requires wisdom to be a wife , she is the manager of the family. If her mother did not teach her how to be a wife , the she is going to be a misfit , and cause problem.
How is one a wife?

Obedient? Perhaps you should buy yourself a trained dog instead?

How should a mother teach her daughter to be a wife to an abusive dickwad like you?

Should the mother teach the daughter how to hide the bruises that men like you will leave on her if she isn't obedient?

I believe thinks are taken with different mentality in mind . In those time women were married at very young age , perhaps even at the age of 12 or 14 . Think if you marrie a girl at the age of 12 or 13 would you not have to mold her . They are not born mature
Now if a woman is not mature at the age of 25 . So what you have
I think the greater majority of men would feel revulsion at imagining marrying a child.

Hey that wife of mine was not battered . You don't know the circumstances and how things are done . You really have drawn conclusion far far out
Forcing your wife to the ground and using physical force to restrain her as you described does make her a battered woman.

You are projecting yourself . I was born in East Europe and raised in South America . Our mentality and way of thinking are way different , I am happy with my way and you can stay happy with your ,
Stability I mean family stability and closeness
Are you suggesting that you were raised to physically abuse your wife?

Look I am not advocating for violence I said that before . But What happen within the family that is nobodies business The government does supports the family , now if someone in the family chooses not to be part of the family then they invite the government and that is how is done here ( by not pressing charges )
We had over 100 apartment and there all sorts of incidences in families , If things would be as you guy portray the law and the enforcement tho government would broke .You are forgetting also with in the family violence the is some love also were one forgives the other .
Domestic violence is a crime. If you commit a crime (and you have by your own admittance), you are a criminal and that is very much the State's business.

Men who beat their wives often profess to love their wives as well. Forcing someone to live in absolute fear and obedience and failure to comply results in physical abuse, such as what you did to your wife, is a crime.

Children should be correct if necessary that does not mean in permanent physical harm , thing should be done in a kind way
How do you physically abuse someone kindly?

I mentioned in # 68 I am not advocating violence , but your attitude is as if I am beating my wife and killing my kids which are bigger and stronger then myself.
I do support that children have to be corrected if necessary with a belt I don't need government interference , and the government messed up one of my boys in the military training.
Since you are so concerned about punishment . why is the government punishes us with all sort of useless laws so as to make easy to take away our earning.
You have admitted to physically assaulting your wife if she does not do as you say and to beating your children with a belt.

You are an abuser and thus, violent by nature. Whether you advocate violence is beside the point. You are a domestic abuser.
I said before . I was born and lived in Europe and in South America . your personal analysis might be fair for a society raised in USA in the 1900 to present , and your mind is far away from the way I perceive life .

I don't care where you're from. A wife beater is a wife beater no matter what flag he salutes.
No. I am disagreeing with your suggestion that it's OK to ""restrain them by force until you can reason with them." I am disagreeing with your suggestion that "what happen within the family that is nobodies business." I am disagreeing with the group that claims it's OK to spank your wife. I am disagreeing with your implication that if you see domestic violence, you should just let it happen.

No one claimed "you are killing your kids."

Are you really equating domestic violence with taxes?

Let me make straighten between spanking and restraining . Spanking to me means you lay your hand physically upon somebody . Restrain is you are not permitting somebody lay his or her hand upon you,

Now you or me comming into mixing domestic violence wit tax . I wanted make an example of government encroaching in citizen life , but it twisting into something else.
So you admit to abusing your wife?

Tell me, how often do you feel the need to physically force your wife to the ground and restrain her with force until she does what you want her to do?

Considering you just admitted to physically abusing your wife, and you are supposedly a god fearing man, and a secular society views domestic abuse to be illegal and
immoral, I must ask, to whom are you appealing to here?

I beat mu wife daily , with a whip, and the I sent her to work on the 15 I get her check , I buy her cloths seconds at Goodwill store.
How is one a wife?

Obedient? Perhaps you should buy yourself a trained dog instead?

How should a mother teach her daughter to be a wife to an abusive dickwad like you?

Should the mother teach the daughter how to hide the bruises that men like you will leave on her if she isn't obedient?

Yes her mother showed her by using ice and aspirin to get rid of abusive marks
I think the greater majority of men would feel revulsion at imagining marrying a child.

I agree on that . my wife is younger then I by 18 years

Forcing your wife to the ground and using physical force to restrain her as you described does make her a battered woman.

I see I should let her to punch me in the face and then call the cops for abusive wife

Are you suggesting that you were raised to physically abuse your wife?

Yes. I was 22 and she was 21 years old

Domestic violence is a crime. If you commit a crime (and you have by your own admittance), you are a criminal and that is very much the State's business.
Men who beat their wives often profess to love their wives as well. Forcing someone to live in absolute fear and obedience and failure to comply results in physical abuse, such as what you did to your wife, is a crime.

She was so fearfull that she decided to stay away from for over one year , and I told her if she does not work then she will not eat. so she went to work.
How do you physically abuse someone kindly?

I padded her on the button.

You have admitted to physically assaulting your wife if she does not do as you say and to beating your children with a belt.

Yes yes, I beat the hell of those boys their back was black and blue .


You are an abuser and thus, violent by nature. Whether you advocate violence is beside the point. You are a domestic abuser.

You are absolutely right , I rule my house with iron fist.
So you admit to abusing your wife?

Tell me, how often do you feel the need to physically force your wife to the ground and restrain her with force until she does what you want her to do?

Considering you just admitted to physically abusing your wife, and you are supposedly a god fearing man, and a secular society views domestic abuse to be illegal and immoral, I must ask, to whom are you appealing to here?

How is one a wife?

Obedient? Perhaps you should buy yourself a trained dog instead?

How should a mother teach her daughter to be a wife to an abusive dickwad like you?

Should the mother teach the daughter how to hide the bruises that men like you will leave on her if she isn't obedient?

I think the greater majority of men would feel revulsion at imagining marrying a child.

Forcing your wife to the ground and using physical force to restrain her as you described does make her a battered woman.

Are you suggesting that you were raised to physically abuse your wife?

Domestic violence is a crime. If you commit a crime (and you have by your own admittance), you are a criminal and that is very much the State's business.

Men who beat their wives often profess to love their wives as well. Forcing someone to live in absolute fear and obedience and failure to comply results in physical abuse, such as what you did to your wife, is a crime.

How do you physically abuse someone kindly?

You have admitted to physically assaulting your wife if she does not do as you say and to beating your children with a belt.

You are an abuser and thus, violent by nature. Whether you advocate violence is beside the point. You are a domestic abuser.

Have you eve been beaten by your man, Have you ever raised your hands to hit your man ?
Let me make straighten between spanking and restraining . Spanking to me means you lay your hand physically upon somebody . Restrain is you are not permitting somebody lay his or her hand upon you

You can choose to leave to avoid them "lay your hand upon you." If you choose to stay and "restrain them by force" then expect to go to jail.

At this point I really don't care if you believe me. That's the law, and it's a good one. Again, there are plenty of societies where violence towards women is still tolerated; feel free to choose one if you find such laws intolerable.