The universe is a mathematical construct

It does not need to, as long as creation and evolution happens in accordance to mathematical values and equations .

Any physical thing wether alive or not is going to have equations and values . Your restricting creation and evolution . You should realise this .
Any physical thing wether alive or not is going to have equations and values . Your restricting creation and evolution . You should realise this .
Mathematics is the "Language of the Universe".
The proof lies in the fact that we can mathematically quantify and qualify everything ! Well, almost everything.....:)

p.s. creation and evolution are mathematical probabilities. It's all mathematical.
No, the proof lies in the fact that we can mathematically quantify and qualify everything ! Well, almost everything.....:)

Because it exists , three dimensionally . Its nothing new . Objects by their very Nature have these properties and depth . Because they are physical . Not just numbers .
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Mathematics in and of its self can not create a real physical thing .
Here's another zinger: there is no programming language that can write a program.

No siree, writing a program requires a programming language, but something needs to be added to get a working model of program construction. I wonder what it could be?
Here's another zinger: there is no programming language that can write a program.

No siree, writing a program requires a programming language, but something needs to be added to get a working model of program construction. I wonder what it could be?
Nobody is writing a program except humans.
No siree, writing a program requires a programming language, but something needs to be added to get a working model of program construction. I wonder what it could be?
I wonder too. Have you found the answer?
I wonder too. Have you found the answer?
I thought I came close once, after climbing a mountain. But I was probably still too young to really get into the philosophical implications.

But on a more serious note, humans invented computers and gave them instruction sets. If, as some conjecture, the universe is a computer then it must have an instruction set; possibly the programs are self-assembling. On the other hand, you can define a computation as having an input and an output; really a computation is the algorithmic transformation of information; some or all of the input might be erased, and so on.

So all you need to do is show that gravity, electromagnetism and the weak and strong interactions somehow form a language. Maybe the particles in the SM are actually bits of code.

So yeah, good luck with that.
So all you need to do is show that gravity, electromagnetism and the weak and strong interactions somehow form a language.
They do!
It's the language of relational values and algebraic interactive function, i.e. Mathematics.

The Universe itself is a geometry. A mathematical object.

What is the topology of the universe?
The shape of the universe, in physical cosmology, is the local and global geometry of the universe . The local features of the geometry of the universe are primarily described by its curvature, whereas the topology of the universe describes general global properties of its shape as of a continuous object.

To clarify "interactive functions";

Algebraic function
In mathematics, an algebraic function is a function that can be defined as the root of a polynomial equation. Quite often algebraic functions are algebraic expressions using a finite number of terms, involving only the algebraic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and raising to a fractional power.
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What you need to know is that all physical interactions are based on just a few mathematical laws. That is because many physical objects have a few common denominators which guide their expressed behaviors and interactions.

It is impossible to express physical actions and reactions without identifying the mathematical values involved.
i.e. apple + apple = apple? or 1 apple + 1 apple = 2 apples!

Physical behaviors are based on mathematical potentials, i.e. that which is mathematically allowed or restricted based on the inherent value of the physical object.

What you see as a biblical statement of God's identity is really a mathematical statement of Euler's identity.

i am that i am
= Euler's identity........:)

Euler's identity

e is Euler's number, the base of natural logarithms,
i is the imaginary unit, which by definition satisfies i2 = −1, and
π is pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Euler's identity is named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler. It is considered to be an exemplar of mathematical beauty as it shows a profound connection between the most fundamental numbers in mathematics.'s_identity
What you need to know is that all physical interactions are based on just a few mathematical laws.


Physical Interactions are based on what Physical Objects Do , amoungest themselves . Not any mathematical laws . These " laws " come after the understanding of Physical Interactions . By Physical Objects .
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Wrong. Physical Interactions are based on what Physical Objects Do
No. Physical Interactions are based on what the physical mathematics allow.
Physical objects consists of mathematical patterns. What makes a thing physical is the shape and density of its mathematical pattern.

Relationship between mathematics and physics
The relationship between mathematics and physics has been a subject of study of philosophers,
mathematicians and physicists since Antiquity, and more recently also by historians and educators.[2] Generally considered a relationship of great intimacy,[3] mathematics has been described as "an essential tool for physics"[4] and physics has been described as "a rich source of inspiration and insight in mathematics".[5]
In his work Physics, one of the topics treated by Aristotle is about how the study carried out by mathematicians differs from that carried out by physicists.[6] Considerations about mathematics being the language of nature can be found in the ideas of the Pythagoreans: the convictions that "Numbers rule the world" and "All is number",[7][8] and two millennia later were also expressed by Galileo Galilei: "The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics"

Mathematics is the only way physics can be described in precise terms.
No. Physical Interactions are based on what the physical mathematics allow.
Physical objects consists of mathematical patterns. What makes a thing physical is the shape and density of its mathematical pattern.

Relationship between mathematics and physics

Mathematics is the only way physics can be described in precise terms.

Highlighted your last statement .


But it is not fundamental of the Physics . ( not the reason why physics exists in the first place )
IMO, physics is the study of expressed patterns in nature, mathematics is the language of expressions in nature.

Mathematics is an inherent essence of nature. That's why we are able to codify and symbolize natural phenomena.
IMO, physics is the study of expressed patterns in nature, mathematics is the language of expressions in nature.

Mathematics is an inherent essence of nature. That's why we are able to codify and symbolize natural phenomena.

But not the esssence of why Nature does what it does . Interactions between objects are because of the very Nature of the Physical Objects themselves . Not any mathematics as a consequence of interactions .
But not the esssence of why Nature does what it does . Interactions between objects are because of the very Nature of the Physical Objects themselves . Not any mathematics as a consequence of interactions .
You see mathematics of physics as numbers and numbers don't have force, I agree. But I see mathematics of physics as values and values do have force, that's the difference.

Physics without a value also doesn't have force. Its the value of an object that defines the object . And values are expressed in mathematical measurements.
You see mathematics of physics as numbers and numbers don't have force, I agree. But I see mathematics of physics as values and values do have force, that's the difference.

Physics without a value also doesn't have force. Its the value of an object that defines the object . And values are expressed in mathematical measurements.

Which comes First Write4U physics or mathematics ?