Welcome to sciforums 3.0!

Jesus EI_Sparks its just a forum, who gives a dam how good or bad things are here: It’s not like you can change it and its not like anything you do matters, it a virtual world with no real consequences, if you don’t like the stink of the place tough tits, have a laugh about it and move on.

(aaaaah should I have e-mailed him this?)
I've been on that rasorblade too, barely not slipping off,...

El Sparks: don't go! thogether we are strong,...we can rule this universe,...ahum,..eehm that's a different movie!

Thogether we can rule the forum,...also not? Okay: wait, I've got it:

There's no sound like sciforums anywhere else on the web!

Aaah, forget it; just don't go that fast, think about it some more

*should I've e-mailed him this?*

Let's start a thread!

*fukushi heads off to start a thread*