Zero Tolerance Week

What do you think of Zero Tolerance Week?

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I disagree. I reiterate that moderation should address what is, not what might be. We are a science forum, not fantasy forums.

I repeat: the thread was closed because of your opening post, not for any other reson. That is what was, not what might have been.

Also perhaps in light of your extensive experience, could you explain why you did not "nip in the bud" the Muslims lie thread?

Probably didn't see it. Did I post in it? Probably didn't receive any complaints about it, either.
so how many people have actually been banned over this week and what change did it actually make to reporting?
The number of reports has decreased. Nobody has been banned, to my knowledge.
hot off the successes of ztw, the admins would like to introduce itw

infinite tolerance week​

thats right, niggers
mods on hiatus
police yourselves and dont let sci down
I repeat: the thread was closed because of your opening post, not for any other reson. That is what was, not what might have been.
Probably didn't see it. Did I post in it? Probably didn't receive any complaints about it, either.

Yeah, right.

All anyone has to do is read through both threads to see which quality of discussion you favor on sciforums.

Israel goes fascist: Lieberman to the fore!

Opening post:
The outcome of the Israeli election has sounded the death knell for the two-state solution. There are not 61 votes for it in the new Knesset of 120 seats. A good 64 of the just-elected and/or re-elected Members of Parliament favor accelerated Israeli colonization of the West Bank and oppose Palestinian statehood. Most militant of all is Avigdor Lieberman, a former bouncer from Moldova who has risen in Israeli politics on a platform of racial hatred for Israeli-Palestinians (20% of the population), whom he has urged be "executed" or made to take loyalty oaths, stripped of their citizenship and possibly transferred to the Palestine Authority.

But don't worry, its still a democratic state, albeit a fascist democratic state

So what do you see as the outcome for the Palestinians?

Any takers on the enlightened world isolating the selection of an extremist party the way it was done to the beleagured Palestinians?

Muslims lie

Opening post
M*W: The Muslims on this forum admit their holy book tells them it is appropriate to lie, especially to those they consider to be infidels (and that would be the rest of us). Why then are the Muslims on board still allowed to post their lies? That would explain why they are incapable of debating religious issues on this sub-forum. They just tell lies, because that's all they know how to do! They lie about each other, and they lie about everybody else. That's what they do, and they're proud of it! How much longer will Muslims be allowed to spread lies on this forum, or is that an acceptable factor of their religion?
hot off the successes of ztw, the admins would like to introduce itw

infinite tolerance week​

thats right, niggers
mods on hiatus
police yourselves and dont let sci down

I'd like to see that. Where moderators don't moderate at all except for spam. And especially do not police the expression of opinions.
I'd like to see that. Where moderators don't moderate at all except for spam. And especially do not police the expression of opinions. know what? i will sit this one out but it seems to me that bias is universal.
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Shouldn't settle for anything less, shouldn't settle for anything else except for this "Zero Tolerance." It's almost profound how the site changed because of this zero tolerance week. It's a total shame that it was such a let down. After all, the zero tolerance has been a show of how tough and rough things can get when people misbehave. Misbehavior abound at this site some times:D Perhaps in the future we'll continue to learn about our zero tolerance.

Like I said I hope it's been a good experience I shall go now thank you for reading.
This thread is for feedback relating to zero tolerance week.

For details about zero tolerance week, see the announcement posted at the top of each forum.

Now it's gone and I never really read it properly. Can someone post it again so I can take a better look?
when i was in the appliance repair business there were two types of customer i always dreaded, the ones that always told me how to do my job and the ones that insisted they do my job for me.