Following Presidential Advice:

Here's the part that I find important, I too have highlighted it in red as it's referenced to the part in blue -

"So I asked Bill a question some of you are thinking of if you're into that world, which I find to be pretty interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting. And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful."

So the definition , "Something like that" means, "Something along those lines; something similar to that."

Now, those that support Trump and those with TDS probably read the transcript subjectively. I read it objectively.

I see it as he's waffled on about light etc.. all a bit in broken English. Then he mentions disinfectant and how it wipes germs out rapidly. Then he wonders if something along those lines; something similar to that can be injected. We're adults, we know that viruses are treated with vaccines and Trump wants someone to work like disinfectant against Coronavirus.

Now, Trump may not sound like the brightest, but in my opinion, those who think he meant injecting disinfectant into their body as a vaccine is stupid. like that

Take "Something like" out of the transcript, I would agree he said inject the disinfectant.

It's really hard to believe you're doubling down on defending that insane clown.

If he had wanted to say vaccines, he would have said vaccines, but instead, he said disinfectant. That's objective.
The "something like that" relates to "it knocks it out in one minute". It does not relate to "by injection or almost a cleaning".

My point was, and is, that Trump was giving listeners the impression that he was instructing researchers to look into the medical use of disinfectant and light. It is idle to pretend that he meant something other than medical use of disinfectant and light. He even suggests how you can bring the light inside the body, "through the skin or some other way". It is unambiguous.

He and his people know he has exposed himself as an idiot, too. Why else have they suddenly cut short the press conferences?

But again, read the transcript, "where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do".

The funny thing is, the members on this forum scrutinize everything in such anal detail seem to struggle with a transcript. Why is that?

The other thing is, the Left claim Trump is not their president and he lies all the time. But all of a sudden, you need Trump how to lead your life in a pandemic and you're not taking his disinfection speech as a lie. Why is that?
It's really hard to believe you're doubling down on defending that insane clown.

If he had wanted to say vaccines, he would have said vaccines, but instead, he said disinfectant. That's objective.

Just keep up with my posts, otherwise I will be repeating myself.
Just keep up with my posts, otherwise I will be repeating myself.

Let's not forget that when Trump was questioned the next day, he said he was being sarcastic, so your pathetic attempt at defending Trump was indeed, your subjective opinion. Try to keep up with current events and try not to disinfect yourself.
The Presedent of the USA is an imbecile . A Fool , an Idiot .

Bottom line .

There is no way out for his stupid , deadly comments , period .
But again, read the transcript, "where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do".

The funny thing is, the members on this forum scrutinize everything in such anal detail seem to struggle with a transcript. Why is that?

The other thing is, the Left claim Trump is not their president and he lies all the time. But all of a sudden, you need Trump how to lead your life in a pandemic and you're not taking his disinfection speech as a lie. Why is that?
No it's you, tying yourself in knots to excuse this rank stupidity, that is amusing.:D

As far as Trump's lies go, he quickly got his count up the following day, in trying to get out of the hole by claiming he said it "sarcastically". Which version are you defending? It can't be both.
But again, read the transcript, "where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do".

Yes, please read the transcript:

" And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning."

Notice that Trump was referring to how the doctors could find a way to inject the disinfectant inside the body.
Yes, please read the transcript:

" And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning."

Notice that Trump was referring to how the doctors could find a way to inject the disinfectant inside the body.

And I have seen the tape over and over and over again , he asked the question to his advisors , he turned his head towards them , not straight ahead to the reporters .

Benson get real .
No it's you, tying yourself in knots to excuse this rank stupidity, that is amusing.:D

As far as Trump's lies go, he quickly got his count up the following day, in trying to get out of the hole by claiming he said it "sarcastically". Which version are you defending? It can't be both.

Read it again and type out in your next post, "Something like that". Cone on, you can do it.
The other thing is, the Left claim Trump is not their president and he lies all the time. But all of a sudden, you need Trump how to lead your life in a pandemic and you're not taking his disinfection speech as a lie. Why is that?
You are defending it as accurate even after HE said it was a lie; he recounted that sarcastically to reporters "to see what would happen." So was he lying then, or now?
Now, Trump may not sound like the brightest, but in my opinion, those who think he meant injecting disinfectant into their body as a vaccine is stupid.
Apparently you also think epidemiologists and healthcare experts are stupid as well, and you are much smarter than them. Several of them have warned against taking Trump's clear implication seriously.

The Emergency Management Division of the Washington Military Department: "Please don't eat tide pods or inject yourself with any kind of disinfectant. Just don't make a bad situation worse."

Dr. Nirav Shah at Stanford medical school: "There is no evidence to suggest that disinfectants in any form, given intravenously or by mouth, help patients. And it will absolutely kill patients."

Unnamed Stanford doctor: "We must fight deadly misinformation no matter how stupid."

And people are, in fact, doing it. From a government website: "The FDA has received reports of consumers who have suffered from severe vomiting, severe diarrhoea, life-threatening low blood pressure caused by dehydration, and acute liver failure after drinking these products." Now, you might claim that all these people are stupid, but keep in mind that the stupid are Trump's strongest supporter - and are thus most vulnerable to such suggestions.

Keep in mind that last time he said something stupid, people drank fish tank cleaner containing chloroquine because of what he implied.
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Read it again and type out in your next post, "Something like that". Cone on, you can do it.
First, you need to answer my question, which you have dodged.

Which version do you stand by: that Trump was making a serious suggestion though not one involving literally injecting or shining lights inside the body, OR the version the following day, in which he said he intended it "sarcastically", to make fun of the fake MSM news reporters - even though he turned to his advisers as he spoke?
No it's you, tying yourself in knots to excuse this rank stupidity, that is amusing.
You have to feel a little bad for Benson, though. He spent hours defending the latest idiotic thing Trump said, only to have Trump say the next day "I was being sarcastic." It can't be fun being thrown under the bus again and again by the guy you worship.
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First, you need to answer my question, which you have dodged.

Which version do you stand by: that Trump was making a serious suggestion though not one involving literally injecting or shining lights inside the body, OR the version the following day, in which he said he intended it "sarcastically", to make fun of the fake MSM news reporters - even though he turned to his advisers as he spoke?

The story that was in BBC news, his original transcript. Did you know that in 5 different American forums, only one lefty has confirmed that Trump said, "Something like that". Every other lefty has avoided repeating and confirming that.

If Trump said it was sarcasm, that's his choice. So Trump is like you, clueless to the idiom, "Something like that". But lefties can't say he said, "Something like that" because their hate agenda won't allow it.

Also, the lefties claim that Trump just lies all the time. Why do you all of a sudden not claim Trump is lying? He was lying about disinfectant and light up your arse. Or are you now claiming he's telling the truth and meant it? Agenda again?
The story that was in BBC news, his original transcript. Did you know that in 5 different American forums, only one lefty has confirmed that Trump said, "Something like that". Every other lefty has avoided repeating and confirming that.

If Trump said it was sarcasm, that's his choice. So Trump is like you, clueless to the idiom, "Something like that". But lefties can't say he said, "Something like that" because their hate agenda won't allow it.

Also, the lefties claim that Trump just lies all the time. Why do you all of a sudden not claim Trump is lying? He was lying about disinfectant and light up your arse. Or are you now claiming he's telling the truth and meant it? Agenda again?
So which of Trump's two versions of this are you telling me is the truth? One of them has to be a lie. Which one, in your opinion?
The story that was in BBC news, his original transcript. Did you know that in 5 different American forums, only one lefty has confirmed that Trump said, "Something like that". Every other lefty has avoided repeating and confirming that.

If Trump said it was sarcasm, that's his choice. So Trump is like you, clueless to the idiom, "Something like that". But lefties can't say he said, "Something like that" because their hate agenda won't allow it.

Also, the lefties claim that Trump just lies all the time. Why do you all of a sudden not claim Trump is lying? He was lying about disinfectant and light up your arse. Or are you now claiming he's telling the truth and meant it? Agenda again?


But not a choice that anyone who watched the video would make .

Nobody in there right mind would ever say anything remotely like he did Thursday , anybody in common life , from any stratosphere of wealth . Never mind in public media . This President needs to be replaced NOW , for the Good and Health of the American People . NOW .
So which of Trump's two versions of this are you telling me is the truth? One of them has to be a lie. Which one, in your opinion?

You tell me, lefties claim he lies. So, he lied in both.

Why did you believe him?