Well it would seem that some have quite a imagination, ect.... regardless it is as usual people fail to understand that a magnetic reversal is a real event, i in general think that it is because so many of you do not want to face the change it is just to big of a change for you to take in all at once and relate that to a near future event that will involve you or your children. belivie me it is understandable! you will have to grow into it. as i exsplain it.
let me say this don't get strirred brained and panic, keep a cool head and think about waht you can do to prepare for such a event.
Frist of lets start with a obvious demonstration of a magentic pole reversal.
The Sun at the center of the solar system, the one that you see in the sky every day has a magnetic pole reversal every 11 years.
the effects of that magnetic reversal are seen on the sun, and as well it effects earths magnetic feild. a study of this event on the sun is the study of magnetic reversal that occur in planetary bodies. by this example of the magentic filed reversal we can see that magnetic reversal is a real event.
So then waht happens in the sun to causes its magnetic field reversal. well what can be said directly from observation is that the magnetic pole of the sun approaches the axis of the sun from a distance about 7 degrees once it gains on the axis it collaspes, or for those that question it just reverses, switches poles. under any event this takes about 11 years and has a consistance timing of every 11 years, this means that a magnetic reversal is a constant, and being a constant it is driven by a constant force.
Now looking at the earth we see that it has a magnetic field, so does it reverse, a investigation reveals that yes it does reverse. this investigation of the earths magnetic poles began with the use of the compass in sea fareing, navigators relized that the magnetic pole seem to be moving, this lead to all kind of theroys about the magnetic pole. about 100 years ago the source of the magnetic force was soughtout, and it was marked. since that day it has been continously monitored. this monitoring has established that the magnetic pole is moving, and it moves in the opposite direction of the earths rotation.
The above is at the curtosey of the USA goverment
it demonstrates the motion of the poles over 100 years, this motion of the pole is north north east, in this action its motion is towards the rotational axis of the earth.
in understanding this motion it is known that from its speed of motion that the magentic poles do not travel from north to south, where if this was the case the earth would have already exsperinced a reversal and there would be a record of it.
this defines that the motion of the poles is traveling around the earth and slowly sprialing upward to the north pole, this motion is directly consitant with the rotational induction of the earth, call it centrifical force. the fact that the magentic pole is inducted by the earths axis rotation and the magnetic poles motion is counter to the rotation exsplains simply that when they meet one or the other will collapse, as the rotation is the attracting power, it is clear that magnetic pole will collaspe, meaning it will disappear. this is exactly what happens on the sun.
understanding that the sun and the earths magnetic field operate the same in actions, establishes that effects will be simular. and from here we can take the speed of the motion of the magnetic field and determine how long it will take for it to reach the earths axis, here we know that the time it would take for the poles to travel from the north to the south pole would take about 2,500 years and we know that does not happen, but when we see that the poles actually travel around the earth we see that it would take a minium of 5,000 years to travel the circumfrence of the earth as it move progressivly north, well then to be more accurate how can we locate the starting point such as on the sun where the magnetic pole of the sun reapears about 7.5 degrees from the suns axis, well looking at the earth the equatorial bulge is to thick for a magnetic field to penetrate in the begining stages or a formation of a magentic field, and as well the rotation of the earth would force the direction or such developing bodie to point toward the north or south, that gives a minium range of about 30 degrees from the equator when we consider the buldge, in general we can safly say that it occurrs somewhere aroung the 45 degree lat, a look at the geoid shows us that we have a very strong remaint field in the country of mongolia, suffcient enough to act as starting point of the last new magnetic pole, we can also see that a calculation from such a distance gives a time frame of about 5,000 years to 7,000years given the variable motion that may occurr with the motion of the magnetic pole. this only means that at the start that it moved slower than it does today, and was stronger than to day.
the magnetic pole currently moves toward the earths axis at about 18km a year, prior to this it was 15km yr and prior to that 12km yr, here we see the effect of the proximity of the magnetic pole to the axis where the closer the magnetic pole gets to the axis the motion of the pole increases, in combination with this is the daily fluxuation of the poles where it is seen that the diameter of the poles changes daily, this fluxuation as been increasing as the pole gets cloaser to the axis, this fluxuation or defraction is a measure of the dispalcement of the concentration of the magnetic field strength by the sun.
well know we know that the time frame is about 5,000yrs to 7,000 years, knowing this we can deduct a forumula from the magnetic reversal cycle of the sun, as wee know that such events are not irregular for the sun and wont be for the earth, to do this we laern the time it takes for the sun to complete a magnetic reverasl and become stable, that takes about 9 mounths to a 1year, if we divide that time of 9 mounths by the the period of cycle of magnetic reversal which is a constant we get 14.6 or we couls use 1/11th, 14.6 know becomes the formula 5,000 divided by 14.6/ or 11 equals 346 or 454 years, this means that the time it will take for the entire process of the magentic reversal to return to normal and stable will take 346 years to 454 years.
to figure how much longer we have before the actual start of that time or the action of reversal we can see that the poles move about 18km a year if you divide that into the distance to the physical north pole you get your awnser, however the physical north pole is not nessacarly the rotation axis of the earth. it has been recorded as being as abotu 86 to 87 degrees north, and currently the magentic pole rest at about 82.5 degrees north. looking at this either way 90 deg. or 86 deg. (some might say it is 5 degto 10 degress past the phsical north pole.) the time is kind of short, with some luck curviture might buy us some time maybe 5 years,possible a few more. in general if you look at it in constant acclleration teoward the axis a 2km a year the time get very short very quickly, given the variables i would giv it about 10 to 39 years.
There are a lot more facts about the magnetic reversal, some of them very disheartening. what i writ hear is just the basics