Heaven is real, says neurosurgeon

Do I have to point out the obvious? This guy never died. So, logically, he never experienced an "after-life".

Exactly! I also liked Victor Stenger”s title, “Not Dead Experiences (NDEs)", and Fraggle said early, that they're called "near-death experiences." In an actual "death experience" you die and don't come back to talk about it.
I don’t know, Bruce. I think that because all the details haven't been discovered that this means it is still technically a placeholder. :shrug:



Science has empirically shown that dark matter exists as real natural phenomena. Using a term such as 'place holder' isn't very descriptive scientifically. It may lead to the misconception [obviously in this case] that science doesn't know that dark matter is real natural phenomena so we have to wait to find out what actually fits in that 'place'. Science is working towards finding out all the properties associated with dark matter not whether it exists in the universe. A 'place holder' is something you place on the dinner table.
Do I have to point out the obvious? This guy never died. So, logically, he never experienced an "after-life".

Would you believe there is a Russian who was in the morgue for 3 days given for death I l;eft some post behind . I tell you I hope it happen to you so you could tell the story.
Science has empirically shown that dark matter exists as real natural phenomena. Using a term such as 'place holder' isn't very descriptive scientifically. It may lead to the misconception [obviously in this case] that science doesn't know that dark matter is real natural phenomena so we have to wait to find out what actually fits in that 'place'. Science is working towards finding out all the properties associated with dark matter not whether it exists in the universe. A 'place holder' is something you place on the dinner table.

Yes I am waiting for a good wile , they have improved their equipment more sensitive by using a large quantity of Xenon .... so far is Bull.. s..t.
Yes I am waiting for a good wile , they have improved their equipment more sensitive by using a large quantity of Xenon .... so far is Bull.. s..t.

I don't agree with what you just said, but this being said is exactly why I chose the wording that I did.

I mean come on:
An 8-sigma significance spatial offset of the center of the total mass from the center of the baryonic mass peaks cannot be explained with an alteration of the gravitational force law, and thus proves that the majority of the matter in the system is unseen.
Yes, a very direct observation for the layman to follow.

Honestly, I would have thought a scientist would have known better than to ever claim in inference proves anything!
BruceP, while you're science may be sound, you didn't stop to think about how your science sounds.
So here's a religionist who has no direct observation of God, they're going to read something like that and declare "God" to be like Dark Matter!
You handed them the very misconception on a silver platter.

So on the one hand, I don't want to jump on your case because - your science is sound.
But on the other- you really didn't think about how a specific mentality would glom onto that one like a pitbull and never let go.

Whether the correct explanation implies conventional matter, unconventional particles, or modifications to gravitational theory, all the observed gravitational effects described below have to be explained. Thus the use of the term “dark matter” is generic and does not imply that we are taking sides.
When I was in the ministry, I had to confront this question constantly. I remember a mother asking why God allowed her child to die when the school bus she was on was struck by a speeding vehicle- backstory is the bus was hit by a drunken driver and as we all know- it's not "economical" to install seat belts on school buses apparently... The only compassionate answer I could give was that GOd did not take the child away- that the drunken driver did. That the lack of seat belts contributed.
Again and again and again when confronted with these questions- I had to Remove God from the situation in order to have it make sense.
I guess a minister is like a light bulb. When it can no longer bring light to those in the dark, it has to be replaced and discarded. Did you retire or did you have to find a new line of work?

This lady dying of cancer also has the science to look to for treatment. A cure won't come in time for her. But why tell her anything about what happens after? I learned long ago that it's those left behind to cope that need the attention and I tended to encourage those I could to pay as much attention to their families as they could and simply avoided the question of 'after.'
When push came to shove, and I had to say something, I told her that the medical community would probably come up with an experimental medical treatment. It was the best I could come up with. I'm just an electronics technician; I'm not good with people.
Perhaps. It's equally possible that your experiences have a different explanation than the one you believe in.
I have heard stories of people who have had profound life enriching experiences of the supernatural, only to be told by some psychiatrist or priest that it was nothing more than a "chemical imbalance". Those persons, being told that their experience was meaningless, were crushed and slipped into a deep depression that lasted for years or decades. I remember a minister in our spiritualist church making the statement that one good evidential medium is better than dozens of priests, dozens of cardinals and dozens of popes. Occasionally a really good medium shows up on TV. I remember on SCI FI, "Medium at Large". More recently, "Long Island Medium". It is fortunate that when a priest cannot serve the congregation anymore, that they can leave, retire, or otherwise not inflict more suffering on the members of the congregation.
Yes I am waiting for a good wile , they have improved their equipment more sensitive by using a large quantity of Xenon .... so far is Bull.. s..t.

It's very hard to detect since the only confirmed interaction, with matter, is gravitational. If it turned out to have properties associated with predictions of Mirror Dark Matter then it would have a very weak electromagnetic interaction with matter. Your post made me wonder how long it took to empirically detect the electron neutrino first predicted by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930. It wasn't empirically observed until 1956. So the experimental task to detect details is difficult. That's what Dark means in this context.
I must apologize for being off topic so long.
neverfly said:
Honestly, I would have thought a scientist would have known better than to ever claim in inference proves anything!
BruceP, while you're science may be sound, you didn't stop to think about how your science sounds.
So here's a religionist who has no direct observation of God, they're going to read something like that and declare "God" to be like Dark Matter!
You handed them the very misconception on a silver platter.
There's nothing wrong with using some imagination to try to figure out what dark matter is. Maybe that's what imagination is for? Then, you compare your imagined idea(l) to the facts. When they disagree, you modify your imagined picture of what dark matter is. You do this about a million times until what you imagine starts to resemble the experimental observations of dark matter. Along the way you think up possible experiments that give you new insight.
I don't agree with what you just said, but this being said is exactly why I chose the wording that I did.

I mean come on:

Yes, a very direct observation for the layman to follow.

Honestly, I would have thought a scientist would have known better than to ever claim in inference proves anything!
BruceP, while you're science may be sound, you didn't stop to think about how your science sounds.
So here's a religionist who has no direct observation of God, they're going to read something like that and declare "God" to be like Dark Matter!
You handed them the very misconception on a silver platter.

So on the one hand, I don't want to jump on your case because - your science is sound.
But on the other- you really didn't think about how a specific mentality would glom onto that one like a pitbull and never let go.

Read the paper because it isn't an inference. It's direct evidence for real natural phenomena we call Dark Matter. I doubt the experimental scientific group who conducted this experiment gives a hoot how it sounds to cranks or what ill conceived use they might try to make from it. You can't jump on my case in any credible way. You think anything you have to say is going to change what 'a specific mentality' is going to glom onto?

BTW for Mazulu edification. Mazulu you're on my ignore list so if you want me to read your posts I'm not going to.
That is her choice. I wouldn't encourage nor discourage it to a dying person.

Outside of it... I always wonder abut that wording. Unicorns are also outside of detections, measurements and calculations.

Perhaps, but if that happens, it's just as plausible that the evolutionary fear of death was strong enough to make them slightly irrational at the end. We all get that way sometimes, even without he fear of death looming over us. We can get slightly irrational when someone on the internet is wrong.

Actually unicorns are physical and visible beings, how can you be so arrogant and claim science can detect everything in the universe?

Second, my point is that if skeptics die from some horrible disease, they would beg for god or whoever/whatever else they believe in, trust me on that I've been in the hospital and the toughest atheists have broken. They wished there was god, some begged some other things, however they all wanted for their life continue after this physical life.
And until you face that kind of situations you have no right to claim about being rational.
None needed. Keep on Rockin.'

Point of interest: None if it is confirmed and this is an important point in this. Astronomers say, "Unconfirmed." That's a big difference from teh comparison.
There's also a big difference between 'the' and 'teh.' A curse upon my clumsy fingers.

ETA: The article linked in the word "placeholder" was great.

I'll try to come up with better hooey for you.

Evidence to support this claim? Please provide links to the suggested social studies on human empathy and social order vs education.

You make this claim often. As if to say that the majority of educated people are hateful simply because you've managed to isolate and piss off a few people on the internet. You have no grounds to say this other than that you've seen people laugh at the absolutely absurd. Yet, hypocritically, your posts are often full of bitterness and anger.

The driving need to not fear death not only does not support your conclusion that there is life after death; It supports the opposition as to what drives people like this neurosurgeon to desperately claim any validation they can find for that belief.

True- but you misunderstood my intent. Will you claim I lack caring and empathy simply because I do not believe in the things that you believe in? You have no way of knowing about my empathy or the fact that it's also my Achilles heel.

I believe that false hope is evil, too.
Being honest and telling people honest reality is not evil. Would you say that it's evil to lie or to not lie?

And if there was no that false hope we would not have any scientific discoveries as well. It's more evil from you that you forbid a mortally sick person to hope for an afterlife.
You cannot know the truth if the afterlife exists or not.
I would add that there is too much that science doesn't know to be able to discount an afterlife. There is dark-matter. There is the possible phenomenological nature of the wave-function. Dark energy represents what we don't know about (anti-) gravity. Quantum entanglement strikes down the assumption that all things in nature are discrete (and logically simple).

And eventually, someone is going to bio-engineer a unicorn. Maybe mix rhino DNA with a horse.
I guess a minister is like a light bulb. When it can no longer bring light to those in the dark, it has to be replaced and discarded. Did you retire or did you have to find a new line of work?
I quit when the 'church' dumped $7.1 MILLION on a new building.

I certainly don't mind being unscrewed now. I do have a past and I wasn't always perfect you know.;)
When push came to shove, and I had to say something, I told her that the medical community would probably come up with an experimental medical treatment. It was the best I could come up with. I'm just an electronics technician; I'm not good with people.
Neither am I. It's something one has to learn, and it's not always easy.
I remember a minister in our spiritualist church making the statement that one good evidential medium is better than dozens of priests, dozens of cardinals and dozens of popes. Occasionally a really good medium shows up on TV. I remember on SCI FI, "Medium at Large". More recently, "Long Island Medium".
Ah a good medium. Like Sylvia Brown.
There's nothing wrong with using some imagination to try to figure out what dark matter is. Maybe that's what imagination is for? Then, you compare your imagined idea(l) to the facts. When they disagree, you modify your imagined picture of what dark matter is. You do this about a million times until what you imagine starts to resemble the experimental observations of dark matter. Along the way you think up possible experiments that give you new insight.
Exactly. There is nothing wrong with what you just said here. But my only point is that this is the stage we're in.
We're looking at a discrepancy in gravity and "Dark Matter" is a probable way of describing that problem. There are other imaginings, as you put it, out there but some weak form of matter seems the strongest one. It's certainly not conclusive, that I know of.
Read the paper because it isn't an inference.
I did- I just quoted a bit from the abstract.
It's direct evidence for real natural phenomena we call Dark Matter. I doubt the experimental scientific group who conducted this experiment gives a hoot how it sounds to cranks or what ill conceived use they might try to make from it.
That much is obvious given the poor wording. I'm sure that they are good scientists, not so good writers.
That's a bit like saying, "The electron thinks it's being watched and so it changes it's behavior." I mean really- I read, "We directly observed what we couldn't see and this proved that it was invisible."
You can't jump on my case in any credible way. You think anything you have to say is going to change what 'a specific mentality' is going to glom onto?
Usually, not. But yes. I've changed many minds in my time. Now, I may not change Mazulu's mind... But neither you nor I can determine just what make make a person snap to and wake up from delusion.
I absolutely can jump on your case. You can tell Dingle that he misunderstood Relativity and then get exasperated when he refuses to see that he has. Well, good scientists can get just as stubborn. Proper wording and proper presentation is CRUCIAL to helping laymen understand science and if you disagree with that- YES I can jump on your case.
It may not be Gravage or Mazulu or Dr, Mabuse that you reach- but the unknown silent readers out there that were trying to follow the most convincing presentation.
Actually unicorns are physical and visible beings, how can you be so arrogant and claim science can detect everything in the universe?


Yes. How silly of me.

Second, my point is that if skeptics die from some horrible disease, they would beg for god or whoever/whatever else they believe in, trust me on that I've been in the hospital and the toughest atheists have broken. They wished there was god, some begged some other things, however they all wanted for their life continue after this physical life.
And until you face that kind of situations you have no right to claim about being rational.
I have every right. I have faced death several times. And all of it is irrelevant to whether there IS a God or a Heaven or not. If an atheist cracks under fear and begs for a God, this only demonstrates how easily many fearful people will believe in a God, regardless of whether one exists.
You cannot know the truth if the afterlife exists or not.

Nor can you know. You just believe no matter what. Whereas I disbelieve given the evidence.
It's more evil from you that you forbid a mortally sick person to hope for an afterlife.
This lady dying of cancer also has the science to look to for treatment. A cure won't come in time for her. But why tell her anything about what happens after? I learned long ago that it's those left behind to cope that need the attention and I tended to encourage those I could to pay as much attention to their families as they could and simply avoided the question of 'after.'

Originally Posted by Gravage:
Just let the woman to believe in the afterlife-
That is her choice. I wouldn't encourage nor discourage it to a dying person.

Read, bonehead.
I quit when the 'church' dumped $7.1 MILLION on a new building.

I certainly don't mind being unscrewed now. I do have a past and I wasn't always perfect you know.;)

Neither am I. It's something one has to learn, and it's not always easy.

Ah a good medium. Like Sylvia Brown.

Exactly. There is nothing wrong with what you just said here. But my only point is that this is the stage we're in.
We're looking at a discrepancy in gravity and "Dark Matter" is a probable way of describing that problem. There are other imaginings, as you put it, out there but some weak form of matter seems the strongest one. It's certainly not conclusive, that I know of.
I did- I just quoted a bit from the abstract.

That much is obvious given the poor wording. I'm sure that they are good scientists, not so good writers.
That's a bit like saying, "The electron thinks it's being watched and so it changes it's behavior." I mean really- I read, "We directly observed what we couldn't see and this proved that it was invisible."

Usually, not. But yes. I've changed many minds in my time. Now, I may not change Mazulu's mind... But neither you nor I can determine just what make make a person snap to and wake up from delusion.
I absolutely can jump on your case. You can tell Dingle that he misunderstood Relativity and then get exasperated when he refuses to see that he has. Well, good scientists can get just as stubborn. Proper wording and proper presentation is CRUCIAL to helping laymen understand science and if you disagree with that- YES I can jump on your case.
It may not be Gravage or Mazulu or Dr, Mabuse that you reach- but the unknown silent readers out there that were trying to follow the most convincing presentation.


Yes. How silly of me.

I have every right. I have faced death several times. And all of it is irrelevant to whether there IS a God or a Heaven or not. If an atheist cracks under fear and begs for a God, this only demonstrates how easily many fearful people will believe in a God, regardless of whether one exists.

And what I think is that you actually lie about this, people who survive multiple deaths don't think like that, and I have met MANY of them.