If the sick and dying (and disabled brain) is just running an audio video program to fool us into thinking that an afterlife exists, then it won't be able to tell us information that we don't already know.
But if it's real, if we really are seeing/communicating with angels, deceased family/friends, then we could ask them to send us back with information that we wouldn't be expected to know. Information that we have know way of knowing. Wouldn't this be proof of an afterlife?
For example, what if deceased grandma tells you that your younger sister is pregnant, and you didn't even know she was seeing anyone. What are the odds?
No reputable evidence has ever been found to support that. Many people who claim to be able to leave their body or to regularly experience what you talk about have been put to the test, like being asked what a note on top of a cupboard says. The tests fail to support the claims made by such people.
What is the evolutionary advantage of perpetuating a fake afterlife? But like I said, I think that it's a real phenomena beyond the standard model..
Since the assumption you're always making, that everyone's brain experiences that during a NDE, is patently false all of the conclusions you make are unjustified and simply assertions. Like everything else you are say.
No consistency? Why do you have to be intellectually dishonest?
You want to talk about intellectual dishonesty?! Wow, talk about hypocrisy.
Tunnels, floating above your body, light, meeting relatives, friends, angels, deity. That sounds pretty consistent to me. I bet their are African tribesmen who have NDE's of their relatives.
Many people who have experienced NDE of a religious kind
haven't seen angels. Some religions don't have angels or even a deity (Buddhism for instance). You talk as if everyone experiences a NDE with
your religions iconography. Yet another example of you don't zero effort to check before making ridiculous and baseless claims.
But if I had to guess, I would go back to the wave-function description of the aether medium. I would guess that the aether, the quantum vacuum, allows objects beyond the standard model to exist. I would guess that such objects are more like particles or better yet fields that can retain and express neurological information about the brain. When the brain is dead, this neurological information carrying field still exists.
Where's your evidence this information continues?
Nowhere. Do you just go through life asserting things as fact? Do you not have a single shred of intellectual honesty?
A skeptic would have no clue what I'm talking about.
Because all you ever do is make up ignorant nonsense.
The information is eventually passed down to the wave-function-aetheric counterpart of the neurons, then seeps in to the neurological information processing center. And you have your out of body experience.
I really really hope you're an act, that you're someone pretending to be as delusional as you're acting. If you're not putting on an act I have no idea how you function in society.
Anyway, I'm not going to go through any more of your posts. Clearly honesty, information, reality and sanity are concepts utterly unknown to you. You seem incapable of doing anything other than asserting and lying.