IMPORTANT: SciForums Update - Report All Issues Here

Let us assume that simple parentheses call LaTex

(x^2+2xy +y^2 = (x+y)^2)

Does this render for anybody? It doesn't for me, at least on preview

Anyway, it's a bit silly to make simple parentheses unavailable for their "usual" usage.

Oh, by the way - I am unable to Log Out. Why is that?

Tex is working normal now with the tex tags $$\sqrt{4}$$ . The parentheses work normal now too (test).
Test to destruction!!

If $$v \in V = \sum\nolimits_jA^j e_j$$ and

$$\omega \in V^* = \sum\nolimits_k B_k \epsilon^k$$ then

$$ \mathbf{T} \equiv v \otimes \omega = \sum\nolimits _{j,k} A^j e_j \otimes B_k \epsilon ^k$$

$$= \sum\nolimits T^j_k e_j \otimes \epsilon^k$$

Yup all good - though it would be nice to see it in preview.

PM pagination doesn't work
can't get passed page one.

i still can't access my content, says something like member can't be found.
the reply box doesn't auto clear if i do not post the reply.
i was going to reply to a post but decide not to after i composed the post.
i closed firefox.
the reply is still there, sitting in the reply box.
selecting all, then deleting, clears the reply box.

edit: the above isn't actually a problem but i thought you needed/ wanted to know it.
Testing embedded links Looks good, but it is not obvious it IS a link? Or do you all read differently?

BTW, sorry for my impatience earlier, admins have done a really good job here, and I thank them
Maybe the devs could color the embedded link so that it's different from normal text? That should be a no-brainer...

Edit: I see pagination works for the thread view now. Outstanding!

Edit again: Now I can see my content! :D

Edit 3: The edit time has increased. 24 minutes since this post and I can still make changes. Hmmm.
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Edit again: Now I can see my content! :D
yes, the last 200 or so of my posts are accessible.
there doesn't seem to be a started thread listing
the pagination for my content works.

also, do the reply and report buttons look intrusive to anyone else?
maybe they should be colored light blue or something.
The mouse over menu for alerts seems to be working.
Pagination for alerts, new posts and PMs seems to be working.
And the "who's online" tabs are working now. Y'all have ironed out almost everything.

Nice job!
Try this..

On second thoughts, don't bother (I tried to color the embedding, but, unsurprisingly it didn't work - ah well)
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