IMPORTANT: SciForums Update - Report All Issues Here

garbonzo said:
Just's actually impossible for anyone new to register to this site currently....

Apparently the new SF is so secure that it's not interested in acquiring new members anymore. It's not even allowing a member to return who was temporarily banned at the time of the transition.
Apparently the new SF is so secure that it's not interested in acquiring new members anymore. It's not even allowing a member to return who was temporarily banned at the time of the transition.
Who's that?
Font sizes are inconsistent. To my taste, anyway.

On the root page, font size is now larger and maybe bold, but in at least some of the other pages with a different CSS inheritance, maybe, the font shrinks to about 8 or 9 point. I only have a 22" display....

Edit: I tried to use parentheses, but alas! the LaTeX thing is haunting text again.
Kittamaru said:
Magical Realist - also, new member confirmation emails don't work

I knew there was at least one mod who's been paying attention to those profile posts. ;)
I knew there was at least one mod who's been paying attention to those profile posts. ;)
Not being online at the right time to see a specific post isn't the same thing as not paying attention to them.
Trippy said:
Not being online at the right time to see a specific post isn't the same thing as not paying attention to them.

My fault, Trippy. A little bit jumping to hasty conclusions on my part along with a bad habit of not using enough emoticons or other indicators in my posts to express a degree of facetiousness [applicable elsewhere if not entirely here]. Still some kind of throwback to the days when communicators of the written word riskily didn't depend on them, I guess. [Some of my earliest recollections are of a classmate of mine taking Asimov seriously when reading narcissistic comments, etc, in his autobiographical-like intros and in-between-stories sections. Picked up the irony bug and assorted laconic/dry stuff there first, probably.]
My fault, Trippy. A little bit jumping to hasty conclusions on my part along with a bad habit of not using enough emoticons or other indicators in my posts to express a degree of facetiousness [applicable elsewhere if not entirely here].
I'll cop some blame here.
I'm tired, my kids are being arse-holes, and I recently had to write a report recomending something I'm opposed but that is a political decision with a pre-determined outcome. And that's without going into some of the stuff that's happened as a result of this software upgrade, however, bare with us, we are trying to resume normal service.
I'm tired, my kids are being arse-holes,

Long ago, when my sons were little boys, I went to a family reunion. My son Cedric has always demanded that things be done his way. At the reunion, I walked into the house, and Cedric was seemingly throwing a bloody fucking fit, demanding a change in actions. My aunt Mildred commented: "Well, that apple didn't fall far from the tree".

Enjoy the crap. It'll be over soon.
... Edit: I tried to use parentheses, but alas! the LaTeX thing is haunting text again.
Trippy made post clearly indicating how to opt out of LaTex and telling other effects of doing that (such as getting to see when editing what you actualy typed - not the effects of various things like {color=reed) my error intentional to make it show.

As only the most capable use LaTex (I don't} they could activate it when needed. In only small fraction of even their posts. Sicforums would be much less of a pain in the ass, without LaTex activtead. Often it is of little better than just saying things like: sqrt2.
Trippy made post clearly indicating how to opt out of LaTex and telling other effects of doing that (such as getting to see when editing what you actualy typed - not the effects of various things like {color=reed) my error intentional to make it show.

As only the most capable use LaTex (I don't} they could activate it when needed. In only small fraction of even their posts. Sicforums would be much less of a pain in the ass, without LaTex activtead. Often it is of little better than just saying things like: sqrt2.

I must have missed that myself XD
In my opinion, the opt-in should be the tex tag. Not something else. Make an [inline] if you need to use /parstyle{et cetera..

Why parentheses are parsed as tags is a question that shouldn't need to be asked.
And did he tell how to OPT IN?
As I said before - you use parentheses, it seems to be doing it faily consistently. The catch is that for some bizare reason {at least as of yesterday anyway} it doesn't show up to the person making the post unless they do something that forces the page to refresh after posting {hitting refresh or editing the post}.

When you put text in parentheses it looks (funky) because it's being rendered the same way text is rendered in LaTeX.
It's a problem with how MathJax is applied. Currently the Script to it is linked through a template that has it's inclusion globalised. I'm not sure how far the dev's got with localising it to[tags] (()I'm guessing not far since it messes sometimes with curved bracket parenthesis.())

The thing with MathJax from what I can tell is it also opens up potentially usage for things that you don't really need. For instance it's suggested to be possible to create HTML links amongst other things through formatting
(()If the full library is available())
Proof of concept: $E \href{javascript:var x=document.cookie;alert(x)}{=} mc^2$

(() perhaps a different parenthesis method should be tried ())

It might be best if the dev's have a look at:
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