
Originally posted by davewhite04
I agree with your first paragraph, but I feel that we have come this far we should at least try to stabilise Iraq then give it back to the people.

I respect your opinion Dave but this is a no win war and the opportunity of giving Iraq back (as we would like it) to the people is out of reach.

How many more troops must die before the UK and American Governments realise this

A new word for our times, with a different meaning for every individual.

To me, geopoliticalreligiouscrap means the use of political powers, with the fundamental religious views. The west mainly Christian base attacking and making seem like an enemy the Muslim world for the gain of valuable resourses.

No WMD were found in Irag, its been 7-1/2 months and even bush's team were unable to find one iota of trace to wmd.

What is really scarry is this:
The similiriarity of say Hitler & Bush!;

No-I dont take the above too serious, but it is weird, and freaky.

What if?.
Originally posted by davewhite04
What you fail to acknowledge is the thousands of muslims that lay dead in mass graves killed by there then leader saddam.

It did take christian based political leaders to clear this horrific act against humanity up, but I don't think religion has anything to do with it, it is humanity.


what you fail to realize is that when the saddam was killing his people, he was your FRIEND and ALLY:

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
what you fail to realize is that when the saddam was killing his people, he was your FRIEND and ALLY:

LOL!!!!! :D

Got anything more up to date, that was TWENTY years ago, goon.

And..... if you haven't noticed, this is the Religion part of this forum. Funny how Islam turns political every time..

Take it to the political forum area.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian


It's the ex-Cowboy actor Ronald Reagon. Did you see the video clip of the English lad who wouldn't go near Saddam for a publicity stunt even though he was a prisoner?

Maybe not, as it wasn't 20years ago.

Vienna: You are quite correct with what you said above, I will not discuss in this pointless discussion anymore.

Thoughts on average society

But if I am having these thoughts, and I am Mr Average, what is every one else feeling.
What's the Billboard top ten look like? That question actually just represents a simple idea: "Average ain't impressive."

That's not really meant to slam you, Vienna, but I'm curious if you really do wish to cast yourself as "Mr. Average."

But look at how badly Bush and Blair conned Mr. and Mrs. Average.

I put before you Clive Barker's literary assertion that "Nothing ever begins."

Where does the story that leads us to the current situation begin?

The troubles of the Middle East predate Islam. People with a better than average sense of history generally recognize this. And those folks with a better than average sense of history generally look at the problems and not the identity politics. "P.C.," no matter how distasteful the average might find it on this or any occasion, is actually an accommodation of the average and below-average.

Don't let the press con you, Vienna. In a "Jar of Tang" depiction, some Muslims are only as Muslim as you are Christian. It's a foreign culture; explaining the subtleties to average folks is a detailed and frustrating experience for the average.

If the press treated "Christianity" the same as they treat "Islam," you'd be frightened to walk down the streets in this country.
Originally posted by Vienna
Perhaps the world would be a more peaceful planet without religion?

I don't know about that, but I do strongly feel that no government should establish a state religion or make any laws that favor one religion over another, or imply advocacy for any particular religion by permitting the display of that religion's symbols or rituals on government property.

One's religious choice should be kept personal, and not foisted on the rest of the world at every opportunity. Then I think we would be much closer to that ideal of "peace on earth and good will toward men."

New Labour has been GAGGING Landlords & Housing Associations etc with the Official Secrets Act

New Labour is using the Asylum Fiasco to IMPORT it's FUTURE voters !

Asylum Seekers ?

It's A New Labour Trojan Horse !

To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question. (bnp)

vienna bullshits. aint about religion but arabs invading his country.
New Labour has been GAGGING Landlords & Housing Associations etc with the Official Secrets Act

This is news to me.

No honestly spookz, I'm serious.

I will be writing back to you on this.
Re: Thoughts on average society

Originally posted by tiassa
What's the Billboard top ten look like? That question actually just represents a simple idea: "Average ain't impressive."

That's not really meant to slam you, Vienna, but I'm curious if you really do wish to cast yourself as "Mr. Average."

But look at how badly Bush and Blair conned Mr. and Mrs. Average.

I put before you Clive Barker's literary assertion that "Nothing ever begins."

Where does the story that leads us to the current situation begin?

The troubles of the Middle East predate Islam. People with a better than average sense of history generally recognize this. And those folks with a better than average sense of history generally look at the problems and not the identity politics. "P.C.," no matter how distasteful the average might find it on this or any occasion, is actually an accommodation of the average and below-average.

Don't let the press con you, Vienna. In a "Jar of Tang" depiction, some Muslims are only as Muslim as you are Christian. It's a foreign culture; explaining the subtleties to average folks is a detailed and frustrating experience for the average.

If the press treated "Christianity" the same as they treat "Islam," you'd be frightened to walk down the streets in this country.
Tiassa that is an excellent post, and, yes I do see your point.

Thanks :)
but yet..
tiassa's approach rocks even more. i mean, perhaps vienna is a nice guy after all..."and, yes I do see your point" (vienna)
Originally posted by spookz
i rock
dont i have vienna's number? well dont i, kids?
Hi Spookz,

Thanks for your post, it knocked me for a six and reminded me about the problems in the country I live.

Yep, that site kind of rocked me too.

The BNP (British Nationalist Party) has some unusual ideas about governing this country. But they are nothing to do with New Labour.
The leader of the British Nationalist Party is Nick Griffin

The leader of New Labour just happens to be the Prime Minister Tony Blair

The site hasn't really told me anything that I didn't know already. It is amateurish looking site and it's contents are nothing new. But I will admit, all the stuff is true.

I suppose spookz you were refering to this page when you connected this site with me. I haven't mentioned this stuff in my arguments, my arguments were about muslim terrorism, not a Black Britain.

Britain is finished as a white country, and it is finished as a Christian country. Things appear differently on the main and world media news, and unless you live here, you would never know things have changed so quickly.

I don't blame the immigrants and the asylum seekers for coming here, if I were in their shoes I would probably do the same. I blame the government, it has sold it's citizens short, especially the English.

Did you know that although I was born in England I cannot legally claim to be English, no English person can. As far as the government is concerned the nationality doesn't exist, and they are correct. It has been that way for the last three hundred years.
I am not allowed to put England as my country of birth on my passport, because English is not a valid nationality

Also, England is not a political country, it exists geographicaly but thats all.

Am I proud to be English, Not really, Why should I be?

England is a nonentity.

Re: Re: Thoughts on average society

Originally posted by Vienna
Tiassa that is an excellent post, and, yes I do see your point.

Thanks :)

I see your point too vienna. :D
Islam is a militant religion based on death. I can't think of another death based religion since the Thugees save for Islam. Judaism is a life philosophy; since there isn't any real afterlife (only eventual resurrection) it is in a Jew's best interest to have fun while he is alive. In Christianity, although the afterlife has a big part in things, one gets there by living and loving. Only in Islam is the path to Heaven greased with the blood of martyrs and enemies.......
Just curious. I cut and pasted the first line of this paragraph of yours into the Google search box and it came up with a site that contains this:
Islam is a militant religion based on death. I can't think of another death based religion since the Thugees save for Islam. Judaism is a life philosophy; since there isn't any real afterlife (only eventual resurrection) it is in a Jew's best interest to have fun while he is alive. In Christianity, although the afterlife has a big part in things, one gets there by living and loving. Only in Islam is the path to Heaven greased with the blood of martyrs and enemies.......
plus the rest of that particular post of yours. So when you say,
But if I am having these thoughts...
are you?
Originally posted by MacZ
are you?
Muslims have painted the picture this way, I merely describe it how it looks to me.

Anyone know the answer to this:

If a believer of Christ is called a Christian, why isn't a believer of Mohammed called a Mohammedian???
Or an Allahian?
Or even an Islamian?
Why Muslim??
thats simple.
it has to do with the confabulatory aspects of paradigms that invests arabic nomenclatures with a grammatical structure that minimizes the inherant mastubatory tendencies of the "ian" clause. while this can be extrapolated to the umpteenth degree, i would rather err on the side of caution. after all we have to think about the kids and their future potential

dont we?