
Eluminate said:
Russia is in the same state as Israel is. Terrorist acts every week or so and unlike western democracies in Russia tolerance isn't the answer but action is.

dont say the Muslims in Palestine are Terrorist. remember why are they doing these suicide bombings? because they CAN't fight with armies and weapons becasue they dont have any and israel do.

and why are they fighting - BECASUE What Israel is doing by occuping Palestine is ILLEGAL EVEN BY THEIR LAW, US LAW, INTERNATIONAL LAW and HUMAN RIGHTS becasue:

The wall dividing Palestine and Israel anchors Israeli military occupation and colonies in the Palestinian territories, in a blatant violation of international law and resolutions, which do not permit annexation of land by force.
Israel (by means of the wall) drives towards the practice of ethnic cleansing and is subjecting an entire population to aggressive collective punishment, to the strangest and harshest laws such as separating the farmers, students, workers and the sick from their lands, water source, schools, doctors and hospitals and their workplace. Moreover, the wall it divides each city and village into enclaves, splitting and dispersing members of the same family. These practices contradict basic human rights, the 4th Geneva Convention and the related international covenants.
The wall restores the ghetto culture and instills an apartheid regime encouraging discrimination in the era of human globalization and openness.
The wall destroys hopes for peace and all of the political initiatives, fostering an atmosphere of hatred, animosity and war between states and countries of the region as well as jeopardizing security and stability in the Middle East.
The wall is causing environment catastrophes, with the uprooting of a hundred thousand trees in the first phase alone and the destroying and/or annexing Palestinian water resources. Furthermore, the wall has destroyed and targeted archeological and historical sites in this ancient land.
In order to solve the harms caused by this wall, which are listed above, a unified and strong campaign, should condemn and combat these actions to stop and reverse the construction of this wall, for no change in route could dissolve these violations.
ok, i dont expect you to understand. but just tell me this...

if people who so blatantly defying rules and oppressing you. illegally capturing you land and limiting you water supply and stopping aid to come to your country. perhaps your family was killed by an Israeli or American weapon.

and you wanted to protect yourself and your future gernation and you hd no weapons or armies, the only thing you could do was to do a suicide bombing mission


sit back, do nothing and let the same happen to your future generation
or fight, whatever way you could against their Tanks, planes, helicopter, armies, missiles, macine guns, nukes etc.
There's another way to fight. That is to speak out loudly against the wrongs being done. Other people will hear you and condemn the evil acts and the doers of them. In non-violent ways, you and they can exert pressure to achieve a fair outcome.

Suicide bombings by Palestinians only make people sympathetic to the Israelis, and give them an excuse to retaliate with military force.

The only solution to the ongoing violence is for one side to stop it.
James R said:
The only solution to the ongoing violence is for one side to stop it.

Which side James?? The strong hypocritical one in control or the irrelevant weak one.

Just one side stopping doesn't guarantee that the other side would not transgress further. The field must be leveled first before the teams can really play. To level the field is to serve justice and equality, and that will never be accomplished while the native palestenian live in tents pushed away from the society while the Israelis enjoy the nightclubs and the new settlements. The Israelis can't complain about Suicide bombers hitting their nightclubs, pizza joints, and new settlements....something need to level the field, and currently the field is to uneven to warrant peace.
James R said:
There's another way to fight. That is to speak out loudly against the wrongs being done. Other people will hear you and condemn the evil acts and the doers of them. In non-violent ways, you and they can exert pressure to achieve a fair outcome.

Suicide bombings by Palestinians only make people sympathetic to the Israelis, and give them an excuse to retaliate with military force.

The only solution to the ongoing violence is for one side to stop it.

BREATH TAKING !!! Blaming the victims and praising the occupiers and the thieves !!

Did you see these pictures before James ? they are the ISRAELI equal to the palestinean suicide bombings:


Israeli Jewish terrorists pose for photo over dead Palestinian civilan !! those Israelis are worse than animals.


This statement points out a cultural difference between middle eastern culture and the west that I don't think has been discussed. This is the culture of REVENGE. It does not even seem to matter how or under what circumstances muslims die, it is necessary for them to get revenge. Even if the actions of those muslims was wrong, you must get revenge. This simplistic attitude probably served them well in the absence of a system of law and judges, but in todays complex world, it is counter productive.
BREATH TAKING !!! Blaming the victims and praising the occupiers and the thieves !!

Breath taking! You didn't read what I wrote, did you?

I have not blamed anybody, or praised anybody. Read it again.
James R said:
Breath taking! You didn't read what I wrote, did you?

I have not blamed anybody, or praised anybody. Read it again.

I have to agree with you. Sorry about PMs Emotionalism and some time bias views but we all do that one time or another.
Proud_Muslim said:
BREATH TAKING !!! Blaming the victims and praising the occupiers and the thieves !!
most Westerners don't understand this point, but Israel is an occupier colony, the UN imposted Israel on a people that was just minding their business, the Jews returned over 1800 years after being expelled by the Romans from their homeland. I don't think that people have a right that long after the fact, otherwise Palestinians are just geting an early start in their 1800 year struggle?

Did you see these pictures before James ? they are the ISRAELI equal to the palestinean suicide bombings:
just wondering what a Gandhi or MLK approach would do here? to shame the Israelis into more humane treatment, remember South Africa gained its independence after a combined military & civil disobediance RESPONSE

Israeli Jewish terrorists pose for photo over dead Palestinian civilan !! those Israelis are worse than animals.
ironic, that jews started acting just like their nazi oppressors, de-humanizing their enemies

israelis will also be judged by how they treat the "aliens" among them, they have to follow the laws of God too, and He said to treat the 'aliens' & widows fairly.
most Westerners don't understand this point, but Israel is an occupier colony, the UN imposted Israel on a people that was just minding their business, the Jews returned over 1800 years after being expelled by the Romans from their homeland. I don't think that people have a right that long after the fact, otherwise Palestinians are just geting an early start in their 1800 year struggle?
So, Israel is the Jewish homeland? Like Mecca, it is a holy land for them, they have a right to it. Anyway some Jews have lived there uninterrupted since the time of Jesus. A few arab goat herders do not make a country. Most of the arabs who would later call themselves Palestinian arrived after the Jews because the Jews were creating jobs there. Then, they got jealous and proud and joined up with other arab countries for war against the Jews. The Jews won, and now the Palestinians grumble about their loss like the American Indians. Get over it! Go back to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt where they came from! It's not like Israel is a large country, it is small.
just wondering what a Gandhi or MLK approach would do here? to shame the Israelis into more humane treatment, remember South Africa gained its independence after a combined military & civil disobediance RESPONSE
You might as well be speaking Greek, the Palestinians have no concept of passive resistance. How humane are suicide bombers?

ironic, that jews started acting just like their nazi oppressors, de-humanizing their enemies
Nothing new to muslims to whom non-believers are dehumanized.

israelis will also be judged by how they treat the "aliens" among them, they have to follow the laws of God too, and He said to treat the 'aliens' & widows fairly.
They are being treated with all the fairness that is due to them.
Some interesting points in this thread, probably a good time to bring up a tv documentary that was recently on which had interviews with some young Muslim men. They wanted to be suicide bombers, they saw it as glorious and good and they would be rewarded, the reason they were told to do it? Christians taking Muslim spain a few hundred years ago, thats the reason that was given for them to fight this constant struggle against the west, this was being preached to boys as young as 10, the only good thing was that several other Muslims were interviewed and they condemned what was being said. Its all so stupid that people want to fight over something 400 years old, why dont Christians decide to suicide bomb Muslim countrys that were previously Christian and then we can have a religious world war :rolleyes: .
Flores said:
Hats off to you...
thank you, but anybody that looks at the circumstances to how the modern state of Israel came into existence, would see the obvious. That Israel is a child of the West, of the British, of the UN. Westerners are brainwashed to believe that we must support Israel, as a fellow democracy. Or as a guilt trip, over the Holocaust.

My problem with that is that you can not put a western colony on already inhabited land, & expect the people there to acquiesce by rolling over & playing dead, or putting their hands out as beggars. From previous experience, the West could do that in Africa, the Americas & Asia, but sooner or later the natives revolted, only place they couldn't put up much of a fight was in Australia & the Americas, because the Aboriginals & the Native Americans died of diseases in mass. Arabs, being in close contact to the West for 1400 years, got the same diseases, used, stole or acquired the same technology. The West & Islam are rival cousins, & very bad neighbors.

I find it hard to believe that this Israel is form God, because they do not act like it. This Israel acts like nazis, talks like nazis, so logically they must be nazis. I think that their “messiah”, is the UN, the West their father, the US their mother & the USSR their midwife. Jews are waiting for their Messiah, the reason they don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah, is that He did not overthrow the Roman occupiers of the time, bring back the exiles &/or set up a Jewish kingdom.
James R said:
There's another way to fight. That is to speak out loudly against the wrongs being done. Other people will hear you and condemn the evil acts and the doers of them. In non-violent ways, you and they can exert pressure to achieve a fair outcome.

Suicide bombings by Palestinians only make people sympathetic to the Israelis, and give them an excuse to retaliate with military force.

The only solution to the ongoing violence is for one side to stop it.

speak out loudly? dont you think we've done that. despite are efforts the US still supplies Israel $12 Billion yearly even though Israel DEFIES American rules.

even though Palestinians do speakout its sort of hard when you part of a captured country. also Israel owns huge amoutns of the media (aswell as huge businesses) and it obvioulsy isn;t going to speak out against itself is it. Israel also dont allow aid money from other countires in (the only one im aware of that are allowed is Human Appeal)
spidergoat said:
This statement points out a cultural difference between middle eastern culture and the west that I don't think has been discussed. This is the culture of REVENGE. It does not even seem to matter how or under what circumstances muslims die, it is necessary for them to get revenge. Even if the actions of those muslims was wrong, you must get revenge. This simplistic attitude probably served them well in the absence of a system of law and judges, but in todays complex world, it is counter productive.

it is not revenge it is called Action. you arent just gonna sit back and watch your people die are you?

if it was the other way round and

if America was getting killed by Muslims then America will take ACTION (or as you call it "revenge") against the Muslim by sending in thier Miliatry.

these oppressed Muslim dont have a milatry though. so instead of sitting back and watching they would fight the only way they can.
Randolfo said:
thank you, but anybody that looks at the circumstances to how the modern state of Israel came into existence, would see the obvious. That Israel is a child of the West, of the British, of the UN. Westerners are brainwashed to believe that we must support Israel, as a fellow democracy. Or as a guilt trip, over the Holocaust.

My problem with that is that you can not put a western colony on already inhabited land, & expect the people there to acquiesce by rolling over & playing dead, or putting their hands out as beggars. From previous experience, the West could do that in Africa, the Americas & Asia, but sooner or later the natives revolted, only place they couldn't put up much of a fight was in Australia & the Americas, because the Aboriginals & the Native Americans died of diseases in mass. Arabs, being in close contact to the West for 1400 years, got the same diseases, used, stole or acquired the same technology. The West & Islam are rival cousins, & very bad neighbors.

I find it hard to believe that this Israel is form God, because they do not act like it. This Israel acts like nazis, talks like nazis, so logically they must be nazis. I think that their “messiah”, is the UN, the West their father, the US their mother & the USSR their midwife. Jews are waiting for their Messiah, the reason they don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah, is that He did not overthrow the Roman occupiers of the time, bring back the exiles &/or set up a Jewish kingdom.

thanks for your post and im glad to see that you arenyt just another brain washed westerner. it is enivitable that these people will fight back. anyone would fight aginat invaders what ever way they could. in this case Palastinans cant fight back against tanks, helicopters, missiles, machine guns and soldiers in advanced gear can they. these people dont even have much food or water so they are going to fight as best they can. heck i knw i woulld. if some invaders came to my country and jacked it and then went off in swimming pools, restuarants and nightclubs while my children were hungry and thirsty heck id fight back.
567 said:
was OBL muslim? is he? who is he anyway?
are you denying he is a muslim? what? no satillite, TV, radio, or videotape where you live? how nice to live in a world without outside interference

why he is so important to you? so you consider him authroity on islam? just like you consider iran as a authority on islam.
he claims, many follow, so you do not agree? what are your views, would you have followed another tack?

Frankly you are f........
name calling, such bad language, do you teach your children that, or is it admissible to call fifirs anything, I don't need bad words to call you, just the truth will do

stupid if you think obl acted as a muslim or iran has any authority over islam,
you are stupid, if you deny what facts have been laid out in public view for everyone to see, or you expect others to be too stupid to believe that he isn't or that the mullahs aren't, or is the fact that you do not follow them, make them non-authorities? so the question becomes, "who are you?" are you an authority figure in islam? do muslims follow your word, your ideas?

only a ignorant like your self would be dumb enough to believe that or a southern baptist terrorist like your self.
if I am such a "southern baptist terrorist", why does nothing come up on 'google' when I use it as a keyword? while "muslim terrorist" gets 12,200 hits? & "irish terrorist" 2520 hits? maybe, I bring 'terror' to your heart, that you are wrong, as your world-view crumbles, you ask yourself, "how can that kifir be right? no, oh!, Mohammad!, please bring me peace!, oh, I forgot, you're dead, ok, allah give me peace, or are you the cresent-moon god, like that kifir says you are? NO!" you scream, as the terror of not knowing crawls into your heart,
I guess that under those conditions, yes, I am a 'terrorist', I bring truth to the darkness & even demons tremble with 'terror',
"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder." from James 2:19 (the Letter of James chapter 2: verse 19)

speak out loudly? dont you think we've done that. despite are efforts the US still supplies Israel $12 Billion yearly even though Israel DEFIES American rules.

I must admit, I find the closeness of the US-Israeli relationship puzzling, for exactly that reason. Then again, many Israeli "settlers" come from the US.

even though Palestinians do speakout its sort of hard when you part of a captured country. also Israel owns huge amoutns of the media (aswell as huge businesses) and it obvioulsy isn;t going to speak out against itself is it. Israel also dont allow aid money from other countires in (the only one im aware of that are allowed is Human Appeal)

I sympathise with the Palestinian people, but I do not believe violence is the answer.
munim_786 said:
thanks for your post and im glad to see that you arenyt just another brain washed westerner.
ok, ok, just because I may agree with you on one thing is one thing, why do you still insult the West? By your saying I'm not "just another brainwashed Westerner", you are implying that all Westerners are. And you are implying that it is bad

I think all people are brain-washed to one degree or another, muslims too. most people just don't know it, because that is the object & subject of our education & culture, to make us members of "this" or "that" group, that's where logic, philosophy & science come in, to help you see through the 'haze', they & the West are not perfect, even with those 'tools' you can still be dumb, but its a start.

And if anyone is wondering why I am a Christian, well suffice it to say, that I come awful close to being a "british empiricist" & logically, I could never answer what came before the "Big Bang" (cause & effect), or why life evolved on our pale blue dot (the 'spark of life') or why it took so long for modern man to create civilizations (what was that 'spark'?)
e=mc2, where did the e come from to start the process? oscillating or steady-state universes are not good enough for me

I believe that God said, "Let there be light", & there was light, the "Big Bang" in human terms.
I find Christianity truly "Universal", the others are too tribal; islam is too arabic, & Judaism is too jewish & if our God really created the Universe, well, He has to be “universal”
Randolfo said:
I find it hard to believe that this Israel is form God, because they do not act like it. This Israel acts like nazis, talks like nazis, so logically they must be nazis. I think that their “messiah”, is the UN, the West their father, the US their mother & the USSR their midwife. Jews are waiting for their Messiah, the reason they don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah, is that He did not overthrow the Roman occupiers of the time, bring back the exiles &/or set up a Jewish kingdom.

Precisely, It's a cat and mouse game. The jews are using the christains as scape goat to get to their agenda. They once wanted to use jesus to serve their agenda, then when they found out the Jesus is not a toy for them, but a gift to all humanity, they called him blaphsemous and plotted to murder him.

They convince the evangelical christians in the State that they will believe in jesus when he come the second time around, but they're only buying time to build their Israel land on the blood of others.

In my view, jews are unbelievers. They argued with god and they say they believe but they don't really believe. They ask for miracles and they ask for a second coming of jesus to convert, but guess what, if Jesus came down from the sky in bright day light, they would still disbelieve...Afterall, it only took them a few days after they saw a sea part to worship a calf...Some things never change.