Reality is...

Please do not start more threads on "reality is..."
Dear everyone,

I am making a series of breakthroughs into reality. And by penetrating reality and linking science with Philosophy, one arrives at a cure for delusions of all kinds. And JamesR, if you allow my Philosophical abilities to flourish I promise you that any rewards I reap you'll reap too. Trust me and do not listen to anyone else unless they have anything of relevance to contribute.

Vacuum state

In quantum field theory, the vacuum state (also called the vacuum) is the quantum state with the lowest possible energy.


If the quantum field theory can be accurately described through perturbation theory, then the properties of the vacuum are analogous to the properties of the ground state of a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator (or more accurately, the ground state of a QM problem). In this case the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of any field operator vanishes. For quantum field theories in which perturbation theory breaks down at low energies (for example, Quantum chromodynamics or the BCS theory of superconductivity) field operators may have non-vanishing vacuum expectation values called condensates. In the Standard Model, the non-zero vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field, arising from spontaneous symmetry breaking, is the mechanism by which the other fields in the theory acquire mass.



For a relativistic field theory, the vacuum is Poincaré invariant, which follows from Wightman axioms but can be also proved directly without these axioms.[9] Poincaré invariance implies that only scalar combinations of field operators have non-vanishing VEV's. The VEV may break some of the internal symmetries of the Lagrangian of the field theory. In this case the vacuum has less symmetry than the theory allows, and one says that spontaneous symmetry breaking has occurred. See Higgs mechanism, standard model.

Reality finds itself to exist at the lowest possible energy level or ground state (or as described by perturbation theory to be the ground state of the Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator) and may or may not escape itself at this level depending on whatever causally influences its mass (Higgs field) and energy level.
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You'll probably be banned for a while on this one...

I hope not! I'm trusting James to see the tremendous possibilities for this thread and all my other penetrating insights into Physics and Mathematics through the Philosophical lens of reality.

It is a breakthrough insight and this thread will turn out to be beautiful if allowed to flourish. <---Fact.
I hope not! I'm trusting James to see the tremendous possibilities for this thread and all my other penetrating insights into Physics and Mathematics through the Philosophical lens of reality.

It is a breakthrough insight.

He'll most likely see it as you trying to circumvent the limitations put on you, by the staff, and hopefully issue a warning with some infraction points on top.
What would be fair would be a permaban. You have amply demonstrated that you refuse to abide by the rules and flagrantly flout the moderators restrictions.
What would be fair would be a permaban. You have amply demonstrated that you refuse to abide by the rules and flagrantly flout the moderators restrictions.

You are not one to speak to the moderators and rationality. Non-genius.

I am hoping JamesR would realize the potential and allow my threads to flourish.
I'd see it as fair and long overdue.

You shouldn't really be surprised, seeing as you've:

-disregarded the mods' instructions
-interfered in other threads, pushing the damn cat-mew, when told not to
-generally not being able to answer questions on why god has been proven real, and instead resorting to insults

Need more?
I'm off to my home.

I am hoping the moderators will make the right decision so that when I return to the library tomorrow the thread will have received novel responses like the OP. Which I will then address.
I'd see it as fair and long overdue.

You shouldn't really be surprised, seeing as you've:

-disregarded the mods' instructions
-interfered in other threads, pushing the damn cat-mew, when told not to
-generally not being able to answer questions on why god has been proven real, and instead resorting to insults

Need more?

Before I go, I want to say I'm sorry for calling you names even though I thought you deserved it at the time. But you clearly do not now. As for the Cat-mew (CTMU), I promise to limit what JamesR perceives to be spam to that "Reality is..." thread.


Please say "yes" to this thread and I promise you will not be disappointed.

Everyone will be disappointed, except you, if this isn't merged with your own designated thread.

We'll be disappointed if you don't receive infractions.
Dear everyone,

I am making a series of breakthroughs into reality. And by penetrating reality and linking science with Philosophy, one arrives at a cure for delusions of all kinds. And JamesR, if you allow my Philosophical abilities to flourish I promise you that any rewards I reap you'll reap too. Trust me and do not listen to anyone else unless they have anything of relevance to contribute.

Vacuum state

In quantum field theory, the vacuum state (also called the vacuum) is the quantum state with the lowest possible energy.


If the quantum field theory can be accurately described through perturbation theory, then the properties of the vacuum are analogous to the properties of the ground state of a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator (or more accurately, the ground state of a QM problem). In this case the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of any field operator vanishes. For quantum field theories in which perturbation theory breaks down at low energies (for example, Quantum chromodynamics or the BCS theory of superconductivity) field operators may have non-vanishing vacuum expectation values called condensates. In the Standard Model, the non-zero vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field, arising from spontaneous symmetry breaking, is the mechanism by which the other fields in the theory acquire mass.



For a relativistic field theory, the vacuum is Poincaré invariant, which follows from Wightman axioms but can be also proved directly without these axioms.[9] Poincaré invariance implies that only scalar combinations of field operators have non-vanishing VEV's. The VEV may break some of the internal symmetries of the Lagrangian of the field theory. In this case the vacuum has less symmetry than the theory allows, and one says that spontaneous symmetry breaking has occurred. See Higgs mechanism, standard model.

Reality finds itself to exist at the lowest possible energy level or ground state (or as described by perturbation theory to be the ground state of the Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator) and may or may not escape itself at this level depending on whatever causally influences its mass (Higgs field) and energy level.

Reported for barking madness.
Before I go, I want to say I'm sorry for calling you names even though I thought you deserved it at the time. But you clearly do not now. As for the Cat-mew (CTMU), I promise to limit what JamesR perceives to be spam to that "Reality is..." thread.



You weren't entirety wrong in calling me penis lover. I'm quite fond of it.
My own, to be clear.
Spellbound is now banned for 1 day for continuing to spam sciforums with "Reality is..." threads. If warning points continue to accumulate, subsequent bans will be for longer periods, as per our published policy.
My thought processes are almost always dedicated to making insights into reality. Can the mods create a new Philosophy subforum and I promise I will restrict all discussions of reality to it? This is because understanding reality is incredibly important to science. The "Reality is..." thread doesn't stimulate discussion of any kind.
My thought processes are almost always dedicated to making insights into reality.
Then it's a great pity that you don't post these "insights into reality".
And before you claim otherwise: what you DO post is mostly insupportable nonsense without an ounce of logic.

Can the mods create a new Philosophy subforum and I promise I will restrict all discussions of reality to it?
A subforum for your musings on reality already exists: it's called the Cesspool.

This is because understanding reality is incredibly important to science.
Quite possibly, but your "contributions" don't help science in any way.

The "Reality is..." thread doesn't stimulate discussion of any kind.
And the fact you that you persist in posting them is a good indicator of how skewed your view of reality actually is.
Then it's a great pity that you don't post these "insights into reality".
And before you claim otherwise: what you DO post is mostly insupportable nonsense without an ounce of logic.

A subforum for your musings on reality already exists: it's called the Cesspool.

Quite possibly, but your "contributions" don't help science in any way.

And the fact you that you persist in posting them is a good indicator of how skewed your view of reality actually is.

This actually says a lot about your delusional self-importance than fact and reality. You have absolutely no insights into reality otherwise you would be posting them. Reality encompasses all areas of science, that is why I make insights (which you clearly deny) into it.
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