
Big Blue Head has the answer to the riddle.

You stike once. But didn't hit any ball...
Strike One!
You strike again.
Strike Two!
And once more...
Strike Three!
You're Out! ;)
lolololololol that rules. not worthy of hehehe but definetly of lololololollol
how did i not get that

(ps that is not the anwer to the barber thing)
only the barber is allowed to cut peoples beard now, after the law is passed.
i forgot to mention that. sry
no, noone can leave town since trolls surround it and eat anyone who tries to escape. past them, is the inscalable mountains, then the bottomless abyss, then Wales.
there are no animals in the town. all food and drink is air dropped by plane in processed form (sort of like space food)

sorry missed this in the first post :)
no one can shave him
he can't shave himself
he can't leave the town...

Get elected and change the law.
Or just not shave.
jade: nope, thats not the answer (if you ask ill tell yer)

jinchilla: what are u goin on about, we finished that riddle like ages ago>?
dont commit arsen

ps he only had to eat three legs because he ate them then one of the air drops that was meant to hit beardburg missed and hit him instead :)
I'm really slow at typing. I henpeck with two fingers and I usually try to use proper punctuation and capitalization.
that PS was 100% illegible.

And why did the legs thing come back?

Wait... with a razor? or a pair of scissors. It's not considered shaving if he cuts - right?
nah... i really want to tell you but im not gonna

ps re writen

he only had to eat three of the horses legs becsue after he had finished three one of the air drops that was heading for beardburg (the place of the next riddle) missed the town and ended up there.

im quite a fast typer, but i cant touchtype, its really hard and i always miss the key im aiming for.
Happy 100th post.

I use a whole set of hands and don't have to look at the keyboard to type. I can do it with my eyes closed. :) hehe... messenger is great practise for this. And then you type your essays in double time if you can be bothered to even start them (me...)

I don't always bother with capitalization of I's and sometimes just ignore it completely. What I hate is stuff like "u r stoopid" and "cuz she sed wat iz dis stuff" - Ahhh! And ignoring punctuation - or the opposite and! doing, like? my: old" Engli:sh TeachER who, didn't, bloody, have, a, clue, where, to, put, her, commas, or, anything, else, for, that, matter.

Okay, what's the answer then?
HAHA I HAVE FOOLED YOU lol my .... minute of triumph.

the barber is a woman, and so does not need to shave her own beard!!!!

i do do things like u r stoopid but only if im feeling lazy.
you suck. Women aren't barbers... are they? Baaaah... you suck. My scissors option rocks. Now go look in the music forum.
...and if i said sundial was the simplest how could it be the most complex as well?

A thing can be complex and simple at the same time. It's all a matter of perspective. Anyway, I just figured I'd give it a try. :p