
break the legs off the table. Etch a door knob from one of the legs using the mirror (sharp glass). Use on of the screws that held the legs on the table to hold the door knob on the table (make the table look like a door). Place the door against a wall.. open it up, walk out.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer......... points for creativity but no.

Think 'play on words'.

Um... and I doubt there are screws holding the legs...

It's really quite hard.
I have another version when someone's cracked that one, or y'all give up.
a. break the mirror, slice your wrists, according to some people you're now free.

Are the walls, floor and ceiling actually connected together? They could just be resting on one another like a house of cards, you could use parts of the table as a lever to separate the walls from one another (It would be quite heavy though.) As an aside, it would be quite hot inside this room as concrete heats up as it hardens.
Aaah... no use both objects. Don't kill yourself.

and stop nit picking the structure. Don't mess with the walls.
1) Break off one of the table legs
2) Hit yourself really hard in the head with it
3) Fall unconscious.

Now you're out! Out cold!

I hope your play on words is better than mine...
That's good... real good actually...

excellent play on words, but what you need is to incorporate the mirror as well.

But it has nothing to do with going out cold.
Is it sort of investigation room at the police station? Then the mirror is actually a window throw the table against it and you are out...seen that in "True Lies" with Arnold S.
NO! It's just a mirror... :p *sheesh* you people are impossible.

A mirror. Who cares what size? Shape? Colour of frame? If it even has a frame...
If you lived in a 4D world (4 spatial dimensions.. don't count time) then you could just walk out.

But I am not using the mirror or table... and you didn't say anything about 4D space... so scratch that.
If we're not being logical and thinking in a surreal way, can you look at yourself in the mirror, sit on the table for a bit and then walk out thorugh one of the walls?

I DID use both items. Sheesh.
lolol, very good and well, you've done a bit of what is necessary. But wait... if you go back to the mirror and look... what would you see? would it be different?
jaded.. well what is the answer?

And what about that calculus problem? Did I supply the answer you were looking for? lol
I think she is saying you put the table against the wall, then the mirror on the table....walk away and look back. You are walking out of the room. (optical illusion on the mirror)
Absane said:
And what about that calculus problem? Did I supply the answer you were looking for?

Yup, nice work. Here's another math riddle that is accessible to everyone, again from the site mentioned earlier.

Create the number 24 using only these numbers once each: 3, 3, 7, 7. You may use only the following functions: +, -, *, /. This is not a trick question; for example, the answer does not involve a number system other than base 10 and does not allow for decimal points.

Also, I'm surprised no one has solved the Achilles riddle yet. The solution is really simple.
Achilles answer:
say for example, we measure the length covered by the two competitors in fractions.
achilles = 1/5 of a metre a second (actually a bit small)
tortiose = 1/10 metre a second.

tortiose 5 seconds head start.
1/10 x 5 = 1/2 metre
achilles then starts and it will take 1/5 x 2.5 to get to where the tortiose is. (1/2 metre)
then, achilles moves another 1/5 metre, whereas tortiose may have moved say, 2/10
now they are level.
next second, achilles takes over the tortiose and speeds into the distance (except he doesnt since he conceded 'lol')

the trick here is assuming that achilles moves the same fractions as the tortiose, whereas he moves what is called faster.

im not very good at explaining so if it didnt make sense just ask.

EDIT: the concrete wall thing.... was there a door in the wall. you didnt say there wasnt. he can then take the mirror with him since he is naive and the table so he can sit on it and eat his dinner etc, since he has a congratulary meal at a wkd restaurant to celebrate his excellent escaping. he uses his own table because it is now his only friend, as he didnt see the door for ages, as it was the same colour as the wall.
Use the mirror to dig a whole out and then seal the hole off with the table :confused: . I dont know, I give up.
Dapthar said:
Create the number 24 using only these numbers once each: 3, 3, 7, 7. You may use only the following functions: +, -, *, /. This is not a trick question; for example, the answer does not involve a number system other than base 10 and does not allow for decimal points.

(7-3)*7 - 3 = 24

I used to do these kind of problems before.. the answer just popped in my head. Another please!