SF.com Logo Contest

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I think you can do better than that.:bugeye:

emmm........ mo'kay...


Riverwind! You're fulsome praise stirs an inferno of emotion within my turgid loins - how I swell with every moist syllable! Huzzah! Let me caress you with flannels! Let me polish every molecule of your being with tiny pygmies and engage in acts upon your person unspeakable, inexcusible and unpronounceable - for hours and hours and hours at a time!

Thank you! Oh, God! Thank you! Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you-thank-you!

Thank you.

>sniff.... So, was that any better?
Pish! That's nothing - y'should hear me when I send off m'tax return. Nauseous isn't the word. It actually stings...
emmm........ mo'kay...


Riverwind! You're fulsome praise stirs an inferno of emotion within my turgid loins - how I swell with every moist syllable! Huzzah! Let me caress you with flannels! Let me polish every molecule of your being with tiny pygmies and engage in acts upon your person unspeakable, inexcusible and unpronounceable - for hours and hours and hours at a time!

Thank you! Oh, God! Thank you! Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you-thank-you!

Thank you.

>sniff.... So, was that any better?

LOL! You are a funny guy.

You know very well I meant the logo not the "fool"some response.
How about the yin and yang symbol, with one dot replaced with S and the other dot with F ???
Just a thought ........
I think it should be of an element "SF" from the periodic table of elements with a a a line pointing to sf saying SCIForums
How about the yin and yang symbol, with one dot replaced with S and the other dot with F ???
Just a thought ........

Not a bad thought. The cosmic microwave background is almost a Yin-Yang - I did a bit of fiddling with it, but never got anywhere. Here's the basic image if anyone else wants a try:
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