The Picture Thread Mark IV

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The everyday life of Newari people in Bhaktapur, Nepal:

traditional market in front of Nyatapole temple:


vegetables everywhere:

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invaluable view from top:


too bad it was cloudy; had the sky clear, the himalaya can be seen behind the valley

in front of the five storeys temple:


souvenir shop:

Some great photos.
What are you doing there?

Thank you. You haven't see the pic of burning of people in Bagmati river.
I couldn't eat anything after that, even now still remember the smell :eek:

I am doing a group work on urban risk management, and a case study of
earthquake resilient infrastructure for water supply in Nepal. It is funded by
DAAD, German (free trip :p)
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The burning of dead body in Bagmati river:


Ok ok, I'll put no more pics.
for today

Would one of those monkeys come up to you and let you pet it or you come up to it? Or would they just run away or throw poo at you?
Seeing little wild monkeys out in an open urban area like that would take some getting used to.
Would one of those monkeys come up to you and let you pet it or you come up to it? Or would they just run away or throw poo at you?
Seeing little wild monkeys out in an open urban area like that would take some getting used to.

They do not run away, they just live around the people. Wait, I'll see whether
I can upload some pics of it.
Would one of those monkeys come up to you and let you pet it or you come up to it? Or would they just run away or throw poo at you?
Seeing little wild monkeys out in an open urban area like that would take some getting used to.

With monkeys you neither pay them too much attention or don't pay attention to them - they are incredibly agile and like to steal stuff - they can take your sunglasses even when you are wearing them (people who constantly wear glasses in such areas commonly have them tied to a necklace as a preventative measure) - when that happens you have to try and do a deal with them by offering them a banana or something and try and negotiate a deal with them - I remember one cook who told us that when he was a baby he got taken away by monkeys and his uncle had to negotiate a deal with the monkeys to get him back - lol -

needless to say, walking down the street with a plastic bag full of fruit is suicide - fortunately monkeys are terrified of sticks (good to have one that is at least 2 feet long) - if you tap the ground menacingly and say "HUT" they scatter (even if you have a bag of fruit) - needless to say it is a tool of the trade of fruit and vegetable merchants in such areas.

in some dhams (holy places) of india there are guys who push along little carts full of peanuts and call out "Monkey service!! Monkey service!!" - the idea is that all residents, even the animals, in such holy places are great personalities that have acted piously in previous lives (even though they have probably done something inappropriate to take birth as a monkey - in fact it is commonly held that a spiritual person who is in the habit of calling on people to donate things for the service of god but who uses thing sin their own personal service will take birth as a monkey in a dham) - anyway its an act of piety to feed a resident of a holy place, regardless of their bodily designation - so you can pay these guys a few rupees for a little paper bag of peanuts and get mobbed by a hundred or so monkeys as you explode in a shower of peanuts
Thanks for all the responds regarding the pics. I haven't have time to upload some
more. I hope to get also other pic of you all, otherwise it will be full of mine, and that
would be really boring! :shrug:

I am sure you all from other side of the world have also interesting pics ;)
Fantastic photos, inzomnia!

One my friend went to study to the USA for a year and we said to each other that in the moder age of information it doesn't matter that much as it would have ment in the times of Columbus.
Then we became curious and she wrote a letter to me, and I am now writing a letter to her.
And now we understand why those letters of times of old sound so full of meaning - you could not afford to write something meaningless because each word takes time and each sentence takes lots of time.
I shortened and shortened my orginial script, till only the essence remained.

Of course our experiment is not full, because we send letters by air mail, not a sailing ship.

Writing this letter now.


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