The Post Whatever Thread

I'm so jealous
29 degrees here
still over 2 feet of snow
with 4 ft. drifts
great chunks of ice have been falling off the roofs and onto the decks making loud crashing sounds.

(the trials of winter make spring that much more fun and exciting)
the sun is shining brightly
the chickens are laying more eggs than I need
and the birds are singing
Aw, that is a good outlook, sculptor. As they say, sometimes waiting makes whatever it is we're waiting for, all the more worthwhile. I live in a relatively warm climate year round, and it's not all that it's cracked up to be. lol I miss snow, and cooler temps for longer periods of time. Sweater weather and cozy fireplaces are the best.
Aw, that is a good outlook, sculptor. As they say, sometimes waiting makes whatever it is we're waiting for, all the more worthwhile. I live in a relatively warm climate year round, and it's not all that it's cracked up to be. lol I miss snow, and cooler temps for longer periods of time. Sweater weather and cozy fireplaces are the best.

I lived in Phoenix for a while (grad school) and while it's a totally different environment from where I'd lived before (N.C. and Washington) the thing I missed most was a cool breeze or any kind of breeze.:)

I'm in Seattle now but it's still a mild climate (Phoenix isn't mild but it's always varying degrees of warm/hot.) I lived in Spokane for a while and that was 4 seasons as was college in the N.C. mountains. I do enjoy the 4 seasons type of climate but snow/cold get old fast.

Moral of the story, enjoy where you currently live I guess:)
I lived in Phoenix for a while (grad school) and while it's a totally different environment from where I'd lived before (N.C. and Washington) the thing I missed most was a cool breeze or any kind of breeze.:)

I'm in Seattle now but it's still a mild climate (Phoenix isn't mild but it's always varying degrees of warm/hot.) I lived in Spokane for a while and that was 4 seasons as was college in the N.C. mountains. I do enjoy the 4 seasons type of climate but snow/cold get old fast.

Moral of the story, enjoy where you currently live I guess:)
Seattle has always intrigued me. Curious, are you near where the infamous riots took place? Do you feel safe? I guess that’s a matter of perspective but the media makes Seattle look like a war-zone so I’ve been meaning to ask.
Seattle has always intrigued me. Curious, are you near where the infamous riots took place? Do you feel safe? I guess that’s a matter of perspective but the media makes Seattle look like a war-zone so I’ve been meaning to ask.

I live just north of the Univ. of Washington so a few miles north of downtown. The riots were mainly just across the interstate from downtown in Capital Hill.

It hasn't affected me at all although with the latest mayor/city council I'd have to say that things are going downhill regarding homeless tents and homeless in more places than usual. They have also changed some zoning so that single family neighborhoods can now have houses converted into multiple units.

One large house on my street was sold and now there are 6 cars in front and I think 3 different couples live there. There is more crime in the news as more people are out of work due to Covid but I think most of the homelessness is due to drug addiction and mental health issues and the city not seeming to be able to control it.

Most people seem to still have jobs however and many are working from home. I have a fairly large and private yard so nothing has changed for me in that regard. I can still walk safely day/night a mile away to the local grocery store for example.

On a day to day basis for most people auto traffic is probably what people deal with the most.

It's still a nice place to live and the stuff you see on the news doesn't affect most people unless you happen to be a small business owner in an area where a protest was held.

I sometimes go walking around a lake in a large city park (Green Lake). It's about 2 1/2 miles to walk around the lake. There is the occasional homeless tent under a tree and the city doesn't seem to do anything about that now. Otherwise the park is just as popular as it has ever been. There is a paved path around the lake and people go there to walk/jog.
Did you pm seatle suggesting he not make threats as if he is a site mod ?
I haven't seen any reports about Seattle making threats, or whatever. You should file one if he has done that. Find the offending post and hit the "report" button.
i thought this thread was supposed to be about freedom of speech & feelings
This thread isn't really about anything, in particular. But most of the time it seems relatively harmless - a place where people can post random thoughts. It's in the "Free Thoughts" forum. Having said that, the site posting guidelines still apply.
if i have said something to someone that you think is offense, please point it out for me so i cant explain.
I thought I already did.
dont care anymore
Okay. We'll see how that goes for you.
lol you think im having some type of emotional melt down ?
Not emotional, no. But there are places where your posts don't make much sense, or don't connect to anything. And then there's the paranoia thing, the conspiracy thinking, and your continued assumption that you can somehow deduce a person's deep psychological motivations from words that don't really relate to anything like that.

soo desperately trying to cling on to the lie(aka borderline narcissism & power tripper lost inside your own privilege & self importance)
so funny how the little "you think your better than everyone else comes out as you act out your transference in fear of people realizing there are things you just don't understand, including yourself

"medication" comments ? lol
your soo emotionally shallow your borderline sociopaths with narcissistic tendencies
those who dont obey your ego are labelled dysfunctional

school yard teen girl bully tactics
thats where you are
thats you
just with access to power so you think the more the power the more absolute rights your ego has to act out its little dramas and need to satisfy the deranged teenage ego inside.

im done playing dumb to pander to your fascism & narcissism & school yard teenage bully psychology.
See what I mean. Just wrong, wrong and more wrong, all piled one on top of the other.

You should probably stop telling people what they think. You very seldom get it right. Try asking them, instead. And stop pretending to be a psychologist.
terribly sad news about lady gagas' dog nanny
Dog napped & attempted murder
how did they know it was lady gagas dogs ?
why did they try & murder the dog nanny ? because he saw their faces ?

i hope they catch them(looked like 3 people, but will be others involved almost guaranteed giving material support)
they didnt need to shoot him if they wanted to just be american and steal other peoples shit & call it liberalism.

i wonder how many people will sacrifice their life & the life of their family members for their pets or other peoples pets

judging by the video
i think this guys world has been well shaken
be some expensive therapist bills for the next few years(probably hard core truama) not to mention a million dollars or 2 for the hospital bills

some french bulldogs i like the look of
others i think are butt ugly

puppy mills in the USA is hard currency black market cash
but the pedigree market & usa capitalism make them worth a lot
so its kinda both-sides-isms on the value aspect
some gang person will probably pay big money to own lady gagas dogs & breed them & sell the puppies to other criminals.

but eventually someone will talk & they will get busted & it will probably be FBI SWAT coming through their doors with the IRS to clean up all their bank accounts cash & possesions
The problem is we're all from "level 2".

lol your a hoot
pretending to not be as uncaring about others as a show of caring

there is a difference between pretending to care & simply not caring
"pretending to care because you cant care" (sound like someone you recognize in the mirror?)
having the ability to choose to care or not care
Okay. We'll see how that goes for you.
You should probably stop telling people what they think.
how is that working for you ?

I haven't seen any reports about Seattle making threats, or whatever. You should file one if he has done that. Find the offending post and hit the "report" button.

ok i will go and do as you have requested(eventually, if i remember to, & have the spare time)
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why ?
sometimes reasons are elusive
often they have slim and vague attachments to real aspects that are held inside the individual perceiving them
sometimes it may be an aspect desired to be considered
no different to offering a new type of perspective to look through
rare is it the average person decides to observe life through an alternate perspective

newness is a good thing
artistic expression
all aspects of conceptual evolution help evolve the now into tomorrows new today

sometimes what i say is to make you ask a question
regardless of me knowing what you THINK you will perceive as my comment
... and so it dawns on you the meaning of the comment is not exactly as it reads
but instead
inside how you consider it

and all the reader sees is what they already know to be true
the same thing repeated over & over

talking with the knowledge & uncaring attitude that the listeners would never understand is what ?
^^ We often don't see others as they are, we see them as we are. I remember a few years ago, one of my friends who is a self-proclaimed Buddhist, shared a good ''technique'' in how to just listen, without responding, during conversations. Listen as though you're just an observer, and not even really ''in'' the conversation. I suppose we could apply that here on a forum, but then there'd only be one post, from individual thread OP's. lol
^^ We often don't see others as they are, we see them as we are. I remember a few years ago, one of my friends who is a self-proclaimed Buddhist, shared a good ''technique'' in how to just listen, without responding, during conversations. Listen as though you're just an observer, and not even really ''in'' the conversation. I suppose we could apply that here on a forum, but then there'd only be one post, from individual thread OP's. lol
I think that would be a good approach to Tiassa's blog threads. Maybe that is already going on?:)

I do like that approach however in real live. It's important to listen instead of listening just enough to formula your response when the person's lips stop moving.

I had a friend who when someone would come up and say "How was your weekend" would go off on a 10 minute speech about what he did that weekend".

If never occurred to him to at least end his diatribe with "and how was your weekend?":)
I think that would be a good approach to Tiassa's blog threads. Maybe that is already going on?:)

I do like that approach however in real live. It's important to listen instead of listening just enough to formula your response when the person's lips stop moving.

I had a friend who when someone would come up and say "How was your weekend" would go off on a 10 minute speech about what he did that weekend".

If never occurred to him to at least end his diatribe with "and how was your weekend?" :)

Highlighted . How you know this to be actually true ?

How did he end his diatribe ?
what would i do ?{{{if i was a crim}}}
i would fake an entire clinic franchise[as a supply management company], get wholesale delivery of vaccines
then on sell them to some other group as a re-seller(all un opened & 100% legit & can be used safely)
take the black market cash from the buyer
then bankrupt the supply company & literally burn the books so there was no data.

[im sure this is standard business in the usa]
possibly scam in a few odd investors at the same time[but thats where people would probably want their pound of flesh , burning, on a stick as revenge, so its not what i would do unless they were some type of mega church scamming parishioners in which case its all fair game scamming money from the devil]
or work with a hedge fund manager to dump a few million[dump 10 million in give them 1 million cash back) in to use as a loss against their accounts & cash it out the other end via a management company of the supply company which would be off shore and closed immediately after the money had been moved.

could possibly do it all so it ends up legal & not illegal assuming there was no intention to begin with to go bankrupt etc & the cash back could be legal through a secondary management company off shore hiring the hedge manager as a independent consultant.

all perfectly legal as long as there is no pre intended intent to collapse any business or trick anyone.
a lot of business is done this way
that is the primary construction of the sub prime mortgage insurance backing actions that collapsed the world economy in 2008

all those
wall st people
bankers and hedge fund managers
investment brokers & managers

will be all looking to copy this type of thing with vaccines
this effectively the gold star system of American capitalism and how it works

im just writing this for personal therapy as i mentally unwind & background process some other things as a distraction.
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Don’t really do that ^^ But, it would make one helluva Netflix series. :wink: