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ALLHAIL Thor The One And Only Thunder God Of Sciforums!!!

edit: heh, I guess if you post in all caps it changes it to just capitalized first letters.
Oh please don't turn this thread into one of those. I don't want to have to animate the head on my avatar.

And Joint Operations is the shiz, just lame in comparison (altho CS is good if you like arcade games).
IN fact, we have multiple threads on multiple members.

All hail Thor! The god of Thunder!

I should have chosen Odin as my usersname....
The Jadedflower thread, the (various) PM threads, all the Wes threads, the Dreamwalker thread, the Thor thread, the thread dedicated to Avatar, the Spuriousmonkey thread and I suppose there are some more.
Hell, I've even got my own thread in Free Thoughts. It was just a weak attempt to get me to change my avatar though. It didn't go more than a couple of posts.
I have 2 threads :cool:
But they only had a few posts in each :(
I didn't get any of this "2 page" shit :mad:

Anyway, way to go Thor, you deserved a thread about you almost as much as I did.
I deserved a thread? I'm a capital spammer here...why do I deserve a thread? Maybe a Ban Thor thread...

Anyway...I'm still phreaked!
Be honored . . . I wanna thread dedicated to me . . . *siffles*. Oh I so wish there were a thread dedicated to me and my quirks (hint hint wink wink)!!!!!
Quirks? I only just noticed you were on the forum last night :eek:

And yes, it'll lower the standard of the already low ego-boosting threads.
Orignially Posted by Dr. Lou Natic
If that happened it would totally cheapen the 'threads about people' legacy.

Originally Posted by Thor
Quirks? I only just noticed you were on the forum last night :eek:

And yes, it'll lower the standard of the already low ego-boosting threads.

Says you! . . . *crawls into fetal position in faraway corner and cries*
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