to vax or not to vax

what about a catholic charity med who you can make a voluntary donation to & get a free jab ?
Don't know of any in Bali :(

My suggestion to girlfriend Inul was to say really why do I need a change of visa? I'm the same person no matter what visa type I have

Put a place on the form (it is filled out on a computer) for the tourist to present their passport number

Indonesian government could then claim either cost or vaccine vials to cover those administrated to a countries tourist (minus the countries vaccine jabs given to any Indonesian tourist)

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Don't know of any in Bali :(

My suggestion to girlfriend Inul was to say really why do I need a change of visa? I'm the same person no matter what visa type I have

Put a place on the form (it is filled out on a computer) for the tourist to present their passport number

Indonesian government could then claim either cost or vaccine vials to cover those administrated to a countries tourist (minus the countries vaccine jabs given to any Indonesian tourist)


should in theory be able to be claimed under travel insurance medical
how many of those suicides are military personal & x military personal ?
what were their professions ?
were they on anti-psyche meds
were they on anti-depresants ?
were they waiting operations and on pain medications ?


are you scared of taking the test ?

No... but I find the test annoying...... the swab made me sneeze in a roomful of medical professionals dressed up for a biological war and......

I just wrote up some of my reasons to want to delay taking the vaccine as long as possible on another forum.......

1. One of the reasons for this is that I feel the vaccines were rushed........
2. Another reason is that my province Nova Scotia, has an astonishingly low incidence of Covid 19 infection
3. I feel a need to be in solidarity with those who DID NOT TAKE THE VACCINE somewhat like how the people of Denmark all put on yellow stars of David in solidarity with Jewish citizens of Denmark during the time of The Holocaust. I would like to be in solidarity with Christians and Jews and others who DO NOT want to take any of the existing vaccines at this time for ethical reasons.
and in another six months to a year information will come out regarding which vaccines have fewer negative side effects.
4. I am taking vitamin C, D3, zinc and MSM and I feel that I am unlikely to get very sick even if I did somehow get infected with Covid 19... if I do not get sick I might not even be contagious?????
No... but I find the test annoying...... the swab made me sneeze in a roomful of medical professionals dressed up for a biological war and......
At this point, I can only come up with a 'oh poor you!'..

1. One of the reasons for this is that I feel the vaccines were rushed........
The need for the vaccine was urgent. Obviously.

2. Another reason is that my province Nova Scotia, has an astonishingly low incidence of Covid 19 infection
It only takes one person who is infectious to visit your province for a short period of time to spread it. Just one.

3. I feel a need to be in solidarity with those who DID NOT TAKE THE VACCINE somewhat like how the people of Denmark all put on yellow stars of David in solidarity with Jewish citizens of Denmark during the time of The Holocaust. I would like to be in solidarity with Christians and Jews and others who DO NOT want to take any of the existing vaccines at this time for ethical reasons.
and in another six months to a year information will come out regarding which vaccines have fewer negative side effects.
Seriously, that's your play?

You are evoking the treatment of Jews in the Holocaust?

You want to be in solidarity with Christians and Jews who do not want to take any of the existing vaccines for ethical reasons? Israel has one of the highest vaccinated population in the world. Their vaccine rollout has been incredible.

You clearly aren't standing in solidarity with Jews, because they are getting vaccinated. So, you threw Jews in the fray to evoke the Holocaust in your frankly obscene and revolting comparison.

Your reasoning is to provide cover for the Christian far right who are so prone to conspiracies, they believe a pizza restaurant was the front of a paedophile ring involving the Clintons. They are the ones not getting vaccinated. You want to stand in solidarity with that crowd? These are the same people who do not believe COVID is real.

Do you know who you should be standing in solidarity with? People in your community who are immunocompromised, for example, who are unable to take the vaccine and who need everyone else around them to be vaccinated to provide them with herd immunity. But that would require not being selfish. Instead, you feel the need to be in solidarity with those who are selfish and frankly batshit crazy.

4. I am taking vitamin C, D3, zinc and MSM and I feel that I am unlikely to get very sick even if I did somehow get infected with Covid 19... if I do not get sick I might not even be contagious?????
None of which will protect you or others around you against COVID.
I just wrote up some of my reasons to want to delay taking the vaccine as long as possible on another forum.......
Because you want to have a great story about how sick you were?
2. Another reason is that my province Nova Scotia, has an astonishingly low incidence of Covid 19 infection
Well, if enough people follow your lead, you'll have numbers to compare with Texas any month now!
3. I feel a need to be in solidarity with those who DID NOT TAKE THE VACCINE
Do you feel a need to be in solidarity with Typhoid Mary, too? After all, she was blamed for a typhoid outbreak that she caused.
4. I am taking vitamin C, D3, zinc and MSM and I feel that I am unlikely to get very sick
You should wear a tinfoil hat, too. That way COVID-19 will never infect you. I saw that on a Youtube video so you know it's true.
You should wear a tinfoil hat, too. That way COVID-19 will never infect you. I saw that on a Youtube video so you know it's true.
Only the aluminium protein version

The other versions will happily snack on your inards

...You want to be in solidarity with Christians and Jews who do not want to take any of the existing vaccines for ethical reasons? Israel has one of the highest vaccinated population in the world. Their vaccine rollout has been incredible.

You clearly aren't standing in solidarity with Jews, because they are getting vaccinated. So, you threw Jews in the fray to evoke the Holocaust in your frankly obscene and revolting comparison.

Your reasoning is to provide cover for the Christian far right who are so prone to conspiracies, they believe a pizza restaurant was the front of a paedophile ring involving the Clintons. They are the ones not getting vaccinated. You want to stand in solidarity with that crowd? These are the same people who do not believe COVID is real...
Netanyahu indeed proudly boasted Israel was a shining example to the rest of the world with their rapid vaccination rate. Just don't ask how many Palestinians received the jab at the same time. The ultra tribal supremacist apartheid state is no example to be emulated. And Israel is not universally representative of Jewish attitudes to vaccination elsewhere - like here:
Netanyahu indeed proudly boasted Israel was a shining example to the rest of the world with their rapid vaccination rate. Just don't ask how many Palestinians received the jab at the same time. The ultra tribal supremacist apartheid state is no example to be emulated. And Israel is not universally representative of Jewish attitudes to vaccination elsewhere - like here:
They changed their minds about Palestinians living in Israel. They are passing the buck on Gaza and the West Bank, apparently suddenly recognising that they aren't a part of Israel.. []

But you make an exceptional point. I stand corrected!
They changed their minds about Palestinians living in Israel. They are passing the buck on Gaza and the West Bank, apparently suddenly recognising that they aren't a part of Israel.. []

But you make an exceptional point. I stand corrected!
I get a 404 error message with that link, but am guessing you meant to bring up this:
Reinforced by
None of which will protect you or others around you against COVID.[/QUOTE]
Because you want to have a great story about how sick you were?

Well, if enough people follow your lead, you'll have numbers to compare with Texas any month now!

Do you feel a need to be in solidarity with Typhoid Mary, too? After all, she was blamed for a typhoid outbreak that she caused.

You should wear a tinfoil hat, too. That way COVID-19 will never infect you. I saw that on a Youtube video so you know it's true.

She certainly is an interesting case isn't she?!

Mary Mallon was born in 1869 in Ireland and emigrated to the US in 1884. She had worked in a variety of domestic positions for wealthy families prior to settling into her career as a cook. As a healthy carrier of Salmonella typhi her nickname of “Typhoid Mary” had become synonymous with the spread of disease, as many were infected due to her denial of being ill. She was forced into quarantine on two separate occasions on North Brother Island for a total of 26 years and died alone without friends, having evidently found consolation in her religion to which she gave her faith and loyalty.
At this point, I can only come up with a 'oh poor you!'..

The need for the vaccine was urgent. Obviously.

It only takes one person who is infectious to visit your province for a short period of time to spread it. Just one.

Seriously, that's your play?

You are evoking the treatment of Jews in the Holocaust?

You want to be in solidarity with Christians and Jews who do not want to take any of the existing vaccines for ethical reasons? Israel has one of the highest vaccinated population in the world. Their vaccine rollout has been incredible.

You clearly aren't standing in solidarity with Jews, because they are getting vaccinated. So, you threw Jews in the fray to evoke the Holocaust in your frankly obscene and revolting comparison.

Your reasoning is to provide cover for the Christian far right who are so prone to conspiracies, they believe a pizza restaurant was the front of a paedophile ring involving the Clintons. They are the ones not getting vaccinated. You want to stand in solidarity with that crowd? These are the same people who do not believe COVID is real.

Do you know who you should be standing in solidarity with? People in your community who are immunocompromised, for example, who are unable to take the vaccine and who need everyone else around them to be vaccinated to provide them with herd immunity. But that would require not being selfish. Instead, you feel the need to be in solidarity with those who are selfish and frankly batshit crazy.

None of which will protect you or others around you against COVID.

There are seven new cases in my province.... and the bulk of them are about a hundred and fifty miles away from me at least!

My wife and I have been going out pretty much only to get groceries and we are not really minding this at all.

Seven new cases of COVID-19 are being reported in Nova Scotia today, April 18.

Three cases are in Eastern Zone and are related to travel outside of Atlantic Canada.

Four cases are in Central Zone. Two are close contacts of previously reported cases, one is related to international travel, and one is under investigation.

One of the close contact cases in Central Zone is a second staff member at Glasgow Hall, a long-term care home in Dartmouth. As a precaution, residents are being isolated and cared for in their rooms and the facility is closed to visitors and designated caregivers. All residents have been tested. Testing was completed yesterday for all staff who are close contacts of the two staff members who tested positive. Testing is underway for all other staff and will be completed today. Most residents of this facility have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Work is underway to support any remaining residents and staff who wish to get vaccinated.

I didn't even get an ordinary cold or flu in the winter of 2020. It seems like D3, zinc, vitamin C and MSM is a great way to boost the immune system for somebody in my situation.
There are seven new cases in my province.... and the bulk of them are about a hundred and fifty miles away from me at least!

My wife and I have been going out pretty much only to get groceries and we are not really minding this at all.
It only takes one person.

I didn't even get an ordinary cold or flu in the winter of 2020. It seems like D3, zinc, vitamin C and MSM is a great way to boost the immune system for somebody in my situation.
In the winter of 2020, everyone was social distancing, most were wearing masks and the greater majority were living under some form of lockdown and restrictions.

The reason you didn't get a cold or flu is because you were no confirmed outbreaks of the flu in 2020 in Canada:
It only takes one person.

In the winter of 2020, everyone was social distancing, most were wearing masks and the greater majority were living under some form of lockdown and restrictions.

The reason you didn't get a cold or flu is because you were no confirmed outbreaks of the flu in 2020 in Canada:
Yes, I have read that there was no flu epidemic at all this winter in the N Hemisphere, precisely because of all the covid countermeasures everyone was taking. This was predicted by the epidemiologists, in fact.

Almost no one has had a cold either, for the same reasons. All these are of course respiratory diseases, spread in much the same way as SARS-C-V-2, so it is hardly surprising that measures to suppress one will suppress the others as well.

Yet we still have stupid people who think their freedom from colds and flu is something to do with their own virtuous lifestyle, diet and regime of supplements. :rolleyes: