What is Our Universe

Truth Is Out There--< OUT>

The absolute "truth is out there" i.e. beyond occupied space--- physical and quasi-physical ---and beyond non-occupied space--- true void beyond occupied space ---i.e. metaphysical concepts as mind/intelligence of which some are absolute.

There exists a finite set of cosmic truths aka cosmic laws/principles that exist eternally ergo inviolate, and are non-contradictory, unlike relative truths that do have contradictions.

macro is < OUT >
micro is > IN <

Wave is pattern/geometry

Wave has two primary aspects;
convex < OUT >
concave > IN <

This is one of at least four, primary aspects of duality/twoness.

All of the above, are relatively simple concepts to grasp, imho, So the unnecessary, head slapping trolls, with overblown egos, need not apply ergo keep the Earth a better place.

There shouldn't be something beyond space because there is no such a thing to begin with... it's just a perception...
The Scientist is looking for higgs boson.This partical can not exist because we can make conclusion what is small than this partical.The smallest partical is wave.We can make supposition that partrical is two waves positive and negative.They attract each other and form the mass.Is our Universe without end?Over our universe there is field.This field make positive and negative waves exist and to form mass.

I'm no particle physicist and have a limited understanding, but when we speak of fundamentals such as the photon, electron, [and Higgs?] they have a dual nature and are able to exist as a particle and a wave.

Now that I have attempted to answer your question I will make an observation here....
I see some of the alternative theorists and pseudoscience propagators as pure trolls in the act of fishing.
I see that because people such as yourself come in with firm, "this is the way it is" agendas, and that the whole science world is wrong.
Sometimes, but very rarely that may be the case...maybe one in a hundred.
In your case I would fit you in with the pseudoscience pair pushing anti SR/GR propaganda, that is being a troll and fishing.

Tell me I am wrong.
Space the Final Idea

There shouldn't be something beyond space because there is no such a thing to begin with... it's just a perception...

Yeah, some perceive it as closet space, others gravitational space, and still others just sometimes label it as extra space.

Then there is tho yahoos at myspace, who live in virtual space, occasionally appearing as tho there from outer space.

Then there is those people parking their cars in cities that feel someone else has stolen their parking space, or those with and empty lot trying to pass it off as empty space and that they can get millions of dollars for.

Well I better stop there before I run out of typing space. :bugeye:

We certainly perceive space and it appears to be real. But we run into problems when we are discussing cosmology. There are two possibilities for this "space" - finite or infinite.

If space is finite and has a limit, then what is outside space? No "space"? Other "space"?
If space is infinite, it has no limit... then how do you define "here"? Where exactly are we, then?

If space is just an illusion, then these paradoxical questions are resolved.

What do you think is, ultimately, the answer to this conundrum?
We certainly perceive space and it appears to be real. But we run into problems when we are discussing cosmology. There are two possibilities for this "space" - finite or infinite.

The way I see it, we have space, that which separates everything...then we have time, that which stops everything from happening together....then we have space/time, the four dimensional framework against which the equations of SR/GR are formulated.
I see all as real.
> > > Fading Past)( Dawning Future > > >--Fuller Quote

TruthSeeke--"If space is finite and has a limit then what is outside space?"

Where do you get this idea that space is finite? Non-occupied space is infinite ergo there is no outside of non-occupied space. This is pretty simple concept but in some 10 years I've found very who can grasp this simple concept, fewer who accept and and even fewer ackwoledge this simple concept as the only logical common sense conclusion.

No "space"? Other "space"?

Virutal space, parking space, closet space, outer space etc.....

If space is infinite, it has no limit...

Yeah, now your starting to make rational sense. imho. You one of rare few...ha ha!

Then how do you define "here"?

Earth. How is how I define "here"...ha ha!

Where exactly are we, then?

Earth. The moon is there we are here. The sun is there we are here, on Earth. At least I am, I dunno your location..;)

If space is just an illusion, then these paradoxical questions are resolved.

Where do you get this idea that space is illusion? And so what if it is. It is a great illusion so enjoy and ponder it while we have access to it.

What do you think is, ultimately, the answer to this conundrum?

I have no idea what "conundrum" your refering too. You need specify exactly what it is "conundrum" is. My guess is, that you've created and imaginary/illusionary conundrum ergo irrelevant to our reality.

The> > arrow-of-time > > will tell us more and hopefully we will learn from it. "We cannot return to the womb"--Fuller quote

> >>> > past)(future > > > >

We are here )^( if my formatting is correctly aligning the above line/sentence with this line/sentence

Infinite Metaphysical Set

TruthSeeker--Question - if there is an infinite number of numbers between 0 and 1, how long would it take for you to go from 0 to 1?

Where exactly is this set of infinite numbers located in Universe? There not, i.e. you given is concept of mind/intelligence ergo beyond occupied space and beyond non-occupied space, i.e. metaphysical mind/intelligence is not a space but rather concepts of a space.

Space = non-occupied( finite ) and occupied( finite )

= concepts of the above spaces.

Are you really not aware of this problem?

This is the first time you've stated this alledged "problem" to me, so no need to act like you been stating it all along. We already have enough troll-like attitudes running loose around here.

Personally I think your creating an uneccesary imaginary problem where there is none.

To go from Earth infinitely out on a radial direction takes eternity. Seems pretty simple to me.

To go to the infinite set of numbers takes the amount of time it takes to comprehend that particular concept. The more familiar a person is with that concept, then the less and less time it takes for it to be comprehended.

The concept of infinite space, and infinite set of numbers takes an approximate amount of same time to comprehend, i.e. basically all were asking our brains to do is to assemble those definitions of the word infinite.

Infinite is to space, as eternity is to time--Fuller approximation.

Universe "is the moderation/modification of angle and frequency"--Fuller approximation.

If you still having this problem please try to clarify what exactly is cause I believe I've been clear and see no problem, as stated.

Infinite Set of Trolls Between Here and Anywhere

Yet, I still manage to get to the corner drug store.

Some alledged 'infinite set of numbers between 0 and 1' is by far, the least of our problems at Science forums.

The real problem is the infinite number of trolls we have to pass on the way between rationally logical conversation and common sense.

The Trolls are like flypaper if you get anywhere near them, they stick on you like brown gooey stuff that can't be washed off and leaves a nasty odor for the whole group.:(

Some alledged 'infinite set of numbers between 0 and 1' is by far, the least of our problems at Science forums.
I disagree. This is required for a fundamental understanding of the universe.

The real problem is the infinite number of trolls we have to pass on the way between rationally logical conversation and common sense.

The Trolls are like flypaper if you get anywhere near them, they stick on you like brown gooey stuff that can't be washed off and leaves a nasty odor for the whole group.:(

As much as I want to troll you right now because you are fun to troll with, I must agree with you. This kind of immature behavior is not very helpful in scientific discussions...
Infinite Set In Mind Only

I disagree. This is required for a fundamental understanding of the universe.

Huh? I think your bluffing smoke stack hot air.

I look forward to you showing us a rational, logical and common sense explanation for why you state, that knowing, beliving or understanding why there exists some alledged set of infinite numbers between 0 and 1.

1) no where in our finite, occupied space of Universe, does there exist and physical or quasi-physical set of somethings that will ever total to your alledged infinity,

2) your infinity is at best, either macro-micro infinite, non-occupied space, beyond( meta ) our finite occupied space of Universe, or,

your infinite is some metaphysical mathematical concept( mind/intelligence ) representation of infinity via a formula or equation.

This latter is formula is not infinity i.e. this goes back to my number-1 above, there is no infinite set of numbers printed, typed or save in any computer(s) in our physical Universe, just as the sum-total set of our finite Universe is a finite set of parts.

Please try be mature, rational, logical and common sensical if you can. I say this cause I've seen you be much less than that in regards to me in other replies. If you want to have a contigously rational, logical and common sense conversation with me, then I require these critieria.

Trolls need not apply. Thx fro holding your troll tonque, as we have way too many of those here at Sci-forums. imho.
