What is Our Universe

Infinite Box Filled With Concepts of Nothing and Nothing( non-occupied space )

If you have one apple on the table, how many apples do you have?

The "truthseeker" does not seek truth. Bluffing hot air smoke stack that hopes to hide his errors behind a single apple on a single table.

A single apple on a table is lame diversionary tactic. imho

It appears we have hollow weeny trying to impress us with fruity concept on a table that exists only in his mind, along with his concept of an infinite set of numbers between 0 and 1 there are just laying around the Universe somewhere waiting for some cartaker of to collect this infinite set of candy numbers for halloween.

Or maybe by by christmas he will gather thisalledged infinity of numbers and post them ina non-existent, infinite box in this thread. :rolleyes:

The relative and absolute truths are out there, for those with some effort and sincere heart to find some of them.

I will not be holding my breath waiting for rational, logical and common sense reply from those who do not seek truth.

He is a fool. He doesn't want to have a discussion, he just wants to be right. :rolleyes:
Mental Head Slapping Trolls Need Not Apply

Mental head slapping trolls need not apply as they rarely have anything of constructive or intellectually significance to add to Sci-forums. imho

0) Metaphysical mind/intelligence ergo abstract concepts etc are not of space nor time but eternally complement the quasi-physical and physical
...ex Pi^3 = 31.00 62 7 i.. mathematics, or spiral triangulating wave is geometric pattern.....
...ex cosmic laws/principles---2nd law of thermodynamics ergo closed system----
...ex relative and absolute truths....

1) Space is infinite

....1a) metaphysical( beyond ) macro-micro infinite non-occupied space, exists beyond our finite Universe of occupied space,

....1b finite occupied space is composed of three primary parts; gravity( metaphysical ), fermions and bosons other than gravity

2) time/motion/frequency/interval ex VVVVVVVV or ****** or ___---___---___--- is inherent to occupied space

This is the top of the cosmic heirarchy of definning "what is our Universe".

No one has every offerred any rational logical or common sense comments that would in any way invalidate the above.

At best, what some have inferred, but were afraid to state, is that we have an infinite field of space. My version of a "field" of space as follows and it has a shape/outline ergo finite;

1) they never offered any kind of heirarchal outline/list/menu, they never defined their space with the clarity---- as I have done repeatedly now for some 7 years with my explanation ---nor did they want to have arational, logical and common sense conversation beyond their one time inference of an alledged and undefined field of infinite space.

These people who go on and on about infinite this and infinite that, really have no idea what their concept of infinity actually means and how illogical and irrational it is to common sense integrity.

System = integrity

System = finite/closed

System = transformable/intertransformable to other systems, to one degree or another

Ex the regular, 3D tetrahedral systemicstable structure, is all triangles but has and potential of an inherent set of 3 regular, equaltorial, cross sectioning, square great plane.

The regular 3D icosahedral, systemic stable structure is all triangles but has potential for 15 golden-phi rectangles.

The regular, 3D pentagonal dodecahedron, systemic nonstable polyhedron, has potential for existence of 5 seperate cube relationships.

Universe is the most complex, but basic definining of Universe does not need to be more complex than I have laid out above, and yet covers the basic;

three types/kinds of metaphysical(mind/intelligence, non-occupied space and gravity )
one--metaphysical type/kinds of quasi-physical and,
two types/kinds of physical/energy

Please no trolls need apply, as this is science forum and at minimum we should attempt to have rational, logical and common sense commentary.


The "truthseeker" does not seek truth. Bluffing hot air smoke stack that hopes to hide his errors behind a single apple on a single table.The relative and absolute truths are out there, for those with some effort and sincere heart to find some of them.
I will not be holding my breath waiting for rational, logical and common sense reply from those who do not seek truth.