What would you like to see installed on SciForums?

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Erm... guys while the chatter is great and everything, could you try to keep this thread on topic and clear of off-topic discussion. If you can do that it would be greatly appriciated, I might even share some of the SF 10yr Anniversary cake with you. (If it wasn't offtopic to mention it)
1. Embedded media (videos)
2. Image hosting on site
3. SciForums Toolbar application
4. Integrated Chat Box
5. Bigger avatars
6. Signatures enabled
7. Advanced Ignore option
8. No 'Go Advanced' reply button
9. Vending machine

10. Subscribe to Poster option
11. Multiple forum skins
12. Show/Hide Signature button
13. Reputation System

All of the above. 'Specially bigger avatars, and embedded media.

Dammit... why is everyone leaving out the scotch?!?

Plazma said:
Well, rep is more unofficial insight in members history and activities. More like assessment made by other members based on user's activity, posts and behavior in general.

And like Communism, solid theory... completely useless in practice.

If sciforums really was a community of intelligent people, and not silly people with nothing better to do but spend hours destroying someone's rep for even the slightest insult, then it would work. But it is what it is, dear.

When people stop using bad news, and weekly world news headlines to start their threads... or exposing their innermost soul to all of us in an effort to get attention/laid... it would be a step in the right direction of course.

Baby steps.
Baby steps to the door... baby steps down the hall...
1. Better, more interesting posters.
2. Ability to ignore moderators.
3. Have I mentioned more interesting posters?

The website is made by the membership. More shiny features and tinkerbells don't make it better.
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1. Embedded media (videos)
2. Image hosting on site
3. SciForums Toolbar application
4. Integrated Chat Box
5. Bigger avatars
6. Signatures enabled
7. Advanced Ignore option
8. No 'Go Advanced' reply button
9. Vending machine

10. Subscribe to Poster option
11. Multiple forum skins
12. Show/Hide Signature button
13. Reputation System

None of the above.

Because this is true:

The website is made by the membership. More shiny features and tinkerbells doesn't make it better.
A 'digg' system, thumbs-up and down on posts, so that posts like the two above this one can be pummeled down into invisibility.

I also vote for the reputation system and embedded media.
A 'digg' system, thumbs-up and down on posts, so that posts like the two above this one can be pummeled down into invisibility.


This is exactly what's been going wrong on here for some time.
People want to change this into some sort of pseudo- facebook/myspace 'social' site. That's not the intent of SciForums. Too much whining, not enough content.

This is exactly what's been going wrong on here for some time.
People want to change this into some sort of pseudo- facebook/myspace 'social' site. That's not the intent of SciForums. Too much whining, not enough content.

A 'digg' system, thumbs-up and down on posts, so that posts like the two above this one can be pummeled down into invisibility.

I also vote for the reputation system and embedded media.
It could be installed through Pligg system. But it should be different science news section, like encyclopedia. It shouldn't be implemented on the forums directly.

I agree with Syzygys that we need more interesting posters. Actually, we already have 'hat-off' members, but some of them are sleeping, planning to leave, aren't active as they used to be,...
Maybe a fresh blood in discussions would give some nudge to them.

Anyway, how it could be done? Through advertising, word of mouth, brain-harvesting from other sites and sources, ..?
Any inputs are welcome.

@Liebling: Fortunately, knowing SciForums members I'm sure that rep system would be used properly.

Also, I would like to clear few things up. I saw that some members are afraid of radical changes on forums. That won't happen. These are just additions to the current system, that should help (if installed) the discussion and the thread/post/forum functionality.
Also, some of the suggested addons maybe won't be installed or enabled, if their installation affects forum functionality.
How about a bogometer and a system that refuses to let the post be made if the bogon count is above a certain limit?
Obviously differing set limits per sub-forum: physics, chemistry etc. at high level and reducing gradually 'til we reach the cesspool.
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Oh yes, how about moderators NOT making up special rules for their own forums? We might have to take a course just to be able to post in certain forums...
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