Religion and women.

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Are you going to deny that men were tried and killed for being witches?
Reality check: somewhere between 75% and 90% of those executed for witchcraft were women.

Persecution for witchcraft was a deeply misogynistic and patriarchal enterprise.
My "verse" mean a whole text, while in your case you have united whatever you found it "sounds" good for your argument.

And you found yourself overhelmed by those ? Poor puppy.

This is because God act like the Eagle, flying around, sensing what is, and finaly plunge to his particular prey.
OpenBible said:
Ezekiel 17:3
Say, Thus says the Lord God: A great eagle with great wings and long pinions, rich in plumage of many colors, came to Lebanon and took the top of the cedar.

Ezekiel 10:14
And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub, and the second face was a human face, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.
Persecution for witchcraft was a deeply misogynistic and patriarchal enterprise.
You have to show that the reason those women were persecuted because they were women, and not perceived as witches.
I dropped links where in some parts of the world men’s persecution of witchcraft outnumbered the women’s. Why was that if it was misogynistic?
You have to show that the reason those women were persecuted because they were women, and not perceived as witches.
A pointless exercise, since you have confirmed that you do not take on board any information I present to you. Indeed, you typically just ignore it all.

If you're interested, the history of "witchcraft" and the various persecutions for it, are very well documented and studied by historians. Accusing a woman of being a witch was (and still is, in some places) a very convenient method for ridding oneself of a woman one dislikes, especially in an environment of kangaroo courts, show trials and prosecutors who stand to gain personally by "rooting out" supposed witchcraft.

Do you believe in witches, Jan? Does your religion teach you that women are witches?

I dropped links where in some parts of the world men’s persecution of witchcraft outnumbered the women’s. Why was that if it was misogynistic?
What did you discover in your extensive research on the topic? You appear to have missed virtually all of the scholarly studies and books that have given us insight into the history of witchcraft, the particular motivations of the accusers and of the prosecuting authorities etc.
Moderator note: Jan Ardena has been warned again for trolling and knowingly telling lies. He has not modified his behaviour following previous warnings for the same things.

Specifically, Jan continues to engage in a number of the typical behaviours of trolls that are listed in dot-point form in our Posting Guidelines. Moreover, Jan has chosen to repeat his demands that other members explain why they believe he is sexist and/or misogynistic, when extensive explanations have already been provided in numerous posts, often with specific references to, or reproduction of, statements posted by Jan himself.

Due to accumulated warning points, Jan is now banned from sciforums for a period of 2 weeks (14 days).
I love your joke.
That's nice.

Unfortunately I wasn't joking.

I didn't realized women are funny too.

Mine is so serious,
You post as if you own a woman.

but I think she never laughs of my jokes because she never understand them
Maybe your jokes aren't funny.

I got married to her because others who know her told me she was a serious person, and they were right...
I would hope that is not the only reason you married her.

she never even smiles when we make love.

That's just too easy!
Our points of view are different, because you don't see what I can see, which is beyond your comprehension by your lack of seeing the whole horizon. For me the law against rape is not fully enforced but discriminate inmates. For example, most people, including you, accept rape of men in jail but fully reject rape of a woman in the street. To me, rape is rape and both situations are unacceptable. You don't care about men raped in jail, for you "such is part of their punishment", even when the court never stated it. You watch movies where such rape happen or are predicted, and for you there is not a single reaction, however, you watch a movie where a woman is raped and you feel compassion for her and turn against such an act.

See the failing with the current tendency in society? You are dedicated to defend "women rights" by over passing men's rights, and such is also unacceptable.

Your make-believe is nothing new. If the point of these straw men is just to have something to flame, neither is that innovative, or useful, or whatever.

Try it this way: Do you acknowledge and affirm that women are human beings and have human rights? It's a straightforward question, and I encourage you to answer it forthrightly; there is utility in doing so, and being able to answer correctly.

The problem with tellng a woman what she thinks is both general and particular. Generally, you run a high probability of being wrong. In particular, you're giving over to misogynists in order to complain about women, and, really, that just isn't new.

(Hint: Parsing out "women's rights" in order to advocate particularly for men's rights is most assuredly nothing new.)
Your make-believe is nothing new. If the point of these straw men is just to have something to flame, neither is that innovative, or useful, or whatever.

Try it this way: Do you acknowledge and affirm that women are human beings and have human rights? It's a straightforward question, and I encourage you to answer it forthrightly; there is utility in doing so, and being able to answer correctly.

The problem with tellng a woman what she thinks is both general and particular. Generally, you run a high probability of being wrong. In particular, you're giving over to misogynists in order to complain about women, and, really, that just isn't new.

(Hint: Parsing out "women's rights" in order to advocate particularly for men's rights is most assuredly nothing new.)
You took it wrong as it was expected.

I don't complaint about women, my complaint is the system giving preferences instead of equal treatment.
You took it wrong as it was expected.

I don't complaint about women, my complaint is the system giving preferences instead of equal treatment.

What are these preferences that women are receiving over men, as part of the ''system?''
What are these preferences that women are receiving over men, as part of the ''system?''

Women and children get on the lifeboats first.:) There is pretty much already Universal Healthcare for women and children. Just women, not so much however.

Being a pretty woman seems to be more advantageous than a pretty man. Pluto has it rough. Women won't leave Jan alone for some reason.
Women and children get on the lifeboats first.
And who made that determination?

And then ask yourself why they (and you) chose to make that determination and in a way, comparison.

There is pretty much already Universal Healthcare for women and children.
There is?


Just women, not so much however.

Being a pretty woman seems to be more advantageous than a pretty man.
In what way?

Pluto has it rough.
Being an incel does that..

Women won't leave Jan alone for some reason.
If only he'd leave us alone..
You took it wrong as it was expected.

I don't complaint about women, my complaint is the system giving preferences instead of equal treatment.

You should have at least tried to answer the question. That you're not capable of doing so tells us what we need to know. And, no, it's not really surprising.
And who made that determination?

And then ask yourself why they (and you) chose to make that determination and in a way, comparison.

There is?



In what way?

Being an incel does that..

If only he'd leave us alone..
Learn to read my humor and it will make your life a little easier.
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