Body Signals Redux: Proving Mormonism

not interested, thanks
you're welcome.
but i am taking your thoughts and ideas anyway as you've posted them here on a public forum and have no right to privacy
just so you know
I don't want to get too personal on a public message board.
kinda late for that... but i can see where this could be far, far more personal, or worse

My legs still burn so I guess I am still on the highway to hell.
or you could have a neurological disorder, or limited circulation causing problems
then there could be CRPS, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (see link )

there are also certain treatable disorders that can manifest neuropathic pain, like Diabetes, though that typically starts with extremities like phalanges and metatarsals/metacarpals.

lots of reasons
have you seen a DR about it?
you're welcome.
but i am taking your thoughts and ideas anyway as you've posted them here on a public forum and have no right to privacy
just so you know

kinda late for that... but i can see where this could be far, far more personal, or worse


or you could have a neurological disorder, or limited circulation causing problems
then there could be CRPS, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (see link )

there are also certain treatable disorders that can manifest neuropathic pain, like Diabetes, though that typically starts with extremities like phalanges and metatarsals/metacarpals.

lots of reasons
have you seen a DR about it?

No no its God talking to me.
Left is bad, right is good so I am confused by the mixed message.
Earlier in this thread it was suggested the burning legs was a message in keeping with the premise in the op and that message could be expressed in an ACDC song highway to hell.

However the facts are mundane.
I had a back operation 2 years ago because my legs did not work.
Something about pressure on stuff in my spine.
Well they fixed it, no doubt with the help of God, surgery would not be worth a damn unless he did not get involved...mind you I don't know why he let it get to surgery...anyways my legs although usable burn without let up.
It can influence my moods such that I can drift from being very happy to just happy, but its better than a wheel chair.
Although I purchased a wheel chair last week to make prowling the shopping center for babes easier.
But after a while my arms hurt.
So I keep it for the future.
The great thing is I met as many babes with the chair as without...approximately er none.
Thanks for your input but all has been done that can be done and the surgeon is happy with the result..Can't wish for more God has left me with the burning obviously because he wants me to remember he had me down for worse.
Don't know why the back went other than an arm wrestle when I was 64 could have caused problems but I won so it was worth it.
I didn't call upon God to help me win so maybe he got ticked off.
But as I am an atheist I wonder why he would bother with me.
I had a back operation 2 years ago because my legs did not work.
Something about pressure on stuff in my spine.
Well they fixed it, no doubt with the help of God, surgery would not be worth a damn unless he did not get involved...mind you I don't know why he let it get to surgery...anyways my legs although usable burn without let up.
It can influence my moods such that I can drift from being very happy to just happy, but its better than a wheel chair.
holy crap - this sounds familiar

i didn't have the surgery though. injured in the line of duty. my Bradley was blowed up.
it was the second blowed up i went through
had to learn how to walk again, and still use a cane most of the time
always in pain. lots of pain. though it ranges from burning to stabbing to OH F*CK I NEED DRUGS RIGHT NOW
i am on meds to control the pain, but they don't do much. take off the edge just enough to make me sane

of course, this is made worse by other exacerbating conditions thanks to Uncle Sam and my race, meaning i get crap medical care except when i want to sit ina car and drive 5+ hours to a VA, and maybe, just maybe take the chance that i can be seen in the next 24-48 hours
The great thing is I met as many babes with the chair as without...approximately er none.
erm... have ya tried using a service dog? it helps!
i know how ya feel... though i have refused to use the chair, i know it's going to be needed
i'm putting it off for as long as i can
it makes it so hard to hunt

I didn't call upon God to help me win so maybe he got ticked off.
But as I am an atheist I wonder why he would bother with me.
yeah... i wondered that myself
still wonder that one too, as i'm not one of those abrahamic religions either
still wondering which "god" was the culprit too
how about you?

maybe it's Iktomi?
i get crap medical care except when i want to sit ina car and drive 5+ hours to a VA, and maybe, just maybe take the chance that i can be seen in the next 24-48 hours
Move to Australia.
Me six weeks in hospital, private room and bathroom, two MRI s, three angeograms, blood tests, operation, meals I bed, self serve drugs, magazines, great meals, etc.
Cost me $6 only and that was for a pak of panadol the day I left. The rest free as it should be.

I don't take any pain killer cause I was warned to avoid the addiction.
I am lucky I am not too proud to use a walker or wheel chair.
But last two days just been with the cane and strangely I feel better...mind you I am just getting over the shingles which left me a bit crook.
have ya tried using a service dog? it helps!
Funny you say that.
My dogs in the old days were always having pups so I would sit someplace with them and give them to nice girls. But I can't look after myself so I can't have a dog.
though i have refused to use the chair,
Try a walking frame. It takes the weight off and you have a place to sit. Thats where it pays off.
Plus you got a little place to carry stuff handy for shopping.
I am trying to motorise one such that you can stand on a platform and motor along.
Its ready to put together but I have not felt up to it and there is only a couple of hours to finish.
The legs take away my motivation.
still wondering which "god" was the culprit too
how about you?
I am a accept personal responsibility type person so I blame no Gods, cause I don't believe in them, but I find near everything one has control. Gods will..bah.
As I said I probably damaged myself in the arm wrestle, my fault, but that win put me beyond legend so damn worth it.
No Gods, ghosts,devil, etc for me I can not handle that crap.
I do not understand..yes way perhaps?
How is your body talk working out?
My legs still burn so I guess I am still on the highway to hell.

It means "You're welcome."
I don't think a good man like you is on the highway to hell. "All men sin and all men fall short of the glory of God," so we must all repent of our sins and keep God's commandments in order to escape the effects of our sins.

It means "You're welcome."
I don't think a good man like you is on the highway to hell. "All men sin and all men fall short of the glory of God," so we must all repent of our sins and keep God's commandments in order to escape the effects of our sins.

Thank you for your kind words.
Move to Australia.

I don't take any pain killer cause I was warned to avoid the addiction.
i watch it carefully. being a prior paramedic i know the signs of addiction, and i live with a hot nurse (wife) that specialises in Geriatric and Rehabilitation/Therapy
the daughter next door is also a nurse
and i don't take them unless absolutely needed, which is not as often as prescribed, because i don't want to be an addict either
I am lucky I am not too proud to use a walker or wheel chair.
But last two days just been with the cane and strangely I feel better...mind you I am just getting over the shingles which left me a bit crook.
i actually keep to the cane because it forces me to keep motile

Try a walking frame. It takes the weight off and you have a place to sit. Thats where it pays off.
Plus you got a little place to carry stuff handy for shopping.
usually when i get that bad i either sit for a while or simply go home and nap
i have one, though
i've rehabilitated myself (my wife and I) to the point where i am far more mobile than i was. i used to not be able to go more than about 20-30 meters without a rest or day off

I am trying to motorise one such that you can stand on a platform and motor along.
Its ready to put together but I have not felt up to it and there is only a couple of hours to finish.
ok, nowthat is freakin COOL!
i would love to see the finished product... feel free to PM me a pic when it's done!
i've made some "hillbilly slap-together's" in my day, but never a motorised walker! that just sounds cool!

I am a accept personal responsibility type person so I blame no Gods, cause I don't believe in them, but I find near everything one has control.
yw. How is that BoM (Book of Mormon) reading coming along, Alex?

I hate to disappoint you Billy but I won't be reading it but you know I think I should write similar and start a church so I can collect money for charitable application. Mine would seek 10% of income and each five years 10% of capital of followers.
But really I can get by without religion its something I just do not need.
But don't let me stop you.
but you know I think I should write similar and start a church so I can collect money for charitable application
you know this is easily done in the US... it's called a 501(c)3

Sure. I have plans for an off road one also.
The idea is you can stand or sit while moving.
MAJOR COOL! and i am excited about the prospect of seeing it...
Thanks for keeping me in mind!
MAJOR COOL! and i am excited about the prospect of seeing it...
Thanks for keeping me in mind!
I feel that I should make it happen but its real hot and still can not buy an air con, a portable, plenty of split systems but I don't want to rely on an installer.
Well I have charged the batteries and stuck it on the work bench which is ahead of yesterday.
Here is photo of first assembly.
Cordless drill motors each side, batteries center, platform at bottom.


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I feel that I should make it happen but its real hot and still can not buy an air con, a portable, plenty of split systems but I don't want to rely on an installer.
i can understand: priorities
get the A/C first

Here is photo of first assembly.
Cordless drill motors each side, batteries center, platform at bottom.
ok, that is pretty cool looking! looks like
question time!
you said cordless drills? is there enough torque or power to actually propel a person?

is that a chain drive at the bottom i see?

i can't wait to see the off-road version!
LOOKS AWESOME as a starter!
tested it yet?
you said cordless drills? is there enough torque or power to actually propel a person?
I think so if not I will add more gearing, if that does not work I will go to hubless motors, which I should have done first up. The first trial it threw the chain cause of the lack of a bearing box so I could not really test pulling power. May need a push off.
is that a chain drive
Yes, approx 4 to 1 reduction.
tested it yet?
Sort of. That was months ago but have not put it back together for proper test. I needed to rebuild the primary gear set up and house it in a bearing. The gear is set in glass and resin, needed welding but I did not have one, but the first one was real crook and off center.

And to all and very much to billy I say sorry for being so off topic.
There is some indication that TOBS may be in error. If this turns out to be true, Satan may be causing the body signals, or at least manipulating them so they lead you down the proverbial primrose path. I'm regretting posting about them. If anyone believes that they are of God, please do exercise common sense and don't rely on them exclusively--after all, that's what faith, prayer, the scriptures, prophets and the Holy Ghost are for. All of us need to repent and be baptized, but nowhere do the scriptures say to rely on interpretation of body signals for guidance. Believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings, whatever you do.

There is some indication that TOBS may be in error. If this turns out to be true, Satan may be causing the body signals, or at least manipulating them so they lead you down the proverbial primrose path.
Maybe it was Satan who presented the golden bible to the founder of your religion and thereby lead many folk away from the scriptures of the original bible.
And when you look at the conduct of the founder he seemed not the type of person you would think an angle would choose to lend the
golden bible to, so I would go for it being a trick by Satan.
It adds up when you look at it...
Maybe it was Satan who presented the golden bible to the founder of your religion and thereby lead many folk away from the scriptures of the original bible.
And when you look at the conduct of the founder he seemed not the type of person you would think an angle would choose to lend the
golden bible to, so I would go for it being a trick by Satan.
It adds up when you look at it...

Nope, Joseph Smith was a true prophet. TOBS I'm not sure of, but him I am.
