I worry about my microwave

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Registered Senior Member
When I was a lot younger, my sister once told me to not stand in front of the microwave, because I'd get cancer. Since then I've had an unfounded belief that if I get too close I'll die from some hideous disease in the future. Common sense tells me, "Jack, why would these things be on the market if they were that dangerous?", but I still can't avoid ducking when I walk past.

This is a great shame because when I'm cooking porridge I can't tell if it's boiling over.

Can someone tell me what's going on in microwaves so I can dispell this notion once and for all?
jack54 said:
Can someone tell me what's going on in microwaves so I can dispell this notion once and for all?

Well, they don't know! There haven't been any long-term studies done to ascertain any of the ill-effects with microwaves. For all we know at the present, too much exposure to microwaves might change people into homosexuals?!?!?

But living near high-power electric transmission lines (electro-magnetic radiation) seems to cause some health problems ...tho' I can't remember what type or kind. In the old days, people thought radio waves caused problems, too.

I'd say that your best better is to move to the wilderness and live in a cave.

Baron Max
jack54 said:
When I was a lot younger, my sister once told me to not stand in front of the microwave, because I'd get cancer. Since then I've had an unfounded belief that if I get too close I'll die from some hideous disease in the future. Common sense tells me, "Jack, why would these things be on the market if they were that dangerous?", but I still can't avoid ducking when I walk past.

This is a great shame because when I'm cooking porridge I can't tell if it's boiling over.

Can someone tell me what's going on in microwaves so I can dispell this notion once and for all?
years back, a son of afriend, who was a chef trainee, said that he would get out of the way when a microwave was on, ashe had heard really bad stuff about it.....At that time i used microwave albiet infrequently

ond day on the Internet i happened to read an article by 'Dr Mercola' about microwaved food. it sounded bloddy terriboe ande ever since i have not had anyting cooked in microwave......if you daaaaare do a simple google of his name + 'm icrowave' and see what you find. tis up to you. you DIDask, right?
jack54 said:
Can someone tell me what's going on in microwaves so I can dispell this notion once and for all?
You need to get yourself a microwave leakage detector. If it's leaking, standing right in front of the door would not be healthy. Try Jaycar or Dick Smiths.
Baron Max said:
For all we know at the present, too much exposure to microwaves might change people into homosexuals?!?!?


Duendy: Okay, I'm reading some of this guys stuff.

Can anyone verify it? For some strange reason I'm oddly predispositioned to discard it, because it came from Duendy, and smells like a bit of a conspiracy theory...

Thanks Kazakhan, I'll have a look into them.

Keep the comments coming people. Feel free to venture into what it does to food as well, I don't think I mentioned that in my original post.
see this isnwhat you do.......ie., 'you' who see 'conspiracy theories' all over. the termsact as a wall for you LOOKING....get over it. trust your exploring self go where it whither.....!
jack54 said:
Thanks Kazakhan, I'll have a look into them.
It may be a little paranoid but you are better off not standing in front of them unless you're sure it's not leaking. I haven't got a detector myself and I keep forgetting to tell my wife to stop standing in front of the microwave :eek: :p

I found what duendy was talking about and that seems pretty scary if true mainly as the only use for our microwave has been for heating my daughters bottles over the last few years, thankfully that's about to stop and the microwave can be turfed...
Yes, that's what I read too. I just don't trust Duendy. Like, wtf does this even say:

Duendy said:
see this isnwhat you do.......ie., 'you' who see 'conspiracy theories' all over. the termsact as a wall for you LOOKING....get over it. trust your exploring self go where it whither.....!
That Dr Mercola guy has some very spurious information on his web site. Not least about microwaves from ovens being different from microwaves from the sun. Horse puckey, microwaves are microwaves, period.

Also, about Russia banning microwaves in 1976. True, but the ban has since been lifted. Why? Is it that the klystron in microwave ovens could have used as a short range transmitter, modified to send a modulated signal, and be used to communicate outside the USSR? Was it poilitcs, and not health, that caused Russia to ban them?

Other people who say microwaved food is bad for you, come up with pseudoscientific bullshit like this; (from http://www.create-your-healthy-home.com/microwave-ovens.htm)

"Vital Energy Fields Devastated: The vital energy field content of all foods tested dropped 60 to 90 percent."

Eh? It's a sentence, but it's PURE BULLSHIT. They put a number on something that doesn't exist.

Also this one;

"Increase in Radioactivity: A “binding effect” between the microwaved food and any atmospheric radioactivity is created, causing a marked increase in the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in the food."

Eh? Atmospheric emitters bind to microwaved food making it more radioactive? Horse shit. Just how long is microwaved food exposed to the atmosphere? How much radioactive material is there in the atmosphere? Why would it stick to microwaved food? And even if it did, why is it suddenly more of a danger when you ingest it via eating, than breathing?

Common sense easily debunks this stuff.
jack54 said:
Yes, that's what I read too. I just don't trust Duendy. Like, wtf does this even say:
oo-k jack50bleedin4 whatever ya name is.,stop trying to get a rise outta me wit the crowd. you are unblieveable. you ask this question. i offer you my reservations, in sincerity. then all you do is discourteously take the fukin piss outta my views, my typing etc....so fuk u...eat microwaVE. GET microwaved. do i look like i give a shit. may have. not now.
and phlo. mr phlo-who-knows-ya-know

let me aks you a question. see if you can get THIS right to. cause yu do seem to know it all dont ya....?

WHo do you think i trust between you and Dr MErcola.................?exactly.

enjoy yer microwaved fast food dude. ask jack over
duendy, mo matter what the evidence, you will always believe the crackpot. Even when they spout horrendous bullshit, you'll swallow the lot and smile afterwards.

I don't know why you prefer lies to truth duendy, something about you being incapable of dealing with the real world, your reliance on psychadelics, and inability to work, I guess.
phlogistician said:
duendy, mo matter what the evidence, you will always believe the crackpot. Even when they spout horrendous bullshit, you'll swallow the lot and smile afterwards.

me))hummpgh...well dont belive you...crackpot. let me put it thisa wayt. even if you were 'right' i would choose to b wrong. you and other unmentionables are SO obnoxious in your strutting cocksuredness, that that is THE biggest reaso NOT to join your gang. for anyone wit an ounceof senistivity in their soul that is

I don't know why you prefer lies to truth duendy, something about you being incapable of dealing with the real world, your reliance on psychadelics, and inability to work, I guess.
cheeky bitch what do yo know what i do. evewn THAT you 'know' u fuk
I've heard this-and-that but haven't heard about cancer, but there sure is a lot of elecromagnetic radiatian effects if you place a sheet of tin foil in a microwave, or a food content placed inside is surrounded by the same! The most important thing is to keep the seals around the microwave door clean and secure to seal it shut.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulated the manufacture of microwave ovens since 1971. On the basis of current knowledge, the FDA believes that ovens that meet the FDA standard and used according to the manufacturer's instructions are safe for use.

"All new microwave ovens produced for sale in the United States must meet the Food and Drug Administration/Center for Devices and Radiological Health (FDA/CDRH) performance requirements in Title 21, CFR, Part 1030.10. This requirement states that new ovens may not leak microwave radiation in excess of 1 mW cm–2 at 5 cm....

Some years ago there were concerns about leaking microwave ovens interfering with cardiac pacemakers. These concerns often resulted in hazard postings near the ovens to warn pacemaker wearers. Today, due to the shielded designs of modern pacemakers and ovens, leakage is not considered to be a realistic concern and the postings are no longer used.

Ovens can be damaged in several ways. The use of metal objects inside the oven may result in high-voltage arcing, damaging the enclosure or causing a fire. Interlock connectors or switches may fail in an unsafe condition through abuse of the door, allowing microwave leakage. Finally the oven may be dropped, damaging the door seal, enclosure, switches, or power supply."

"Radiation leaks
Exposure to high levels of microwave radiation is known to cause health problems including cataracts and burns. Radiation leaks from a microwave oven are possible if the oven door is damaged or doesn't seal properly.

In most cases, the leaks are too small to cause a significant health risk, according to the National Health and Medical Research Council. If your microwave is in good condition and is used according to the manufacturer's instructions, it is safe. However, safety suggestions include: Regularly check the door of your microwave oven for corrosion or damage, and that it fits securely. Never tamper with or inactivate the interlocking devices. These are designed to stop the production of microwaves the moment the latch is released or the door opened. Clean the oven regularly to make sure that burnt food isn't stuck to the interior and door. Don't run the microwave oven when it's empty." http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/...es/Microwave_ovens_safety_issues?OpenDocument

"Microwave radiation is odorless and invisible and therefore hard to detect. Microwave oven radiation is present whenever a microwave oven is turned on. The microwave energy causes the water molecules in the food to vibrate rapidly. This rapid vibration produces heat which, in turn, cooks the food. It can also penetrate through living tissue which is why exposure is harmful to our health. Once you turn off the oven, the microwaves disappear but until then, you may be exposing yourself to dangerous levels of radiation leakage. A survey conducted among the Professional Service Associates, a group of microwave repair servicemen, indicated that over 56% of microwave ovens two years or older leaked levels of radiation 10% higher than the safety standards set by the FDA. More often than not, a simple adjustment was all that was needed to stop the leakage. Slamming the oven door, dirt or food particles caught in the door seals and hinges, or basic wear and tear all cause the oven door to slightly seperate from the oven enclosure. Once this happens, invisible, but highly dangerous microwaves leak through the small space and cause irreversible damage and injury to the user."
So duendy, got any facts about microwaves, or are you just going to grovel around in your wanton ignorance some more?

Are you going to defend the hideous bullshit that is stated about microwaves? Offer anything credible to the debate? Or just state that you don't like people that debunk your fantasies, and be childish?
phlogistician said:
So duendy, got any facts about microwaves, or are you just going to grovel around in your wanton ignorance some more?

Are you going to defend the hideous bullshit that is stated about microwaves? Offer anything credible to the debate? Or just state that you don't like people that debunk your fantasies, and be childish?
haha...your askin ME not to be childish?....YOU??

i wonder. you say you have a girlfrind? wife. not really interested in theinfo actually. but i wonder what she'd think about you if she peered over your shoulder whilst yer online and saw some of the snidey side of ya. would she still lurrrrve ya? what do you think? or is she LIKE you?
poor attempt at changing the topic duendy.

Some people, when failing to understand how things that are "wireless" like radio, mobile phones, and microwaves, actually work, assume it must be because of some magical concept, and therefore assume that that magic must be dangerous.

Its like, how do those phones work without wires!! Oh!! it must be magic, cause it travels through the air.
Those "waves" passing through me could damage me in some way!!

Or they equate the term radiation with nuclear radiation, and assume its dangerous.

As far as i'm aware, microwave "radiation" if you can even call it that (normal ovens have "radiation" too), is non ionizing, and therefore, won't cause cancer.

Its the vibrating of the water particles that heats the food - as opposed to actual heat - which is why they often do a shitty job of cooking food - making the texture taste weird, or too soft.

I imagine if you had some of the water particles in your body vibrated very quickly it could cause burns, but then you'd know about it.
I would predict a lot more injuries, burns and deaths have been caused by normal ovens than microwave ovens (per year).

Almost everyone has burnt themselves a number of times on a normal oven(unless you live in some primitive state and have no oven, and are forced to eat worms, twigs, berries, and animal dung).
How many people do you know that have suffered injuries from a microwave - other than from picking up the hot dish too quickly?
almost total mis-understanding on your part,Huwy, as usual....

i hadn't changed no subjewct. i was respnding to OTHERS who have changed subject to ad homs

originally i had simply answered original threader's inquiry about microwave wit my VIEWS. yeah?.....

no, Hwy, i dont fink it's magic etc, you patronizin little git......i am saying this:
learn to understand;
be aware that it is not th first time you get lied to by corporates about possible dangers of technology. think of ASBESTOS supposed protection against fire. well they KNEW well before how angeros it was. dont care if you blieve it or not it's true

as far as microwavd food. so HAVE it. i dont care, nuthin you or your materilist know-it-all-mates will convince me to go back o it. in FACT they have hardened my reserve to NEVER go back to eating it. didn't like shit microwaved before anyhow
Huwy said:
Some people, when failing to understand how things that are "wireless" like radio, mobile phones, and microwaves, actually work, assume it must be because of some magical concept, and therefore assume that that magic must be dangerous.

Ah, yes! That's exactly how I viewed it. The thing is, I knew I was been stupid and ignorant, I just needed you guys to dispell it completely for me. Which is done.

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