4th HED's Sciforums Awards

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this is the worst Sciforums Awards yet
It is by FAR the worst. My madness however always has a purpose, no?

i think the judge is cheating, his clearly being bribed by Nexus and Rosa

That is HE IS.
I see, I am facing a bribe charge. And it looks that I will be considered guilty, no matter what I did or will do.

What is my crime? Have I not used enough bad language? Have I tried to maintain a certain level of readability -- even though English is my third language? Have I been nice to people?

And all this is considered to be a bribe?

No wonder this is the worst SciForums Award.
The sight is dismal.
I think the poster was joking, milady.

This 4th awards thread stinks in comparison to the other three because the past 5 months on here have been on the whole, awful. No new ideas. Even though the wandering fool is as said, mostly a fool, he at least had original ideas.

Also, there seems to be an underappreciation for the vitriolic. It seems to me that considering the demographics, the vitriolic would go hand in hand with the erudite.
thefountainhed said:
That is HE IS.

ooh you like correcting grama, if you feal bored 1 day you can go true my previous posts, for hours appone hours of fun, dont hesitate to pm your corrections other wise i never learn you know :)
Oh you like correcting grandmother, if your veal is born one day, you can go find the truth in my previous posts, for hours upon hours of sun, don't hesitate to PM your corrections other wise men will never learn from you now :(

how is dat?
da da, thats the spirite, damn you crack me up :)

do you know how hard it is to resiste spamming more the 3 threads
I nominate spuriousmonkey for second place as egoistical jackass. I state the post above as proof:

spuriousmonkey said:
I think i deserve to be best poster this time.

Most prolific

Most intellectual

Most immature

basically everything most.

of course paulsamuel is first place. :D where is that SOB by the way? I must have scared him off with my nudity! or perhaps his imagination of me calling him drove him to insanity, which ever.
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If I am second only in one category and there are at least 5 categories (as we have now seen) i would still win the general category of best poster.
Even though the wandering fool is as said, mostly a fool, he at least had original ideas.

Who are you talking about now? That's the first time fool has been used in this thread. But wandering is close to another word. Hmm.
WEll, I blame it on the fact a lot of us have been here for a while, and cant be bothered arguing about random shit like we used to. I mean even Gendanken isnt saying much interesting just now.

Then we've got people like "madantonywayne" and "towards" and "Pangloss" who are fairly even tempered and give undecided a run for his money. (that reminds me, did we ever decide who undecided was?)
guthrie said:
WEll, I blame it on the fact a lot of us have been here for a while, and cant be bothered arguing about random shit like we used to. I mean even Gendanken isnt saying much interesting just now.

Yeah...1+ year old memebers can only go on about nihilism, abortion, Iraq, U.S bashing, race etc etc etc for so long before it becomes absurd even to them.
That's where imagination comes in. If you can't think of something interesting to talk about, then you shouldn't even think about calling yourselves intellectuals. There is always more to discuss. Always. Tangents. Beautiful and wondrous tangents. Chaos and headnoise abound in the vagaries of time and space. Pattern-seeking obssesivos do not despair for lack of material. It's all about us. In the very air we breathe.
invert_nexus said:
That's where imagination comes in. If you can't think of something interesting to talk about, then you shouldn't even think about calling yourselves intellectuals. There is always more to discuss. Always. Tangents. Beautiful and wondrous tangents. Chaos and headnoise abound in the vagaries of time and space. Pattern-seeking obssesivos do not despair for lack of material. It's all about us. In the very air we breathe.

Yes, giving in to the pleasures of debate, just like the old theologians in Paris used to do.
And lo what came out -- the mountain shook, and born was a mouse.
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