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I like every post that has the word like in it.

I liked your post, but I really hate that. For some reason...
Yesterday there were points associated with my profile. Today they're gone.

What changed?

Edit: And the like button is gone...
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Looks like sometime within the last 12 hrs or so, the right and left parentheses now works like tex tags. Getting closer?

Also: not sure if anyone mentioned this, but all the embedded video got zapped. I wonder if you could go into the message database and globally replace all video tags with media tags?
Yesterday there were points associated with my profile. Today they're gone.

What changed?

Edit: And the like button is gone...
Like button has been disabled. The points you're talking about were most likely the number of likes you got.
In the profile, it refers to "trophy points" and "likes" as two separate things.

Was the like button disabled for overuse? ;)
In the profile, it refers to "trophy points" and "likes" as two separate things.

Was the like button disabled for overuse? ;)
Ah those. They were heavily dependant on likes, so they probably went with it.
I don't know why it was disabled, but I guess they just felt we could do without it. I, for one, am glad it's gone.

(this text has parentheses around it)

the following tex expression has parenthesis around it:

(\int _{ 0 }^{ 1 }{ dx\quad =\quad ? } )

the following tex expression has tex tags around it:

$$\int _{ 0 }^{ 1 }{ dx\quad =\quad ? } $$

none of the rendering shows up in the "preview" screen.
Ah those. They were heavily dependant on likes, so they probably went with it.
I don't know why it was disabled, but I guess they just felt we could do without it. I, for one, am glad it's gone.

Actually, my 'likes' are still there, just the button is gone. Whatever..

Aqueous Id's concern with parentheses as LaTeX delimiters is something y'all should revert, though. Very messy.
Can we get and use spell check?
I ain't the only one who could use this.
Today I tried putting a phrase in parenthesis and the words therein turned into gobbledygook.
Weird... the parenthesis disappeared when I left and came back to the thread...

It was supposed to be the word test inside a set of parenthesis... instead it became italicized...
Yep, parenthesis do weird shit yo...


(The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy red dog)
[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy red dog]

(1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13)
[1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13]
For some reason when you use the tags to make a word bold, when you post it it's bold, but when you go to edit it, the bold tags are missing and the word is bold in the editor.


...and the tex that was working earlier is now inop.
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I believe the issue to [ tex ] no longer working might be related to the header change where \( and \) are no longer regarded as the new-style TeX inline math markers.