The Show Your Paintings/Drawings/Images Thread

And to give you an idea of size (it's drawn at FULL SIZE) I'll add a "human": this is zoomed in towards the smaller fuel tank that's shown near the main spine, but I've moved it nearer to the larger tank and support structure.

Very neat, Oli! So basically it would be about tanks and ships? If the CD is launched, please inform me! :)
Very neat, Oli! So basically it would be about tanks and ships? If the CD is launched, please inform me! :)
Nope, the book is tanks (and other armoured vehicles) only.
The space ship is being done for "game" I'm planning on running in the near future.
Inform you?
I'll send you free copy Inzomnia.
Nope, the book is tanks (and other armoured vehicles) only.
The space ship is being done for "game" I'm planning on running in the near future.
Inform you?
I'll send you free copy Inzomnia.

Awww, thanks Oli :eek: I wouldn't feel good to have free copy, though, because you must have spent hundreds or thousands of hours to make that! :) Best wishes, Oli!
Awww, thanks Oli :eek: I wouldn't feel good to have free copy, though, because you must have spent hundreds or thousands of hours to make that! :) Best wishes, Oli!

It's a labour of love, not for the money.
And it's traditional for an author to give free copies to friends and relatives.
(Except that the last time I got published I had to BUY the copies I wanted to give to friends!)
If "properly" published the publisher usually gives the author a dozen or so complimentary copies for that very purpose.
It's a labour of love, not for the money.
And it's traditional for an author to give free copies to friends and relatives.
(Except that the last time I got published I had to BUY the copies I wanted to give to friends!)
If "properly" published the publisher usually gives the author a dozen or so complimentary copies for that very purpose.

I don't know what to say, then. Thank you, my friend?

Don't give people too much free copies, though, Oli!"§$%$!!! Less than 3 is enough! Give people demo version instead, so they'd buy the full version!
Don't thank me just yet. You haven't read it ;)
This was the one of my first-ever published pieces of work.
It established my reputation as a hyper-geek for many people.

Ooh, I like the ideas of a demo version.
Thanks, Inzomnia, that hadn't occurred to me.
Now you deserve a free copy.
Oli, I do not quote your post because there is your real name in the link (is that ok? :confused: Uhm, just in case you'd like to edit that!)

Your work is totally AWESOME, I see that you also design some helicopter.. I mean, sigh, Oli, you should not be here! If I have just one tenth your skill, I'd be busy making millions or billions! :mad:

Maaaan, Oli, you should NOT give any single free copy. Not so detail and very few demo version should be enough. If you'd give nearly free copy, you should give it to very important people in the military or some consultant company who would know to value such skill and knowledge properly, Oli.

Ok, I'll be off for now ja, Oli. Remember what I say, Oli, DON'T give full free copy of your work to anyone!
It doesn't matter about my "real name" being seen here, since Oli what is what everyone calls me, I had my home town listed for a long a while and my photos are in the album: I always dress the same and if anyone was daft enough to come looking for me I'd be easier to find as Oli than under my real name anyway!

Heh, the article that the link leads to got a few enquiries from professionals who wanted to know where I'd got my data and formulae*. Those guys went through a lot of schooling and were basically handed what they use, I developed all mine over many (many many) years using pencil and paper (yes, even before calculators came out!).
I got a couple letters saying that I was either more accurate or easier to use than the "official" work.

* They thought I was publishing military secrets. :eek:

Take care Inzomnia.


This was a composite image I did for a job I was trying to get at Universal Studio’s the brief was that the director liked images of countryside. Think farm fresh eggs is what I was told .
Yeah its pretty kitsch! But the director loved it and I was short-listed for the job. In the end it came down to another guy and me. He got it because he lived in Canada and I lost out because I’m in Australia.
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the pic with the water drops on face is so cool.
Really nice.
Did u made entirely in photoshop?