Your best reason for not comitting suicide

Personally, I've always tried to view life as we shouldn't choose a permanent solution to relieve a temporary problem. That said, I have no right to judge someone as "selfish," because of those close to me who have taken their own lives, they were overwhelmed with grief and despair. They must have reached a deep pit of pain and sorrow that I can't attest to, having not gone through it myself. It is not for any of us here to judge someone as "selfish" when it comes to something like this.
Personally, I've always tried to view life as we shouldn't choose a permanent solution to relieve a temporary problem. That said, I have no right to judge someone as "selfish," because of those close to me who have taken their own lives, they were overwhelmed with grief and despair. They reached a deep out of pain and sorrow that I can't attest to, having not gone through it myself. It is not for any of us here to judge someone as "selfish" when it comes to something like this.

I disagree.
If someone has suffered the loss of a loved one due to suicide, there is a variety of emotions that follow. I understand that very well. But, to judge such a person as selfish is wrong. I disagree with your view.
I'm sorry but THAT is short sighted. Its not selfish anymore than dying from a heart attack is selfish, its how depression kills. Instead of perpetuating myths that not only cause harm to those left behind, but also act to increase the stigma which prevents people seeking help in the first place which is the best way to PREVENT suicide, how about you actually seek some relevant sources

I don't see a single artical from a reputable mental health professional which says "suicide is selfish"

Agree. Thank you for posting this as it is imperative that people understand the truth about depression and suicide.
Relief is a pleasant and relaxed feeling that someone has when something unpleasant stops or does not happen. What you are looking forward to will not come. Death does not exist. Only the living can experience relief.
Sometimes depression is the result of thinking too much. Sometimes it's better to reach out to spirit for healing.

Agree. Thank you for posting this as it is imperative that people understand the truth about depression and suicide.

If they "understand" it that way, they are bound to remain depressed and to make others depressed.
The pre-philosophical and pre-scientific conditionings of everyday life that we encountered first, which one never truly escapes.

Ah, to cast away the pale cast of thought!

While one may never escape those conditionings, it is not clear how they are a "really good reason for sticking around."

Steven Weinberg: "The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless."

And whose doing is that?
If they "understand" it that way, they are bound to remain depressed and to make others depressed.

Bull, nothing I said precludes someone getting treatment, in fact they are more likely to get treatment when the people around them are less judgemental because the stigma itself is one of the biggest barriers to seeking help. People who say things like "pull yourself together" "I have been through stuff and I am fine" "If you loved me you wouldn't kill yourself" and all these other sorts of stupid statements leave someone who is already suffering distorted thoughts and can't see a way out with no where to go, you have just shut off another avenue of there treatment seeking.

Guilting people and making deals with people is associated with increased suicide rates, proper care and reduction of stigma is associated with lower rates.

As one of the links I posted said, depressed people DO think about those who care about them and love them when planing suicide, they think they will be better off without them, they are wrong but that is the thought process.

Instead you need to Assess the risk and the situation and deal with the immediate crisis, listen to the person NON JUDGEMENTALLY, get them information from reputable sources to show them there IS help (things like beyond blue), encourage the person to seek APPROPRIATE professional help (not quack pots who think that appropriate mental health treatment is to "pray it away") and encourage them to put support structures in place, to talk to people they care about and who care about them.

International Mental health first aid guidelines for Suicide and Depression
There are probably a lot of people who need purpose. Without purpose for their lives, maybe they wonder why they need to endure their existence. Religion is a good outlet for giving people purpose. So is national defense. Perhaps we should discuss some other ways to give people a sense of purpose, a sense that they belong to something that is more important then themselves. Perhaps that is the solution to suicide.
Religious war?