Questions about Covid-19?


Let us look today.If we shall look future at this moment, we can just become idle.

Many times even resistance also become a reason to evolution for survival unless resistance is
absolute. Hence let us first understand immune protection acquired from different type of vaccines in comparison to
protection which is acquired by natural infection.

breast feeding
baby milk powder
public breast feeding access for mothers
womens rights
equal rights

value of life population control

where value of life is less, they can afford more death
where value of life is high they can afford less death

high birth rate no population control no health care superstitious = long term incubation & genetic evolution of complex DNA RNA issues
land of the zombies

open street sewers. no running water
and they want sci fi vaccine guarantees to sell to their religious leaders to give to their women slaves

many 1st world countrys have many political leaders who hate working class and want to deny them health care housing food and medicine

problem is greed idolization
and brain washing society to love and obey greed
so more is better
but more many vaccines
more virus
more death
more DNA mutation of virus
not better
soo many problems ... more is not better, in how they think and act.
BUT ! more death is better for greed because it lets living greed steal dead peoples property and land and money
(many 1st world political leaders & people enjoy this more death greed too, to steal peoples money[not just low life value countrys])

(so more death is also more better for greedy people, so they want more death)

read about immunological inheritance(how is immune system created in children/babys?)
allergy science
public health
breeding reproductive health etc
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Sorry, I do not understand, what you want to say. But It may not be linked to topic subject. So avoid.
Many times even resistance also become a reason to evolution for survival unless resistance is

The immune system in babies
Antibodies are passed from mother to baby through the placenta during the third trimester (last 3 months of pregnancy). This gives the baby some protection when they are born. The type and amount of antibodies passed to the baby depends on the mother’s own level of immunity.

During birth, bacteria from the mother’s vagina is passed on to the baby. This helps to build the colony of bacteria in the gut that contributes to their immunity.

After birth, more antibodies are passed on to the baby in colostrum and in breast milk. But babies’ immune systems are still not as strong as adults’. Premature babies are at greater risk of infection because their immune systems are even more immature and they haven’t had as many antibodies passed to them from their mothers.

Babies produce their own antibodies every time they are exposed to a virus or germ, but it takes time for this immunity to fully develop.

The passive immunity passed on from the mother at birth also doesn't last long and will start to decrease in the first few weeks and months after birth.

How to boost your baby’s immune system
Each time your baby gets sick, they are developing new antibodies that will protect them in the future. In the meantime, there are some important things you can do to protect your baby.

Breast milk contains many elements that support your baby’s immune system. These include proteins, fats, sugars and antibodies and probiotics. When a mother comes into contact with germs, she develops antibodies to help her fight off the infection. These are passed to the baby in breast milk. As mothers and babies are usually exposed to similar germs, this means the baby is protected.

Breastfed babies have fewer infections and get better more quickly than formula-fed babies. However, breastfeeding cannot protect your baby from serious, life-threatening infections like polio, diphtheria or measles. Also, for mothers who are unable to breastfeed or who choose not to, infant formula is a healthy alternative.

Immunisation or vaccination - what's the difference?
SARS-CoV-2 variants & COVID-19 vaccines
Current SARS-CoV-2 variants involve mutations to the gene for the spike protein that is targeted by COVID-19 vaccines • Several COVID-19 vaccines have reported reduced efficacy to protect against mild to moderate disease in people infected with SARS-CoV-2 variants, however the vaccines are still expected to protect against severe disease and death •

Studies are ongoing to examine if some vaccines may be more susceptible to effects of variants than others Ø those using smaller epitopes (the receptor binding domain on the spike protein) may be more susceptible than those using a larger part of the virus such as the spike protein or the whole inactivated virus •

Other studies are exploring the development of COVID-19 vaccines that make it difficult for the virus variants to evade immunity, for example: Ø multivalent vaccines that include both new (derived from variants) and old forms of the spike protein in a single dose Ø vaccines that target multiple sites on several viral proteins in contrast to vaccines that target only the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

A difference in type of different vaccines can also be thought in above indications...their effectiveness on virus variants.
Hello all,

Covid-19 is not yet fully clear so many many thoughts keep on brainstorming us, logically. I have these confusions and questions. :-

1. Antibodies against this virus said to persist in body for 4-6+ months or so either post infection or
post-vaccination. My confusion is, how these antibodies persist for so long. Is it its natural and normal
lifespan or it has some yet unclear purpose ?If later, what can it be?

Also can such persistence of antibodies in our body be also harmful since cultural targets were to develop Immunological Memory based immunity instead of long existing antibody based immunity.

2. Many Medication or vaccines may be based on disturbing normal/natural activities of Virus esp. intra-cellular after infection of virus into the host cells. May it be by inactivated virus based vaccine or by interfering the normal activities of virus, replications etc. i.e disturbing the RNA or genome of virus. As felt, Virus is live once it is intra-cellular and its genome is really effective for its growth. Whole virus is not needed for such purpose. If so then, can it become a reason to
get its variant or new form by such changed genome? I mean, can disturbing genome natural structure or activity of Covid-19 Virus lead to new variants or even new type of virus?

Pls contribute.

Best wishes.

Something that I do not like about some of the vaccines is the tendency for somebody to test positive..... after they are vaccinated?
A difference in type of different vaccines can also be thought in above indications...their effectiveness on virus variants.

Something that I do not like about some of the vaccines is the tendency for somebody to test positive..... after they are vaccinated?

you need to keep in mind this is rocket science in the middle of the 1900 coal fired industrial evolution

a lot of people who have not got the ability of self discipline to read correctly into science have may shallow concepts of science
they have many of these but do not have the real working gears of how these things work at the base level

but because they live urbanized lifes of privilege & have had their egos built around greed selfishness & arrogance and lack of caring for others,
they believe simple things work best
because "simple" is the only version of science they understand

a best guess from as micro-biologist
is vastly different to a best guess from an office worker who does not study science

Egos are preached to be more important by the selfish & greedy tyrants

so a scientist is said to have less value than a trendy fast talking urban simple person with narcissistic personality disorder.

do most people agree that the world population needs to have half of all people killed ?
probably yes
but they also do not want to share resources even when half of all the worlds people are killed off.

so how does that work ?
it doesn't solve the original problem which caused the problem in the 1st place
instead it rewards bad behavior that caused it.

you want a 100% test for a virus that is novel
which also interacts with proteins ...
which also seems to have a-symptomatic stages of potential inability to test positive in a tiny fraction of cases

so a tiny fraction of cases shows you wont get 100% all the time

why do you want all the fat lazy diabetic middle class greedy selfish arrogant narcissists to survive ?

they are just the same as extreme poor people who require food and medical aid

like the common flu, it kills millions
why is a vaccine any different if it only kills a few hundred thousand ?

hundreds of millions of people do not care about the millions killed by common flu
also do not care about millions who die from drug over dose & suicide

people killed by vaccine complications is a tiny number
why is it soo important in the news ?
because the rich arrogant narcissistic middle class are the ones doing the dying
& they believe their money & opulence can keep them safe from interacting with poor working class whom they do not care about
and think are the dirty ones spreading covid & dying

you want to get real
but you don't want to be real
but you want the real facts
but you don't want to talk about the real facts

the protein issue is very serious in my opinion
and the worse the new variants develop
the worse it becomes
but who is changing
following the science
sharing resources

being smart and logical

very very few

  • stock piling/hoarding
  • multiple vaccine types for long term security
  • will multiple vaccine inoculations be fatal for the patient ?
  • will RNA DNA issues create a fatal outcome in combined vaccine inoculations in patients over time as they get different types of vaccines ?

  1. excellent question you have asked many times

but who are they and why should we care about them ?

  • given the spread of covid
  • the new variant evolution of covid will create the probable risk that most new infection risk comes from a variant that is soo divergent that all vaccines at current levels may give only a 50% or less efficacy
so who gets the vaccine & who is left to die ?
closure of borders(politicians playing personal power & money games to allow the people to die for their own ideologies)
{lock-down no lock-down games by politicians causing deaths of hundreds of thousands of citizens putting their personal capitalist power & religious power & money before the science & the people currently demanding no lock downs, & no quarantines at the expense of hundreds of thousands of deaths of citizens}
are they the same people like capitalists & fascists denying health care to the poor and working class ?

you want to reward them ?
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Something that I do not like about some of the vaccines is the tendency for somebody to test positive..... after they are vaccinated?
Obiously, it will not be liked by anyone. Therefore there is an urgent need to understand it.

You mean a positive antibody test? Yes. That's how the vaccine works.

here are at least two kinds of tests for the coronavirus, a viral test and an antibody test. The viral test looks for evidence of the coronavirus in your respiratory system. A positive viral test means that you have SARS-CoV-2, the type of coronavirus that causes COVID-19. You may or may not have symptoms of the infection.
A different kind of test looks for antibodies, which show you have been exposed to the coronavirus and that your immune system responded to it. Ben Larman, a Johns Hopkins researcher in immunopathology, helps you understand more about antibody tests and how they might be used in the COVID-19 pandemic.

will RNA DNA issues create a fatal outcome in combined vaccine inoculations in patients over time as they get different types of vaccines ?

2. How does an mRNA vaccine work?
mRNA, delivered to your body's cells by lipid nanoparticles, instructs the cells to generate the spike protein found on the surface of the novel coronavirus that initiates infection.1,2 Instructing cells to generate the spike protein spurs an immune response, including generation of antibodies specific to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.3

mRNA vaccines do not contain any virus particles, meaning that they don't contain weakened or dead parts of a virus or bacterium.2

3. Do mRNA vaccines change a person’s DNA?
mRNA is a transient carrier of information that does not integrate into human DNA.2,4 mRNA does not enter a cell’s nucleus, which is where our DNA is kept.2

Thanks for telling reality. However shoukd we not know absoluteky, what we are opting? I do not say, these do not work, but I am bit unclear whether these work either fully or not at par to immunity from infection?

Genetic immunity ?
something that sits inside the DNA ?
& is passed down from parent to child ?

the only way for that urbanised word of "natural" immunity
is by allowing hundreds of millions to die & wiping out another 15 to 20 trillion in the global economy
currently India South-America USA
can not handle number of dead at current peak.
add on top maybe 2 times as much
then think how EVERYTHING would collapse
society would go to western shoot out zombie apocalypse level
politicians would lose all their power
government would fall apart
medical systems would stop working
oil & gas fuel for motor vehicles and trucks would stop
all transport of goods would stop

etc etc

Genetic immunity ?
inside long term populations where vaccines have been distributed for decades...
millions have died over the decades

holding data in one had
but it must make sense to the virus
in this case it cant be used to compare
why ?
because total death numbers of covid19 if it is allowed to spread without lock downs or vaccines
would kill soo many society would collapse

what happens when entire countrys collapse ?
world war
what type ? any type they can get.
breast feeding
baby milk powder
public breast feeding access for mothers
womens rights
equal rights
Genetic immunity ?
inside long term populations where vaccines have been distributed for decades...
millions have died over the decades
Genetic immunity ?
something that sits inside the DNA ?
& is passed down from parent to child ?
Obiously, it will not be liked by anyone. Therefore there is an urgent need to understand it.
Sorry, I do not understand,

such science needs many years to study human breeding

how many people now demand no more animal testing ?
but how many more people die because cant test vaccines and drugs on animals ?

want a long term vaccine with no side effects ?
which vaccine has no listed side effects ?(= 0)

people want a miracle cure to service their ignorance, laziness, arrogance, guilt & greed.

no such vaccine ever existed or ever will exist

you have a choice
which animal gets to live
your new born baby ?
the kitten ?
the puppy ?
the rat ?
the mouse ?
the goat ?
the sheep ?
the cow ?
the monkey ?

you choose
its your choice
you have the power of god
how will you use that power ?

only 1 will survive
and you get to choose

which one will it be ?

here are at least two kinds of tests for the coronavirus, a viral test and an antibody test. The viral test looks for evidence of the coronavirus in your respiratory system. A positive viral test means that you have SARS-CoV-2, the type of coronavirus that causes COVID-19. You may or may not have symptoms of the infection.
A different kind of test looks for antibodies, which show you have been exposed to the coronavirus and that your immune system responded to it. Ben Larman, a Johns Hopkins researcher in immunopathology, helps you understand more about antibody tests and how they might be used in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yes nut I think, he just meant positive positive viral test not positive antibody test.

2. How does an mRNA vaccine work?
mRNA, delivered to your body's cells by lipid nanoparticles, instructs the cells to generate the spike protein found on the surface of the novel coronavirus that initiates infection.1,2 Instructing cells to generate the spike protein spurs an immune response, including generation of antibodies specific to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.3

mRNA vaccines do not contain any virus particles, meaning that they don't contain weakened or dead parts of a virus or bacterium.2

3. Do mRNA vaccines change a person’s DNA?
mRNA is a transient carrier of information that does not integrate into human DNA.2,4 mRNA does not enter a cell’s nucleus, which is where our DNA is kept.2

Yes but here we need to understand effect from mRNA vaccine or vactine using subunit of virus as compared to vaccine made
from using whole virus. Can vaccines made from using whole virus be multi-immunogenic but less
robust(being have distributed immune responses) and so may also work for virus few variants wheareas vaccines based on using subunit or one part of virus in uni-immunogenic and with more robust but simple and specific immune response so non effective on variants?

Genetic immunity ?
something that sits inside the DNA ?
& is passed down from parent to child ?

the only way for that urbanised word of "natural" immunity
is by allowing hundreds of millions to die & wiping out another 15 to 20 trillion in the global economy
currently India South-America USA

Avoid looking at total numbers of India look per million.

Above trusted link suggestsm Total cases per million population in India is hardly 19659 and deaths 226 which is still
much less than USA and many other advanced countries. No sense of making total numbers as an issue.
You mean a positive antibody test? Yes. That's how the vaccine works.
I suspect he is referring to those that have contracted covid after they were vaccinated.
Luckily for them they get a mild form not the long version.
Yes, but still it is per million population, which is more sensible to compare.
And who does the reporting of the castes?

Moreover, the US has a much greater social interaction than India. It is to be expected that the pandemic spread much faster here than elsewhere. But give it time, the exponential function is equally effective in large populations as in small segments of the population.
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And who does the reporting of the castes?

Moreover, the US has a much greater social interaction than India. It is to be expected that the pandemic spread much faster here than elsewhere. But give it time, the exponential function is equally effective in large populations as in small segments of the population.
It depend on type of comparison you want to make. If it is at caste level, it is will depend on number of people in those castes but if you want to compare different countries, you have to base per million population. Whatever environment prevail in any country, is not so importsnt because per mollion population eill take care all environmental effects and social practices prevail in those countries.