I routinely practice what I preach. I fail to grasp its relevance here.
What I do or do not get up to is incidental to what Reich got up to. Either Reich and I are both perverts, or he was a pervert, and I am not. Our relative perversions are wholly independent and therefore mine (real or imagined) is irrelevant to this discussion.
me(((((((callin Reich a perv wa also irrelevant to this discussion, but you've got yer nose so faaar up phlo's tush you can only see crack
You seem to feel that calling someone a pervert is perjorative. I feel it is simply descriptive. Which is the more judgemental attitude?
me))))))))i see. lisen. nest time yer in the pub. go up to the first dude bigger than you, and say 'hey fancy a pint pervert'...let me know what happens..oKAY?
Not one of my President's. I don't have (and have never had) any President's: not even in the biblical sense of having known one. [Although I was once within spitting distance of President Kosygin, but that's another matter.]
I disagree. The following examples were posted by me in this and another forum:
1.Using the incorrect title of the thread, "what is total victory of terrorism" it includes the following.
Restriction of freedoms in the target countries by governments under the guise of fighting terrorism.
Removal of freedoms in the target countries by governments under the guise of fighting terrorism.
Carrying out of invasions, not internationally sanctioned, by target countries governments under the guise of fighting terrorism.
Creating divisions within the target countries, which divisions are deepened by anti-terrorist rhetoric and legislation of those countries goverments.
The function of terrorism in this context is to create reaction that will produce changes in the target country so that it no longer is the country it was, but has sacrificed many of its values in order to counter terrorism. And Bush and Blair and their cronies fell for it hook, line and sinker.
2.You may have gathered I am no fan of Blair. My opinion of him from an early stage was 'smarmy git.' [I'm not sure how well that translates to American - brown-nosing asshole, perhaps.]
Bush utterly appals me in so many ways I have lost count, but I will say this for him. He has firm beliefs and he acts on those beliefs. Not so with our Tony.
me)))gfood. we agree bout phony blair
I have already explained that I do not consider calling someone a pervert to be any different from calling them short, or a Methodist, or a carpenter. It is a descriptive term. So I am not defaming them. Further, I have not called Recih a pervert, I have concurred with the notion that that is probably an apt description.
mePPPPso you gonna do the pub tang then? after all its only like callin someone shorty innit?
No. I think they deserve the title ‘paedophiles’, though quite what that has to do with the discussion I am at a loss to understand.
me))))))quite simpl. dont call people pervs. especially my friend, Wilhelm. we dont like it, and wont put up with such abuse!
I am not defending anything. I am seeking to clarify certain aspects of Phlogistician’s posts that have apparently been misunderstood by others.